v0.10.14: Dropbox tokens have become much longer now
v0.10.14: Dropbox tokens have become much longer now
Wait longer for NEP server, which is constantly getting slower
Wait longer for NEP server, which is constantly getting slower
added: how to use log files to check fuel consumption
added: how to use log files to check fuel consumption
v0.10.10: year in nerdy timestamp split into century and remainder
v0.10.10: year in nerdy timestamp split into century and remainder
favicon changed + waiting for nepviewer reply
favicon changed + waiting for nepviewer reply
Fixed DST bug in sunrise/sunset calculation
Fixed DST bug in sunrise/sunset calculation
v0.10.6: after initial boiler run per day, don't start it for DHW (op…
v0.10.6: after initial boiler run per day, don't start it for DHW (op…
v0.10.4: use esp32's ntp access instead of broken external lib
v0.10.4: use esp32's ntp access instead of broken external lib
don't use empty pv values from server
don't use empty pv values from server
now stating 1st BSB-LAN version used only
now stating 1st BSB-LAN version used only
code cosmetics (avoid compiler warnings)
code cosmetics (avoid compiler warnings)
v0.9.6: calculate sunrise and sunset to avoid asking for pv updates a…
v0.9.6: calculate sunrise and sunset to avoid asking for pv updates a…
v0.9.5: automatic daylight savings switching implemented
v0.9.5: automatic daylight savings switching implemented
icons shifted one pixel to the right
icons shifted one pixel to the right
v0.9.4: added pv day's total energy display
v0.9.4: added pv day's total energy display
v0.9.1: keep most recent solar power value
v0.9.1: keep most recent solar power value
Force push