Welcome to Raspwn OS 0.12, The intentionally vulnerable image for the Raspberry Pi.
Raspwn OS is a GNU/Linux Distro in the spirit of Damn Vulnerable Linux and uses a Raspberry Pi 2B or 3 to emulate a vulnerable Linux Server. Raspwn was designed as a training tool and exists only to be attacked and pwned. Everything from the OS itself to the daemons and services to the web applications installed are all vulnerable to some degree. The idea is to provide a 'safe' (relatively) and affordable training environment and playground for hackers and pentesters. By loading Raspwn OS and connecting to the Raspberry Pi via WiFi, one can practice pen- testing as well as both offensive and defensive hacking techniques without ever even getting on the internet for only around $50.
On top of the base OS and LAMP stack we have created the Raspwn Web Playground. This website contains a myriad of web applications, all of which are either out-of-date or intentionally vulnerable.
In addition all of to the services and applications listed, the OS itself is based upon a Debian Snapshot from February 2015. So system libraries such as libc (and others ;-P ) have known exploits.
RasPwn OS Is an offshoot of Debian GNU/Linux and would not exist without the work of thousands of folks around the world that make free software a reality.
Raspwn OS requires the following:
- A Raspberry Pi 3b or a Raspberry Pi 2b with a hostapd capable WiFi adapter. (tested and working on ath9k and rtl8188 so far)
- A 5V micro-USB power supply for the pi
- A MicroSD Card - 4GB Minimum (8GB or greater Recommended, Class 10 Recommended)
Note that a Wifi Adapter is only required for the Pi 2b. The Pi 3 has internal WiFi which is hostapd compatible.
Install is the same as any other image for the Raspberry Pi but the image does require a Raspberry Pi 2b or 3.
- Windows - Use Win32DiskImager to flash the SD card.
- MacOS - Use Apple Pi Baker to flash with.
- Linux - Use dd to flash the SD card.
On first boot the image will automatically expand to fill the available space on the SD card and reboot. Once that is complete the Raspwn image should be ready to hack!
Raspwn emulates a vulnerable Debian Wheezy server. To use it just boot Raspwn then connect to the 'RasPwn OS' WiFi SSID. (Password - 'In53cur3!') from your favorite pen-testing set-up. (We like Kali, ParrotS, BlackArch and Pentoo) Once you have connected you can explore the subnet and the *.playground.raspwn.org domain. The Raspwn Web Playground can be found at http://playground.raspwn.org (
Network services running in Raspwn include -
- Bind9 (, - DNS Server
- Postfix ( - Mail Transfer Agent
- Dovecot ( - Mail Client Server
- Samba ( - Windows File Sharing Server
- Apache2 ( - Web Server
- Nginx ( - Web Server
- MySQL Server ( - Database Server
- OpenSSH ( - SSH server
###Playground Web Applications Intentionally Vulnerable Web Applications-
- OWASP Bricks - https://www.owasp.org/index.php/OWASP_Bricks
- Damn Vulnerable Web Application (DVWA) - http://www.dvwa.co.uk/
- OWASP Hackademic - https://www.owasp.org/index.php/OWASP_Hackademic_Challenges_Project
- OWASP Mutillidae II - https://sourceforge.net/projects/mutillidae/
- Peruggia - https://sourceforge.net/projects/peruggia/
- WackoPicko - https://github.com/adamdoupe/WackoPicko
- WebGoat - https://www.owasp.org/index.php/Category:OWASP_WebGoat_Project
Out-Of-Date Web Applications
- Concrete - https://www.concrete5.org/
- Drupal 6.34 - https://www.drupal.org/
- Drupal 7.34 - https://www.drupal.org/
- Joomla 2.5.28 - https://www.joomla.org/
- Joomla 3.4.0 - https://www.joomla.org/
- osCommerce 2.3 - https://www.oscommerce.com/
- phpBB 3.0.13 - https://www.phpbb.com/
- Wordpress 3.8.1 - https://wordpress.com
- Wordpress 4.1 - https://wordpress.com
- Zen-Cart 1.5.4 - https://www.zen-cart.com/
- PhpMyAdmin 3.4.11 - https://www.phpmyadmin.net/
- Samba SWAT 3.6.6 - https://www.samba.org/samba/docs/man/Samba-HOWTO-Collection/SWAT.html
- Roundcube 0.7.2 - https://roundcube.net/
The admin account for web applications is -
- user - admin (admin@playground.raspwn.org)
- password - Pa55w0rd!
The Web applications exist in their own little Universe. Each gets it's DNS from Raspwn and all mail outgoing to the *@playground.raspwn.org is delivered to the local mail server at mail.playground.raspwn.org and can be retrieved via IMAP from that host or viewed from Roundcube in the Playground. Everything from DNS to MTA to MySQL to Apache2 is already set up.
Two email accounts have been set up with the credentials -
user 1 - admin@playground.raspwn.org
password - Pa55w0rd!
user 2 - mrbill@playground.raspwn.org
password - OhNoMrBill!
(More email accounts can be added too but that's a 'coming soon'.)
If you wish to customize RasPwn or play Red vs. Blue, you can logon locally or via SSH. The default credentials are:
- user - pi
- password - pwnme!
The current documentation is minimal (sorry) I'll be adding more as I can.
RasPwn images are put together from snapshots of Debian Linux. This allows us to create a vulnerable system image without breaking the system stability. The end effect is that RasPwn is a fly in amber. The current snapshot is http://snapshot.debian.org/archive/debian/20150203T222332Z/ so any package that was available in Debian Wheezy on February 3rd 2015 can be installed simply by connecting eth0 to the internet and using apt-get. So it's possible to customize the RasPwn image by installing xorg or other software from the Debian repository.
NOTE - It is possible to connect eth0 to the internet and use RasPwn as a (possibly the world's most insecure) wireless router however - IF YOU DO SO PLEASE DO SO FROM BEHIND NAT AND A FIREWALL! DO NOT EXPOSE ANY RASPWN INTERFACES DIRECTLY TO THE INTERNET OR FORWARD INTERNET TRAFFIC TO RASPWN IN ANY WAY!!!
The current Debian snapshot used for RasPwn OS is http://snapshot.debian.org/archive/debian/20150203T222332Z/ Binaries and source for most of Raspwn are in that snapshot, with the following exceptions-
- RasPwn OS uses the Hexxeh rpi-update Kernel for the Raspberry Pi.
- RasPwn OS uses the raspi-config utility by Alex Bradbury.
- RasPwn uses a more recent version of hostapd than Wheezy and has been patched to work with the RTL8188 chipset.
RasPwn OS is GNU/Linux and is released under the GPL License (version 3) a copy of which is included with the image.
RasPwn OS is based on Debian. However they may be appalled by the use we have found for their snapshot mirror. (we hope not.) RasPwn OS is an independent project. It and raspwn.org are not affiliated with or endorsed by Debian.org in any way. (RasPwn OS on the other hand totally endorses Debian!)
RasPwn is free (as in speech) software. It is also free (as in beer). Enjoy!
Bugs, Requests, Shout-Outs, Feedback, Donations, Marriage Proposals, Death Threats, Etc. - Drop me a line :-) - info@raspwn.org