- Fixed issue star icon placement for recent GitHub UI changes
- Fixed rendering loops for issue pages
- Updated the extension to work with new GitHub UI
- Updated the extension to work with GitHub's new PR merge experience
- Moved the previous query string params to Onyx
- Added query string params to determine initial checked state for "on hold", "under review", and "owned by someone else" checkboxes
- Included Expensify/Expensify Hot Pick issues to the section with the same name.
- Added
Hot Pick
label to the shortcuts right panel. - Removed
label from the shortcuts.
- Removed the whats app quality section and replaced it with a hot pick section
- Fixed padding added to bullet lists in comments
- Security fixes
- Added a button to GH issues to copy the bugzero checklist
- Added additional linting and CI for Firefox
- Added Firefox build script for Manifest V3 compatibility
- Changed manifest.json to comply with Manifest V3
- Fix the sidebar not redrawing when looking at GH issues
- Allow for code owners to be assigned when there is only one person assigned
- Show on the K2 dashboard if an issue has an owner, and you're not the owner
- Add a filter for issues not owned by you
- Design improvements for light and dark mode.
- Bumped package versions to fix security vulnerabilities.
- Add manual throttling to GH API Calls to protect against unnecessary re-renders
- Upgrade to Node v20
- Fix console error for regex on dashboard page
- Change the color of non-issue owners to be grey
- Updated the octokit client to fix throttling
- Made new filter work in dark mode
- Add filters for held and under review issues in the assigned issues sections
- Added issue owner functionality
- Bumped package versions to fix security vulnerabilities.
- Improve the regex that fetches the repository name, owner and issue number from the current URL work for pull requests as well
- Fetch repository name, owner and issue number from URL instead of relying on the DOM
- Updated getCurrentUser() to retrieve the user's Github username from the meta tag instead of the header avatar
- Added button to the issue sidebar for adding the product manager application review comment
- Added a confirmation button for sending participation comments
- Updated UI to hide / show participation comments
- Updated logic for WAQ groupings
- Fixed duplicate item count in WAQ section.
- Bumped package versions to fix security vulnerabilities.
- Added a count of items for each header.
- Adding repo name prefix to PRs.
- Fixing error when trying to update Labels. GitHub now uses spaces on the components we used to get the repository name
- Updated the instructions to open the K2 dashboard in the App repo
- Added link to the PAT instructions in the FormPassword form
- Removed demolition shortcut
- Updated to show WAQ issues assigned to the current user by default
- Added a checkbox in the WAQ panel to toggle between displaying all WAQ issues and those assigned to the current user
- Fixed unique key prop warning in ListItemIssue component
- Removed unused token and file to make k2 public
- Reworked the dashboard to list WAQ issues
- Added react-native-onyx repo to issues query
- Change title of no priority panel from "None" to "No Priority"
- Hide "No Priority" panel if empty
- Move "Your Pull Requests" section above "Daily Improvements"
- Hide "Your Pull Requests" section if empty
- Move the list of assigned reviews to the top of the dashboard
- Fix bugs with PR mergeability and test status so the correct value is displayed in the expected color
- Added a method for quickly copy/pasting the reviewer checklist into an Expensify/App PR comment
- Added button to the issue sidebar for adding the project manager application review comment
- Added button to the issue sidebar for adding the interview attended comment
- ContributorPlus are now assigned via
label, notExported
- Add
to specify which Node version is needed to install packages in this repo
- Display created PRs with no assignees in 'Your Pull Requests'
- Grey out issues with 'Help wanted' label
- Added emojis to Add Reviewed Doc Comment Button
- Same as 1.1.3 but need a new version to upload to mozilla
- Fix bug that caused blank screen
- Added a button to the issue sidebar for adding the reviewed design doc comment
- Fixed a null reference error when no preferences exist
- Fix the assigned issue list to stop showing filtered issues
- Removed Alt library
- Refactored the last things to use Onyx and Octokit
- Refactored and simplified several of the list and form components
- Fix a bug with incorrect scope for fetching new data
- Update to current version of React
- Update to use ES6 modules
- Introduce the first concept of using Onyx
- Make the right sidebar on issues sticky
- Add Expensify/Expensify Guides repo issues to dashboard
- Show tasks from Expensify/Insiders repo
- Fix sidebar buttons that broke after GitHub changed their markup
- Fix margin and padding on the dashboard and access token form.
- Remove the What's Next functionality
- Fix "Submit" button type so personal access token form submits correctly.
