A curated list of awesome WYSIWYG editors.
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WYSIWYG Editors that can be use without dependecy to other libraries or frameworks.
- Adiptal Editor -
& Upgradable to$ Non-Free
- Adiptal Editor is an iframe-based WYSIWYG Editor built on JavaScript. With advanced features & custom elements, it gives clean output to design responsive pages. - Aloha Editor - Aloha Editor is a JavaScript content editing library.
- CKEditor 4 - Battle-tested WYSIWYG HTML editor.
- CKEditor 5 - A set of ready to use rich text editors created with a powerful framework.
- Content Tools - A JS library for building WYSIWYG editors for HTML content. 😴
- Editor.js - A block-styled editor with clean JSON output.
- Etherpad - Etherpad: Really real-time collaborative document editing.
- Froala Editor
$ Non-Free ⊘ Proprietary
- A beautifuly designed WYSIWYG Rich Text Editor based on HTML5. - grande.js - It's a Medium at Starbucks. Pinky ring out. 😴
- Jodit - Rich HTML WYSIWYG Editor and FileBrowser.
- Medium Editor - Medium.com WYSIWYG editor clone. Uses contenteditable API to implement a rich text solution. 😴
- Medium.js - A tiny JavaScript library for making contenteditable beautiful (Like Medium's editor). 😴
- Milkdown - Plugin driven WYSIWYG markdown editor framework.
- Mobiledoc Kit - A toolkit for building WYSIWYG editors with Mobiledoc. 😴
- Pell - The simplest and smallest (1kB) WYSIWYG text editor for web, with no dependencies. 😴
- Pen Editor - Enjoy live editing (+markdown). 😴
- Quill - A modern rich text editor built for compatibility and extensibility.
- SCEditor - A lightweight WYSIWYG BBCode and XHTML editor.
- Scribe -
A rich text editor framework for the web platform, with patches for browser inconsistencies and sensible defaults. 😴 - Squire - An HTML5 rich text editor, which provides powerful cross-browser normalisation, whilst being supremely lightweight and flexible.
- SunEditor - Pure javascript based WYSIWYG html editor, with no dependencies.
- TinyMCE - A JavaScript library for platform independent 'WYSIWYG' or rich text editing.
- tiptap - The headless editor framework for web artisans.
- Trix - A rich text editor for everyday writing.
- Tui Editor - Markdown WYSIWYG Editor. GFM Standard + Chart & UML Extensible. 😪
- UEditor - UEditor is a WYSIWYG rich web editor developed by Baidu fex-team. It is lightweight, customizable, and user-oriented. 😴
- wangEditor - A lightweight rich text editor, friendly API and use extremely convenient. 😴
- web-component-designer - A WYSIWYG Designer for webcomponents as a webcomponent. Live Demo: here
- wysihtml - Open source rich text editor for the modern web. 😴
- on CodeMerge - A modular, open source rich text editor.
- Flowbite WYSIWYG - Open-source text editor based on Tailwind CSS and Tip Tap
jQuery required editors
- bootstrap-wysiwyg - Tiny bootstrap-compatible WYSIWYG rich text editor. 😴
- Dante Editor - Just another Medium wysiwyg editor clone.
- Easyeditor - Very lightweight and highly configurable rich text html editor. 😴
- jQuery-Notebook - A modern, simple and elegant WYSIWYG rich text editor. 😴
- popline - An HTML5 Rich-Text-Editor Toolbar. 😴
- simditor - An Easy and Fast WYSIWYG Editor. 😴
- Summernote - Super simple WYSIWYG editor.
- Toast UI Editor - Markdown WYSIWYG Editor - Productive and Extensible. 😪
- Trumbowyg - A lightweight and amazing WYSIWYG JavaScript editor - 20kB only (8kB gzip).
Editors for your Angular-based project.
- angular-froala-wysiwyg
$ Non-Free
- Angular 4 to Angular 9 bindings for Froala WYSIWYG Editor. - ckeditor4-angular - An official CKEditor 4 rich text editor component for Angular 2+.
- ckeditor5-angular - An official CKEditor 5 rich text editor component for Angular 2+.
- ngx-summernote - Summernote wysiwyg editor for Angular.
- jodit-angular - Angular wrapper around Jodit to make it easier to use in a Angular.
- ngx-quill - An Angular (>=2) component for the Quill Rich Text Editor.
- textAngular - A radically powerful Text-Editor/Wysiwyg editor for Angular.js. 😴
- tinymce-angular - official Angular wrapper for TinyMCE.
- ngx-wig - Angular WYSIWYG HTML Rich Text Editor (Inspired from Angular.js ngWig)
- ngx-editor - Rich Text Editor for Angular using ProseMirror)
- angular-editor - A simple native WYSIWYG editor component for Angular 6 -19+
Editors for your React-based project.
