Website for the Yoga Sof organization
Site pour l'organisation Yoga Sof
- Full-blown application that includes a front and a back-office
- Schedule classes and manage user reservations
- Email notification system
- Seamless integration with digital calendars
- Clean, affordable and responsive UI
- Easily customizable MDX files
The application was rewritten in November 2022. Because of that, some parts are rough and are planned to be polished in the future.
The production server should be started with the following command:
npm run run-production
The command essentially does the following:
git pull --ff-only
orgit clone
to fetch the source code- Update or define
according to the template.env
npm ci
to install the dependenciesnpm run backup-production
to backup the current database, if there is anynpm run prisma-migrate-production
to run the database migration scriptsnpm run generate-favicons
to generate the faviconsnpm run build
to generate the production build (this operation consumes some memory, make sure the machine has enough)npm run start-production
to start the production server
For a fresh install, you can additionally run npx dotenv -e .env.production
to populate the
database with the initial whitelisted email addresses, as defined in SEED_EMAILS_ADMIN
For a normal update, you may use the command npm run update-production
. This command assumes that both the favicon and the environment did not change.
The source code is made available under the terms of the MIT license.
Please do not reuse the name of our association ("Yoga Sof"), or reuse the photos in an inappropriate way.
If you are interested in having a similar website, contact us at contact[at]yoga-sof[dot]fr