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Releases: BrickSchema/Brick

Brick v1.1.1 (Likely the last v1.1 release)

23 Jan 00:18
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Pulling together the old changes we've made, before we merge in the new changes for v1.2

Brick v1.1.0

10 Jul 21:43
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Brick v1.1.0

Brick Release Notes

See the changelog for more details

Brick v1.1 represents the latest release of Brick since v1.0.3. To update existing Brick models, see the convert tool in the main Brick repository

The class hierarchy in v1.0.3 has been refined to eliminate redundant, misleading or unnecessary classes. The majority of these were classes that incorporated the name of their related equipment in the name of the point, e.g. VFD_Output_Voltage_Sensor. These are redundant with modeling the brick:hasPoint relationship between a VFD equipment instance and an Output_Voltage_Sensor.

The class hierarchy has also been extended to cover Substances and Quantities, which are can be used to model aspects of equipment and point behavior.
An expanded set of properties complements the class hierarchy: measures, regulates, hasInputSubstance, hasOutputSubstance and so on.
This release also incorporates an improved Python-based framework for editing and generating the Brick ontology so that the Turtle file does not have to be edited directly.
Finally, Brick v1.1 incorporates a set of tags --- atomic identifiers --- which can be used to annotate and infer classes.

For technical details on these changes, we refer the reader to a recent publication in BuildSys 2019.

Other changes:

  • definitions have been added to the majority of the Brick classes: please file an issue if you have feedback on any of the definitions or would like to add a new one
  • the ontological reasoning requirements of Brick are consistent with the OWL RL ontology profile
  • some restructuring of the class structure in order to make it more consistent
  • tags have been applied to the majority of classes in the Brick definition: For more information on Brick's tags, see the Tags section of the main README

Backwards incompatible changes:

  • the Brick namespace URI has changed from to We will use SemVer for the full versions (this release represents 1.1.0), but the patch version will be elided from the Brick namespace URI in order to facilitate migrating to backwards compatible future version of Brick
  • Brick relationships have been moved from the old brickframe namespace to the brick namespace.

Added 378 classes, removed 1597 classes: the vast majority of the removed classes are not truely gone! They have been separated into their constituent "equipment" and "point" parts.

Other Release Notes

  • addition of unit test framework under tests/
  • alignment with the RealEstateCore ontology under alignments/rec/; more alignments coming soon
  • we recommend the brickschema package for working with Brick models from Python
  • tools for comparing and converting between Brick versions have been introduced


Thanks to all of the contributors!

Brick v1.1.0 Release Candidate 1

21 Feb 03:59
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This marks the release of Brick v1.1.0 rc1, which is being published in order to facilitate feedback from the larger community before we publish v1.1.0.

Brick v1.1.0

Brick Release Notes

See the changelog for more details

Brick v1.1 represents the latest release of Brick since v1.0.3. To update existing Brick models, see the convert tool in the main Brick repository

The class hierarchy in v1.0.3 has been refined to eliminate redundant, misleading or unnecessary classes. The majority of these were classes that incorporated the name of their related equipment in the name of the point, e.g. VFD_Output_Voltage_Sensor. These are redundant with modeling the brick:hasPoint relationship between a VFD equipment instance and an Output_Voltage_Sensor.

The class hierarchy has also been extended to cover Substances and Quantities, which are can be used to model aspects of equipment and point behavior.
An expanded set of properties complements the class hierarchy: measures, regulates, hasInputSubstance, hasOutputSubstance and so on.
This release also incorporates an improved Python-based framework for editing and generating the Brick ontology so that the Turtle file does not have to be edited directly.
Finally, Brick v1.1 incorporates a set of tags --- atomic identifiers --- which can be used to annotate and infer classes.

For technical details on these changes, we refer the reader to a recent publication in BuildSys 2019.


  • the ontological reasoning requirements of Brick are consistent with the OWL RL ontology profile
  • some restructuring of the class structure in order to make it more consistent
  • tags have been applied to the majority of classes in the Brick definition: For more information on Brick's tags, see the Tags section of the main README

Backwards incompatible changes:

  • the Brick namespace URI has changed from to We will use SemVer for the full versions (this release represents 1.1.0), but the patch version will be elided from the Brick namespace URI in order to facilitate migrating to backwards compatible future version of Brick
  • Brick relationships have been moved from the old brickframe namespace to the brick namespace.

Added 393 classes, removed 1517 classes: the vast majority of the removed classes are not truely gone! They have been separated into their constituent "equipment" and "point" parts.

Other Release Notes

  • addition of unit test framework under tests/
  • alignment with the RealEstateCore ontology under alignments/rec/; more alignments coming soon
  • we recommend the brickschema package for working with Brick models from Python
  • tools for comparing and converting between Brick versions have been introduced


Thanks to all of the contributors!


11 Apr 23:27
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Changes are described at #42.


22 May 22:29
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Moves the uses into a separate file, fixes some inconsistencies/bugs in the ontology

- Fix the version in schema files.

Brick 1.0 Release

31 Jan 06:25
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migration for GroundTruth