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Implement Hero Image into New-BurntToastNotification #80

UniverseCitiz3n opened this issue Oct 25, 2019 · 2 comments

Implement Hero Image into New-BurntToastNotification #80

UniverseCitiz3n opened this issue Oct 25, 2019 · 2 comments


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did you considered adding handling Hero image into New-BurntToastNotification?
Like in no time I've manged to do this.
`function New-BurntToastNotification {
Creates and displays a Toast Notification.

    The New-BurntToastNotification function creates and displays a Toast Notification on Microsoft Windows 10.

    You can specify the text and/or image displayed as well as selecting the sound that is played when the Toast Notification is displayed.

    You can optionally call the New-BurntToastNotification function with the Toast alias.

        You cannot pipe input to this function.

        New-BurntToastNotification displays the Toast Notification that is created.


    This command creates and displays a Toast Notification with all default values.

    New-BurntToastNotification -Text 'Example Script', 'The example script has run successfully.'

    This command creates and displays a Toast Notification with customized title and display text.

    New-BurntToastNotification -Text 'WAKE UP!' -Sound 'Alarm2'

    This command creates and displays a Toast Notification which plays a looping alarm sound and lasts longer than a default Toast.

    $BlogButton = New-BTButton -Content 'Open Blog' -Arguments ''
    New-BurntToastNotification -Text 'New Blog Post!' -Button $BlogButton

    This exmaple creates a Toast Notification with a button which will open a link to "" when clicked.

    $ToastHeader = New-BTHeader -Id '001' -Title 'Stack Overflow Questions'
    New-BurntToastNotification -Text 'New Stack Overflow Question!', 'More details!' -Header $ToastHeader

    This example creates a Toast Notification which will be displayed under the header 'Stack Overflow Questions.'

    $Progress = New-BTProgressBar -Status 'Copying files' -Value 0.2
    New-BurntToastNotification -Text 'File copy script running', 'More details!' -ProgressBar $Progress

    This example creates a Toast Notification which will include a progress bar.

    New-BurntToastNotification -Text 'Professional Content', 'And gr8 spelling' -UniqueIdentifier 'Toast001'
    New-BurntToastNotification -Text 'Professional Content', 'And great spelling' -UniqueIdentifier 'Toast001'

    This example will show a toast with a spelling error, which is replaced by a second toast because they both shared a unique identifier.

    I'm *really* sorry about the number of Parameter Sets. The best explanation is:

    * You cannot specify a sound and mark the toast as silent at the same time.
    * You cannot specify SnoozeAndDismiss and custom buttons at the same time.


[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Sound',
               SupportsShouldProcess   = $true)]
param (
    # Specifies the text to show on the Toast Notification. Up to three strings can be displayed, the first of which will be embolden as a title.
    [ValidateCount(0, 3)]
    [String[]] $Text = 'Default Notification',

    #TODO: [ValidateScript({ Test-ToastImage -Path $_ })]

    # Specifies the path to an image that will override the default image displayed with a Toast Notification.
    [String] $AppLogo,
    # Specifies the path to an image that will be displayed with a Toast Notification in Hero section.
    [String] $Hero,

    # Selects the sound to acompany the Toast Notification. Any 'Alarm' or 'Call' tones will automatically loop and extent the amount of time that a Toast is displayed on screen.
    # Cannot be used in conjunction with the 'Silent' switch.
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Sound')]
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
               ParameterSetName = 'Sound-SnD')]
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
               ParameterSetName = 'Sound-Button')]
    [String] $Sound = 'Default',

    # Indicates that the Toast Notification will be displayed on screen without an accompanying sound.
    # Cannot be used in conjunction with the 'Sound' parameter.
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
               ParameterSetName = 'Silent')]
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
               ParameterSetName = 'Silent-SnD')]
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
               ParameterSetName = 'Silent-Button')]
    [Switch] $Silent,

    # Adds a default selection box and snooze/dismiss buttons to the bottom of the Toast Notification.
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
               ParameterSetName = 'SnD')]
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
               ParameterSetName = 'Silent-SnD')]
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
               ParameterSetName = 'Sound-SnD')]
    [Switch] $SnoozeAndDismiss,

