Releases: BrunoLevy/geogram
Releases · BrunoLevy/geogram
Note: the packages generated by github (Source code links) do not contain the submodules. Use geogram_1.8.4.tar.gz
instead to get everything.
What's Changed
- Complete rewrite of the boolean operations
- Improvements in 2D constrained Delaunay triangulation
- Use GNUInstallDirs variables for CMake install destinations by @hesiod in #76
- Update stb_image.h to v2.28 by @arnaudmathias in #78
New Contributors
- @hesiod made their first contribution in #76
- @arnaudmathias made their first contribution in #78
Full Changelog: v1.8.3...v1.8.4
Note: the packages generated by github (Source code links) do not contain the submodules. Use geogram_1.8.3.tar.gz
instead to get everything.
What's changed
- new 2D constrained Delaunay triangulation
- new mesh segmentation methods
- made texture atlas maker much faster for large meshes (#38)
- anisotropic surface remesher no longer oversmoothes the surface (#29)
- fixed triangle-triangle intersection (#10)
- some dependencies now included as submodules (#49, WIP)
- lots of bugfixes and enhancements
Full Changelog: v1.8.2...v1.8.3
Note: the packages generated by github (Source code links) do not contain the submodules. Use geogram_1.8.2.tar.gz
instead to get everything.
What's Changed
- non-regression tests
- getting ready for packaging for Linux distributions
- smooth surface remesher is now much more accurate with new least squares surface adjustment
- make packer optional in atlas maker and do not destroy the charts by @cdcseacave in #31
New Contributors
- @cdcseacave made their first contribution in #31
Full Changelog: v1.8.1...v1.8.2
What's Changed
- Cleanup generated files. by @jdumas in #2
- Continuous integration via GitHub Actions. by @jdumas in #1
- Cleanup by @FabienPean in #7
- Fix CMakeLists for using geogram as a dependency by @FabienPean in #8
- Fix C++20 Compilation of memory.h header by @DevFdv in #14
- CMake: Add support for building on aarch64 Darwin by @p12tic in #17
- CMake: Fix build on Android NDK by @p12tic in #18
- Use internal linkage for symbols from stb_image.h by @p12tic in #20
- Fix build on iOS by @p12tic in #21
- Fix MSVC intrinsics by @nursik in #22
New Contributors
- @jdumas made their first contribution in #2
- @FabienPean made their first contribution in #7
- @DevFdv made their first contribution in #14
- @p12tic made their first contribution in #17
- @nursik made their first contribution in #22
Full Changelog: