We provide several docker files for easy environments set-up. The federatedscope images include all runtime stuffs with customized miniconda and required packages installed.
The docker images are based on the nvidia-docker.
Please pre-install the NVIDIA drivers and nvidia-docker2
in the host machine,
see details in https://docs.nvidia.com/datacenter/cloud-native/container-toolkit/install-guide.html
: based on cuda:11.3 and ubuntu20.04, installed basic env with torch 1.10.1federatedscope-torch1.10-application.Dockerfile
: based on cuda:11.3 and ubuntu20.04, installed torch 1.10.1, and down-stream applications such as graph and nlpfederatedscope-torch1.8-application.Dockerfile
: based on cuda:10.2 and ubuntu18.0, installed torch 1.8.0, used in the initial version developmentfederatedscope-jupyterhub
: based on cuda:11.3 and ubuntu20.04, installed torch 1.10.1, jupyter-singleuser for jupyterhub