    # Allows up to five buttons to be added to the bottom of the Toast Notification. These buttons should be created using the New-BTButton function.
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
               ParameterSetName = 'Button')]
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
               ParameterSetName = 'Silent-Button')]
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
               ParameterSetName = 'Sound-Button')]
    [Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp.Notifications.IToastButton[]] $Button,

    # Specify the Toast Header object created using the New-BTHeader function, for seperation/categorization of toasts from the same AppId.
    [Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp.Notifications.ToastHeader] $Header,

    # Specify one or more Progress Bar object created using the New-BTProgressBar function.
    [Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp.Notifications.AdaptiveProgressBar[]] $ProgressBar,

    # A string that uniquely identifies a toast notification. Submitting a new toast with the same identifier as a previous toast will replace the previous toast.
    # This is useful when updating the progress of a process, using a progress bar, or otherwise correcting/updating the information on a toast.
    [string] $UniqueIdentifier,

    # A hashtable that binds strings to keys in a toast notification. In order to update a toast, the original toast needs to include a databinding hashtable.
    [hashtable] $DataBinding,

    # The time after which the notification is no longer relevant and should be removed from the Action Center.
    [datetime] $ExpirationTime,

    # Bypasses display to the screen and sends the notification directly to the Action Center.
    [switch] $SuppressPopup,

    # Sets the time at which Windows should consider the notification to have been created. If not specified the time at which the notification was recieved will be used.
    # The time stamp affects sorting of notifications in the Action Center.
    [datetime] $CustomTimestamp

$ChildObjects = @()

foreach ($Txt in $Text) {
    $ChildObjects += New-BTText -Text $Txt -WhatIf:$false

if ($ProgressBar) {
    foreach ($Bar in $ProgressBar) {
        $ChildObjects += $Bar

if ($AppLogo) {
    $AppLogoImage = New-BTImage -Source $AppLogo -AppLogoOverride -Crop Circle -WhatIf:$false
} else {
    $AppLogoImage = New-BTImage -AppLogoOverride -Crop Circle -WhatIf:$false

if ($Hero) {
    $HeroImage = New-BTImage -Source $Hero -HeroImage -WhatIf:$false

if ($Silent) {
    $Audio = New-BTAudio -Silent -WhatIf:$false
} else {
    if ($Sound -ne 'Default') {
        if ($Sound -like 'Alarm*' -or $Sound -like 'Call*') {
            $Audio = New-BTAudio -Source "ms-winsoundevent:Notification.Looping.$Sound" -Loop -WhatIf:$false
            $Long = $True
        } else {
            $Audio = New-BTAudio -Source "ms-winsoundevent:Notification.$Sound" -WhatIf:$false

$Binding = New-BTBinding -Children $ChildObjects -AppLogoOverride $AppLogoImage -HeroImage $HeroImage -WhatIf:$false
$Visual = New-BTVisual -BindingGeneric $Binding -WhatIf:$false

$ContentSplat = @{'Audio' = $Audio
    'Visual' = $Visual

if ($Long) {
    $ContentSplat.Add('Duration', [Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp.Notifications.ToastDuration]::Long)

if ($SnoozeAndDismiss) {
    $ContentSplat.Add('Actions', (New-BTAction -SnoozeAndDismiss -WhatIf:$false))
} elseif ($Button) {
    $ContentSplat.Add('Actions', (New-BTAction -Buttons $Button -WhatIf:$false))

if ($Header) {
    $ContentSplat.Add('Header', $Header)

if ($CustomTimestamp) {
    $ContentSplat.Add('CustomTimestamp', $CustomTimestamp)

$Content = New-BTContent @ContentSplat -WhatIf:$false

$ToastSplat = @{
    Content = $Content
    AppId = $Script:Config.AppId

if ($UniqueIdentifier) {
    $ToastSplat.Add('UniqueIdentifier', $UniqueIdentifier)

if ($ExpirationTime) {
    $ToastSplat.Add('ExpirationTime', $ExpirationTime)

if ($SuppressPopup.IsPresent) {
    $ToastSplat.Add('SuppressPopup', $true)

if ($DataBinding) {
    $ToastSplat.Add('DataBinding', $DataBinding)

if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess( "submitting: $($Content.GetContent())" )) {
    Submit-BTNotification @ToastSplat



@Windos Windos self-assigned this Sep 15, 2020
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Please add a PR @UniverseCitiz3n if you want your code to be added to the main repo :)

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Alright :)

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