feat: enhance Spotify service with error handling and configuration, …
feat: enhance Spotify service with error handling and configuration, …
chore: change clear:message command schedule from every minute to daily
chore: change clear:message command schedule from every minute to daily
chore: update Laravel and PHPUnit versions, enhance song input compon…
chore: update Laravel and PHPUnit versions, enhance song input compon…
feat: add custom error pages with animated cat GIFs and improve texta…
feat: add custom error pages with animated cat GIFs and improve texta…
fix: ensure ClipboardJS initialization occurs after DOM content is lo…
fix: ensure ClipboardJS initialization occurs after DOM content is lo…
feat: enhance dark mode support and improve message component logic
feat: enhance dark mode support and improve message component logic
style: change color on dark mode for input
style: change color on dark mode for input
feat: integration with spotify to send secret message with song
feat: integration with spotify to send secret message with song