Releases: BornToBeRoot/NETworkManager
Releases · BornToBeRoot/NETworkManager
What's new?
- SNMP - Get/Walk/Set v1, v2c, v3 added
- PING - Tabs added
- Update check - Check the latest release on github and notify the user about the update #34
- Custom Themes/Accent added - Self-created theme/accent-files can be stored in the "Themes" folder (Documentation: How to create a custom theme and accent?)
Bugfixes / improvements
- Remote Desktop - Check if RDP 8.1 is installed (Documentation: How to install RDP 8.1 on Windows 7/Server 2008 R2)
- Remote Desktop - More options for screen size added (size of the current view, auto adjust screen, custom size, drop down with common values)
- Remote Desktop - History for hosts added
- Remote Desktop - Custom port can be configured
- Remote Desktop - Connect via mstsc.exe from session context menu
- IP Scanner - Clients are now displayed if no MAC address was found
- IP Scanner/Port Scanner - Profile view (fold/unfold) are now saved correctly
- Port Scanner - Check if scan is finished, when user has canceled
- Port Scanner - Validation fixed (multiple hosts can not end with
) - DNS Lookup - Query multiple dns servers (Add them in settings and separate them with
) - DNS Lookup - Make several requests at the same time (separate them with
) - DNS Lookup - Custom port can be set in the settings
- DNS Lookup - Resolve CNAME only on ANY requests
- Subnet Calculator - Displays a warning when calculating a large number of subnets #56
- Subnet Calculator - IPv4 Splitter - Removed /0 and as subnetmask input, because it is not a valid subnetmask
- Subnet Calculator - IPv4 Splitter - Disable combobox while calculating
- HTTP Headers - Timeout can be configured in settings
- Bring window to front if minimized and the option "Confirm close" is enabled
- Open settings from tray fixed
- Added search for settings
- PasswordBox - Reveal password added, caps lock icon improved, watermark added
- UI improved
- Documentation can be opened out of the application
SHA256: B70D60EF1DCF285F6DB190C7034E2228F6ABC6B2AF3BAE52B832082FB46681D1
What's new?
- CredentialManager added
Bugfixes / improvements
- Network Interface - "Apply" added to profile context menu
- Network Interface - Reload network interfaces with F5
- IP Scanner - "Scan" added to profile context menu
- IPScanner - Don't show cancel message if already finished
- Port Scanner - "Scan" added to profile context menu
- Remote Desktop - Select credential in add/edit profile dialog
- Remote Desktop - Color depth was not saved
- Remote Desktop - Settings "EnableCredSspSupport" and "AuthenticationLevel" added
- Remote Desktop - Connect as...
- Wake on LAN - "Wake Up" added to client context menu
- Traceroute - Async removed due to too many bugs
- Traceroute - Enable/disable reverse dns lookup
- ARP Table - Add/delete entry
- ARP Table - Multicast indicator added
- ARP Table - View improved
- ARP Table - Reload animation added
- HTTP-Headers - URI validation changed
- Hotkeys on autostart fixed
- Tooltip removed from settings button when application list is expanded
- All dialogs improved (help message, watermarks)
- Application list / settings - Scroll into view
- Groups (Remote Desktop, Wake on Lan, etc.) are now sorted ascending
- ComboBox design improved
SHA256: 10FF4C0DF4812CC3B661ACC1614B3B3496298F98A9AC2F8696DCF9D2AB5C3A19
What's new?
- HTTP Headers added - read http headers from websites
Bugfixes / improvements
- Crash when open second instance fixed (mutex)
- Remote Desktop - Disconnect when tab is pulled out #65
- Network Interface - Fixed a bug where the interace cannot be configured if the name contains a space
- Network Interface - Some values (gateway, etc.) not shown in configure view
- Traceroute - Could not be canceled #66
- Traceroute - Improve performance
- Settings/Appearance/Transparency warning added
SHA256: F90A24DA927A9FEA5EC55A3A25B2926D11B3B46ABD398FD868C8304984EC8AB5
What's new?
- ARP Table - Show and delete
- IP Scanner - IP range can be specified as follows: 192.168.[1-100,200].1 -->,, {..},, (This can be useful to scan gateways)
- Wiki renamed to Lookup
- DNS Lookup - Type (A, AAAA, PTR) moved from settings to main view
- Remote Desktop - Tags for session added (Search "tag=xxx")
- Context menu to selected data grid row added (copy single values)
- Networkinterface profiles - Custom dialog, with groups etc.
