#Change Log
Version 1.0.2 *(2015-09-25)*
* fix bug:some method invalid in built-in dialog

Version 1.1.0 *(2015-09-25)*
* code refactoring
    * use Generic Type to make calling method easy
    * combine MaterialTipDialog and MaterialDialog to one
    * combine NormalTipDialog and NormalDialog to one
    * NormalDialog and MaterialDialog supports at most three btns.

Version 1.1.6 *(2015-11-23)*
* new added attribute isPopupStyle : show Dialog as PopupWindow

Version 1.1.8 *(2015-12-19)*
* new added method cancelText for ActionSheetDialog
* fix bug method setCanceledOnTouchOutside() sometime invalid 
* change code style

Version 1.2.0 *(2015-12-19)*
* new added base widget - BasePopup
* new added built-in widget - BubblePopup
* BaseDialog support auto dimiss in given delay

Version 1.2.2 *(2015-12-20)*
* BasePopup small bug fix

Version 1.2.6 *(2016-01-07)*
* Combine FlycoAnimation_Lib into FlycoDialog_Lib
* Fix bug for View in Popup click no response
* Improve the function of BaseBubblePopup

Version 1.2.8 *(2016-04-28)*
* bugfix issue14

Version 1.3.0 *(2016-05-21)*
* remove the dependence of NineOldAnimation(only support 3.0+)

Version 1.3.2 *(2016-07-18)*
* bugfix issue22