- Add little "E" next to issues with "External" label (and added to legend)
- Changed "Help Wanted" to "Contributor Assigned" in legend
- E/App issues will no longer show purple when they have the "Help Wanted" label, instead they will be purple when they have the "Exported" label and DON'T have the "Help Wanted" label.
- Fixed retry so that list of PRs to review do not vanish after a lapse in internet connectivity.
- Build system was updated with webpack and the old system of gulp was removed
- Add support for
URL parameter to view k2 as another user
- Fix retry so that the list of issues isn't cleared every time we make a request, it is just updated when we get new results
- Add "draft" label to such PRs in "Your Pull Requests"
- Add "Help Wanted" to legend
- Update botify's token for WN dashboard
- Update to have planning issues show red when overdue
- Update to filter out non-Expensify repos in "Your Pull Requests"
- Update to show
repo issues
- Update
repo toApp
in api to display e.cash issues
- Color issues with "Help Wanted" label purple, since we're waiting on action by a contributor to move forward
- Fix backwards owner/repo so that labels work on e.cash issues
- Fix a regex match so that the extension works on expensify.cash issues
- Fix label buttons since GitHub changed their markup
- Grey issues with "Take Home Challenge Sent" label since there is nothing actionable by the engineer
- Surface
issues in the dashboard
- Fix buttons that broke after GitHub changed their markup
- Remove the Scraper label
- Update the
New Issue
button to bring to the template selection window
- Update dashboard styling of issues with the label
Waiting for customer
- Fix K2/WN button links by hard-coding
url instead of relying on GitHub markup - Finish deprecating
variable after switching to token auth
- Fix "Reviewing" button, which broke due to GitHub page layout changes
- Change text of "Reviewing" button to make it more clear
- On the K2 tab, gray out issues when title starts with
- Held issues still display as red if they are labeled "Overdue"
- Restore missing tabs after GitHub UI update
- Restore label colors on K2 page after GitHub UI update
- Fix bug displaying Travis status for builds that are not yet finished
- Better formatting for Travis status that contains underscores
- Make sure we don't display blank Travis status
- Switch from basic auth to token auth (and ease in the change so folks don't have to re-auth)
- Restore functionality that displays Travis status next to pull requests
- GitHub search API sometimes returns closed PRs even with
, so filter those out - Show mergeability status next to PRs
- Clicking on K2/WN tab should work from any other tab, not just repo home
- Fixes Github API rate limiting issue by delaying the pollIntervals for each element in the DOM
- Removes unnecessary API call for getting reviewers
- Fixes tab navigation CSS issue caused by Github class changes
- Adds more detail to react-id keys for list elements
- Fixes the buttons so they show up properly in the GH navbar
- Add a label for WhatsNext and put them in the top of the KSV2 groups
- Switch grid layout to use Bootstrap grid layout because GH changed some of their CSS
- Removes the Mobile label
- Removes the Mobile tab
- Add more items to the legend
- Remove the area 51 tab
- Remove the scraper tab
- Combine some API requests into a single request
- Re-introduced the What's Next view
- Add text labels back to the area buttons (next to the new emojis)
- Shuffle around area / priority / issue type button groups
- Adds Infra label selector
- Removes Area 51 label selector
- Changes all Area buttons to emojis
- Fixed a bug with getting the GH username.
- Updating Pull Requests to Review Requests and ensuring that an unassigned PR will still show up so it doesn't get lost
- Updating planning label color to dark yellow
- List all pages of issues instead of just the first 30 results
- Fixed broken Type Picker for the NewFeature label
- Updated Improvement label color to reflect the new one used in GH
- Replaced the Bug label with the Improvement label
- Renamed Feature label to NewFeature label
- Fixing QA guidelines prep/appending multiple times
- Only enforcing no self-merges on
branches. - Allowing self-merges in some specific infra repos.
- Adding QA guidelines to PR creation and editing.
- preventing a user from merging their own PR.
- Re-release to fix a faulty extension zip we uploaded with 0.7.6
- Removed all functionality of the What's Next tab
- Adjusted the colors for the Daily and Monthly labels, as they changed on GitHub
- Removed some
elements as they're not supported by GitHub anymore :(
- Fixed a bug where the pickers weren't initializing selection properly
- Fixed a bug with the reviewing button not labeling issues properly
- Refactor the priority picker to be just like the type picker
- Change labels to be upper cased
- Add a "New Issue" button
- Add the ability to filter data
- Remove the What's Next functionality
- Quick pickers will be redrawn when they are removed on the issue page now
- Quick pickers will no longer get shown on the new issue page
- Added a new What's Next tab in GitHub. This will show milestones, and allow you to track comments on issues.
