diff --git a/blog/zh-cn/dubbo-admin.md b/blog/zh-cn/dubbo-admin.md index 2c525cfcd173..c44fb405cc0f 100644 --- a/blog/zh-cn/dubbo-admin.md +++ b/blog/zh-cn/dubbo-admin.md @@ -68,4 +68,4 @@ Dubbo2.6到Dubbo2.7,服务治理发生了比较大的变化,Dubbo Admin兼 跟之前版本相比,Dubbo2.7中增加了对服务方法完整签名的记录,因此服务详情中也增加了方法信息的详情,可以看到方法名,方法参数列表以及返回值信息。 * 服务测试: ![test](../../img/blog/admin/test.jpg) -更重要的,元数据为服务测试提供了数据基础,可以在页面上调用真实的服务提供者,方便测试,也不需要为了调用服务去搭建一套Dubbo环境以及编写消费端代码。 \ No newline at end of file +更重要的,元数据为服务测试提供了数据基础,可以在页面上调用真实的服务提供者,方便测试,也不需要为了调用服务去搭建一套Dubbo环境以及编写消费端代码。 diff --git a/docs/en-us/admin/README.md b/docs/en-us/admin/README.md index f831dfb465b9..5d756aa5c7a9 100644 --- a/docs/en-us/admin/README.md +++ b/docs/en-us/admin/README.md @@ -1,4 +1,3 @@ -# dubbo-admin-book -The installation and maintenance guidance of registry center and dubbo-admin. +This document explains the structure, deploy procedure and function of Dubbo OPS diff --git a/docs/en-us/admin/SUMMARY.md b/docs/en-us/admin/SUMMARY.md index 9713d9448264..eced553c4e21 100644 --- a/docs/en-us/admin/SUMMARY.md +++ b/docs/en-us/admin/SUMMARY.md @@ -1,10 +1,4 @@ -* [1 install manual](install/introduction.md) - * [1.1 install provider demo](install/provider-demo.md) - * [1.2 install consumer demo](install/consumer-demo.md) - * [1.3 install Zookeeper configuration center](install/zookeeper.md) - * [1.4 install Redis configuration center](install/redis.md) - * [1.5 install Simple configuration center](install/simple-registry-center.md) - * [1.6 install Simple monitor center](install/simple-monitor-center.md) - * [1.7 install admin console](install/admin-console.md) -* [2 Ops manual]() - * [2.1 admin-console Ops](ops/dubbo-ops.md) +* [1 Dubbo OPS introduction](introduction.md) + * [1.1 service search and detail](serviceSearch.md) + * [1.2 service governance](serviceGovernance.md) + * [1.3 service test](serviceTest.md) diff --git a/docs/en-us/admin/introduction.md b/docs/en-us/admin/introduction.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..1bffad916c20 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/en-us/admin/introduction.md @@ -0,0 +1,65 @@ +# Dubbo OPS introduction +Now version 0.1 has been released, frontend uses Vue and Vuetify as javascript framework and UI framework, backend uses spring framework, you can deploy the whole project with maven or deploy frontend and backend separately. + +### Deploy the whole project through maven + +* install +```sh +git clone https://github.com/apache/incubator-dubbo-ops.git +cd incubator-dubbo-ops +mvn clean package +cd dubbo-distribution/target +java -jar dubbo-admin-0.1.jar +``` +* visit +http://localhost:8080 + + +### Deploy frontend and backend separately + +* frontend deploy +```sh +cd dubbo-admin-ui +npm run install +npm run dev +``` +* backend deploy +```sh +cd dubbo-admin-server +mvn clean package +cd target +java -jar dubbo-admin-server-0.1.jar +``` +* visit +http://localhost:8081 +* in this mode, any modify of frontend will be hot reloaded + + +### configuration: [^1] + +configuration file location +```sh +dubbo-admin-server/src/main/resources/application.properties +``` +configuration: +```properties +admin.config-center=zookeeper:// +admin.registry.address=zookeeper:// +admin.metadata-report.address=zookeeper:// +``` +the three configure item above are configuration center, registry center and metadata center respectively, you can find explanation about the three centers [here](../user/configuration/config-center.md) +Same as Dubbo 2.7, you can set the addresses of metadata center and registry center on configuration center, in zookeeper, the path and content are as below: +```properties +# /dubbo/config/dubbo/dubbo.properties +dubbo.registry.address=zookeeper:// +dubbo.metadata-report.address=zookeeper:// +``` +the addresses in configuration center have higher priority than those in `application.properties` + +visit documents on github: + +```sh +https://github.com/apache/incubator-dubbo-ops +``` + +[^1]: there's no login module in the current version. diff --git a/docs/en-us/admin/serviceGovernance.md b/docs/en-us/admin/serviceGovernance.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..43f2fb536071 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/en-us/admin/serviceGovernance.md @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +# Service governance and configuration management +## Service governance +服务治理主要作用是改变运行时服务的行为和选址逻辑,达到限流,权重配置等目的,主要有以下几个功能: +the basic function of service governance is changing the runtime behaviour and routing logic, to do weight configuration and current limiting: + +### 应用级别的服务治理 +### application level service governance +在Dubbo2.6及更早版本中,所有的服务治理规则都只针对服务粒度,如果要把某条规则作用到应用粒度上,需要为应用下的所有服务配合相同的规则,变更,删除的时候也需要对应的操作,这样的操作很不友好,因此Dubbo2.7版本中增加了应用粒度的服务治理操作,对于条件路由(包括黑白名单),动态配置(包括权重,负载均衡)都可以做应用级别的配置: +In Dubbo 2.6 or earlier version, all service governance rule are in service scope, if you need to make application scope rule, you need to set the same rule for all services under an application, modify and delete need the same operation, this is very unfriendly. In Dubbo 2.7, application scope service governance is supported, condition route(including black white list) and dynamic configuration(including weight, load balance) all support application scope config. +![condition](../../../img/blog/admin/conditionRoute.jpg) +picture above is condition route configuration, can create and search by both application name and service name. + +### tag route +标签路由是Dubbo2.7引入的新功能,配置以应用作为维度,给不同的服务器打上不同名字的标签,配置如下图所示: +tag route is a new feature in