Bugfixes / improvements
- Remote Desktop - Disconnect on tab close
- Remote Desktop - Reconnect button added
- Remote Desktop - Adjusted screen automatically
- IP-Scanner - Added default sorting (IP address, ascending)
- Wake on LAN, OUI-Lookup - Added MAC-Address notation 0000.0000.0000
- ContextMenu design improved
- Custom confirm delete/remove dialog
- ComboBox scrollviewer scrollbar adjusted
- Small UI improvements
- Code improved/cleanup
SHA256: 3E79772EA13D32EE702864BD38787CDC9FAA464F6E34462532FE89CC01913068
What's new?
- Remote Desktop manager added
- Rmote Desktop manager - Sessions added (add/edit/copy as /delete)
- IP-Scanner - Profiles added (add/edit/copy as/delete)
- PortScanner - Profiles added (add/edit/copy as/delete) with default profiles (1-1023, ftp, ldap(s), rdp, ssh, webserver) #27
- WakeOnLAN - Clients view changed, added dialog (add/delete/copy as/delete)
- NetworkInterfaces - Enable network interfaces (open "NCPA.cpl" with a button), when no active interfaces found #52
Bugfixes / improvements
- Networkinterface/PortScanner - Profiles are now sorted in ascending order
- Networkinterface - IPv4Gateway NullReferenceException during launch fixed. #58
- IP-Scanner - IP-Addresses can now be sorted (ascending/descending) #16
- General - ToolTip for applications (TranslatedName) added (only visible if not expanded) #19
- SubnetCalculator - Caluclation was wrong for CIDR /31 and /32
- SubnetCalculator - Fix app crash, change Int32 to Int64 for CIDR /0 and /1
- SubnetCalculator - IPv4Split is now async
- SubnetCalculator - IPv4Split ip addresses can now be sort
- Search added for sessions/profiles/clients
- Bugfix - Sessions/profiles/clients where not reset if view wasn't loaded
- Key F2 to edit (session/profile/client)
- Update MahApps.Metro - Window position will be saved again
- Code cleanup, bugfixes
SHA256: 978FEDA24B66488D2CDC6BEC733E0BE6BD30EB1F77D18506680DE8E1B74F249A
Version (BETA)
- Fixed icon path
SHA256: A67F0DE6ED4CCEA0D966A878B69DEA9C8DB12F2F3498DFA261464F076332DF9F
Version (BETA)
What's new?
- NetworkInterface/Config - replaced wmiObject with netsh (not so faulty / admin rights are requested at runtime)
- Settings view in main window integrated
- DNS Lookup - statistics/informations added #45
- DNS Lookup - append domain suffix to hostname #47
- Traceroute - statistics/informations added #46
- Settings/Import - application restart is only required when application settiings have beeen overwritten
- Settings/Import - added option to
#49 - SubnetCalculator - IPv4-Splitter added #21
- Libary - MahApps.Metro updated to v1.6.0-aplha016
- Libary - MahApps.Metro.IconPacks updated to v1.9.1
- Libary - ControlzEx v3.0.2.4 added
Bugfixes / improvements
- Resources - data format changed from txt to xml #50
- NetworkInterface -
renamed toprofile
- WakeOnLAN -
renamed toclients
- Ping - added datetime to log #44
- DNS Lookup - application crash fixed, when custom dns server is empty
- Settings/Export - application crash fixed, when exporting empty settings #48
- NetworkInterface/Profiles - note added (if there are no profiles)
- About - added link to license for project and libaries (opens webbrowser)
- Project slogan added
- UI improved / strings & translation improved / code cleanup
SHA256: 823D49F2EE0FD0C41AEE887E48729D724F722253D9EFBC7DB8AF19A4420D99B8
Version (BETA)
What's new?
- DNS lookup / resolver added (A, AAAA, CNAME, PTR & more) - based on Heijden.DNS (DNS.NET Resolver) #37
- IPScanner - statistics/informations added #30
- PortScanner - statistics/informations added #31
- PortScanner - now several hosts can be scanned
- CommandLine - help added (
) #39 #40 - CommandLine - reset settings (
) #34
Bugfixes / improvements
- Settings now get saved, when pc is shutting down #34
- Settings now get saved, when restart the application #33
- App crash when windows language is not "en-US" or "de-DE" fixed
- Dialogs/Messages improved
- Transparency can be enabled under settings --> appearance (this won't work on all systems!)
- WakeOnLAN - default port added to settings #35
- Minor improvements...
- Code cleanup
SHA256: 26E42E49198F96E8385411B75A0040D3EA0171B93666905E860284B8E8B4A9AB
Version (BETA)
Initial release
SHA256: 0A6AF2CE7C43E4AE9AC0221F9E01F0738C388F16043B9D71DD443BC31840ECF6