Hi! Thanks for choosing to contribute to our math repository here on GitHub! Feel free to add all ideas you may have to https://github.com/Kyle-P/Mathematics/blob/master/Ideas.
- All code should be properly commented
- Be sure to test that the user inputs the correct data type. If not, display a message to explain what type of data to use, and allow them to restart the program
- Include a new line at the end of each program
- When adding a new program, please check the ideas file and remove the idea once it's been tackled and merged.
- Be sure to add the programs under the correct subject folders.
- EACH file and explanation file should be in its own folder (for example, all code, explanation files, etc for a certain topic such as the slope of a line should go under Alegbra in a folder named "Slope").
- Make sure your code is well-commented. This ensures that collaborators will be able to easily help with bugs or revisions.
- Each program should come with an explanation README File
- For each program, create a README.md file named [program name]Explanation.md that explains the math concept along with an example problem.
- Each explanation file should also come with a guide on how to use the program. Refer to https://github.com/Kyle-Pu/Mathematics/blob/master/Algebra/Slope/SlopeOfALineExplanation.md for a great example.
- After the explanation files mentioned above are generated, combine the info from the file with the actual program. It might be helpful to put yourself in the user's position and ask yourself if you would understand how the answer was computed based on what the program is outputting. This explanation should be completely optional (on the user's side). First, prompt the user whether or not they would like to see an explanation. If yes, then display the appropriate explanation for the problem.
- Always include in pull requests which issue you are referring to with "[Action such as "closes"] #[issue number]."