- Fixed a class name change for ".counter" to ".Counter"
- Implemented the new "overdue" label to indicate when an issue is overdue
- Fixed a bug where when the list of issues refreshes, it wasn't picking up any changes to labels that might have happened
- Put first pick issues at the top of the list
- Fix broken selector AGAIN
- Change the color of the engineering label
- Fix broken selector
- Combine web and core areas into engineering
- Overdue items will always show red, even if they are in review or planning
- Updating icon and removing beta from the name
- Just bumping the version to try publishing it again. Looks like there was a problem with the last package.
- Fixed a broken selector after GitHub changed a class name
- Updated the password form so that it properly asks for a personal access token
- Added a section to show daily bugs in all areas
- Fixed a bug where the counters on tab names weren't styled properly
- Added an ops tab to show ops issues
- Fixed a bug where hourly issues were being shown in the "none" column too
- Fixed a bug where the overdue status of an issue wasn't calculated properly
- Updated the view for PR waiting for to to not show PRs that are assigned to you
- Changed the view for PRs waiting on you to show PRs that you have finished reviewing, but haven't merged yet
- Fixed a bug where an API failure would cause a weirdly formatted issue list
- Fixed a bug where FirstPick issues wheren't being labeled properly
- Fixed a bug with the API that would create an infinite loop with retrying the API
- Refactored the tabs so that they load appropriately now
- Added a quick label button for the mobile area
- Added a tab for viewing mobile issues to work on
- Tried once again (and pretty much failed) to fix tab switching
- Added automatic API retrying according to GitHubs rate limiting headers
- Swapped the NewHire label for the FirstPick label
- Corrected the logic for the PR lists so that they show the proper PRs now
- Fixed a bug when sorting issues when there were more than 100
- Improved text for your own pull requests
- Improved text for your own pull requests
- Added pagination to the API calls
- Tried to fix tab switching without much luck
- Added full support for GitHub reviewers. This assumes that a PR assignee is the one responsible for merging it. Reviewers, their only job is to review code.
- Added a waiting label for issues that are waiting for customers
- Added a picker for areas and a some color for the other pickers
- Fixing a bug where the PR query shouldn't be just querying the expensify/expensify repo
- Switching issue searches to the expensify/expensify repo
- Bumping version because previous package was corrupt (no js/content.js)
- Added Area 51 to the list of issues
- Fixed a bug where Merge button wasn't disabled for PRs on HOLD when there's a trailing slash in the PRs URL
- Removed crx gulp task
- Added zip gulp task
- Fixed a bug where the label quick selectors didn't work anymore
- Fixed a bug where clicking on the K2 tab didn't work anymore
- Added a label to the list of issues for newhire tickets
- Added styles so that "Planning" and "Waiting for customer" issues are greyed out
- Made it so that when the lists refresh, there is no loading view and the data stays there
- Added a reviewing label switching button
- Add a bug/task/feature label switching button
- Fixed some errors for grabbing the repo name
- Replaced all icons with superscripts because GitHub is dumb and won't let octicons or font-awesome be used
- Added Travis CI status to all PRs
- Fixed a bug that wouldn't allow you to log in
- Fixed a bug causing the re-syncing of data to break the page
- Added an 'hourly' column of things assigned to you
- Added a table of 'issues to work on' for the different areas
- Updated the extension to work with the new GH repo layout
- Made some of the page components redraw on an interval
- Added the ability to quick select KSv2 labels
- Updated all libraries and build tools
- Added a sign out button
- Changed password field to be a password field
- Fixed the merge button that was no longer being disabled
- Fixed the password form
- Updated the styles for aa PR on hold to match the new GitHub changes
- Refined the detection of a held PR to one that contains "[HOLD" or "[WIP" in the title
- Added a dark theme for GitHub but disabled it for now
- Fixed a bug where authored pull requests weren't showing
- Moved the Kernel Scheduling navigation item to the bottom of the github menu (so it don't move things that you are used to having in the same spot)
- Refactored the React components to use Alt-Flux
- Added loading and blank states to the lists
- Changes the page title to K2 when on the K2 dashboard
- Restrict issue and pull request queries to the Expensify organization