- Alloy Editor - WYSIWYG editor based on CKEditor with completely rewritten UI.
- bangle.dev - Higher level collection of ProseMirror components for building rich text editors.
- BlockNote - Block-based editor based on ProseMirror and TipTap, meant to be easier to set up and learn.
- ckeditor4-react - An official CKEditor 4 rich text editor component for React.
- ckeditor5-react - An official CKEditor 5 rich text editor component for React.
- Dante II - A complete rewrite of dante editor in draft-js. 😴
- Draft.js - A JavaScript rich text editor framework, built for React and backed by an immutable model. 😴
- jodit-react - React component for Jodit Editor.
- lexical- An extensible text editor framework, successor to Draft.js by Meta.
- megadraft - Megadraft is a Rich Text editor built on top of Facebook's Draft.JS featuring a nice default base of components and extensibility
- Plasmic - A WYSIWYG visual builder that lets you drag and drop React components.
- Plate - A rich-text editor based on slate.js powered by AI.Easily build a Notion-like editor.
- Puck - Embeddable visual editor for creating your own page builder.
- React Draft Wysiwyg - A Wysiwyg editor build on top of React and DraftJS.
- react-froala-wysiwyg
$ Non-Free
- React component for Froala WYSIWYG HTML Rich Text Editor. - react-mobiledoc-editor - A Mobiledoc editor written with React and Mobiledoc-Kit. 😴
- react-quill - A Quill component for React. 😴
- react-rte - Pure React rich text "WYSISYG" editor based on draft-js. 😴
- react-simple-wysiwyg - Simple and lightweight React WYSIWYG editor
- react-summernote - Summernote (Super simple WYSIWYG editor) adaptation for React. 😴
- react-trix - React wrapper for Basecamp's Trix editor.
- Slate JS - A completely customizable framework.
- suneditor-react - Pure React Component for SunEditor (Pure javascript based WYSIWYG html editor, with no dependencies).
- tinymce-react - official React wrapper for TinyMCE.
Editors for your Vue-based project.
- umo-editor - Umo Editor is an open-source document editor, based on Vue3.
- ckeditor4-vue - An official CKEditor 4 rich text editor component for Vue.
- ckeditor5-vue - An official CKEditor 5 rich text editor component for Vue.
- vue-froala-wysiwyg
$ Non-Free
- Vue component for Froala WYSIWYG HTML Rich Text Editor. - vue-html5-editor - An html5 wysiwyg editor for Vue. 😴
- vue-mobiledoc-editor - A mobiledoc editor component toolkit for Vue. 😴
- vue-wysiwyg - A lightweight WYSIWYG editor for Vue. 😴
- vue-ckeditor5 - CKEditor 5 for Vue. 😴
- Vue2Editor - A text editor using Vue and Quill. 😴
- tinymce-vue - official TinyMCE wrapper for Vue.
- vue-trix - Simple and lightweight Trix editor component for Vue.
- Everright-formEditor - A visual low code form editor based on vue3. It can create forms with simple operations through the GUI interface. It has a flexible interaction. The PC depends on element-plus while the mobile depends on vant. There is a set of adapters to convert parameters into ones that can be recognized by both element-plus and vant.
Editors for your Ruby-based project.
- bootstrap-wysihtml5-rails - WYSIWYG editor for Bootstrap, integrated in Ruby on Rails assets pipeline. 😴
- bootsy - A beautiful wysiwyg editor with image upload for Rails. 😴
- ckeditor - Ckeditor integration gem for rails. 😴
- Mercury Editor - Mercury Editor: The Rails HTML5 WYSIWYG editor. 😴
- wysiwyg-rails
$ Non-Free
- Ruby gem for Froala jQuery WYSIWYG HTML Rich Text Editor.
WYSIWYG-alike editors
- EmojiOne Area - WYSIWYG-like EmojiOne Converter / Picker Plugin for jQuery. 😴
- GrapesJS - An open-source, multi-purpose, Web Builder Framework.
- last-draft - A Draft.js editor using draft-js-plugins. 😴
- Ory editor - Next-gen, highly customizable content editor for the browser - based on React and Redux. WYSIWYG on steroids. 😴
- prosemirror - The ProseMirror WYSIWYM editor.
- rich-textarea - A textarea component for React to colorize, highlight, decorate texts and offer autocomplete.
- Sir Trevor - Rich content editing entirely re-imagined for the web. 😴
- woofmark - A modular, progressive, and beautiful Markdown and HTML editor. 😴
- ngx-wall - Extensible component based editor with fancy drag-and-drop experience. 😴
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