Dubbo2.7, in application scope, to set different tag on different server, the screenshot is shown as below: +![tag](../../../img/blog/admin/route.jpg) +the client can use `setAttachment` to specify different tag, is the above case, `setAttachment(tag1)`, the client will choose from the three servers in the picture above. In this way, you can implement features such as traffic isolation and gray release. + +### condition route +condition route is a traditional function in Dubbo, now you can create it in either service scope or application scope. Condition route is in `yaml` format, you can read [here](../user/demo/routing-rule.md) to find more. + +### black white list +black white list is a part of condition route and store with condition route together, you can set black list or white list, in either service scope or application scope: +![blackList](sources/images/blackList.jpg) + +### dynamic configuration +dynamic configuration has the same level with routing rule, it can change the RPC behaviour dynamically without restart service. It supports application scope since Dubbo 2,7, in Dubbo format, the screen shot shows in below: +![config](sources/images/config.jpg) +to read more, please refer [here](../user/demos/config-rule.md) + +### weight adjust +weigth adjuest is part of dynamic configuration, change the weight of server side to do traffic control dynamically: +![weight](sources/images/weight.jpg) + +### load balancing +load balancing is also poart of dynamic configuration, to specify the route strategy in client side. now we have three strategies: random, least active and round robin, to read more, please refer [here](../user/demos/loadbalance.md) + +## configuration management +configuration management is also a new feaature for Dubbo 2.7. In Dubbo 2.7, we can specify configurations in global scope and application scope(including services in application), you can view, modify and create new configurations in Dubbo OPS. +* global configuration: +![config](../../../img/blog/admin/config.jpg) +you can set registry center, metadata center, timeout for provider and consumer in global configurations. If the implementation of registry center and metadata center is zookeeper, you can also check the location of configuration file. +* application and service scope configuration: +![appConfig](../../../img/blog/admin/appConfig.jpg) +application configuration can also set service configuration in this application. you need to specify consumer and provider in service scope: `dubbo.reference.{serviceName}`stands for configuration as consumer side,`dubbo.provider.{servcieName}`stands for configuration as provider side. the address of registry address and metadata center address can only be configured in global configuration, which is also the recommendation way in Dubbo 2.7 +* priority service configuration > application configuration > global configuration diff --git a/docs/en-us/admin/serviceSearch.md b/docs/en-us/admin/serviceSearch.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..f4f16e3157a6 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/en-us/admin/serviceSearch.md @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +# Service search and service detail +Service search is the basic function of Dubbo OPS, you can search by service name, application name and IP address, the service name and application name support wildcard and autocomplete: +![searchResult](sources/images/searchResult.png) +the service detail page display providers, consumers, medata information is supported in Dubbo 2.7 or higher version: +![detail](sources/images/detail.jpg) + + diff --git a/docs/en-us/admin/serviceTest.md b/docs/en-us/admin/serviceTest.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..94bb0d920fe6 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/en-us/admin/serviceTest.md @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +please refer to this [blog](../../../blog/zh-cn/service-test.md) diff --git a/docs/en-us/admin/sources/images/blackList.jpg b/docs/en-us/admin/sources/images/blackList.jpg new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..9f59e9f7dd73 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/en-us/admin/sources/images/blackList.jpg differ diff --git a/docs/en-us/admin/sources/images/config.jpg b/docs/en-us/admin/sources/images/config.jpg new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..e11dd9a0b812 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/en-us/admin/sources/images/config.jpg differ diff --git a/docs/en-us/admin/sources/images/detail.jpg b/docs/en-us/admin/sources/images/detail.jpg new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..68daa3912ebd Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/en-us/admin/sources/images/detail.jpg differ diff --git a/docs/en-us/admin/sources/images/searchResult.png b/docs/en-us/admin/sources/images/searchResult.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..7f5bd639d55f Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/en-us/admin/sources/images/searchResult.png differ diff --git a/docs/en-us/admin/sources/images/weight.jpg b/docs/en-us/admin/sources/images/weight.jpg new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..ec4eb2e00137 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/en-us/admin/sources/images/weight.jpg differ diff --git a/docs/zh-cn/admin/README.md b/docs/zh-cn/admin/README.md index 8cd058e7f106..ca31be42c507 100644 --- a/docs/zh-cn/admin/README.md +++ b/docs/zh-cn/admin/README.md @@ -1 +1 @@ -这篇文档详细讲解了 dubbo 注册中心、管理控制台的安装和使用。 \ No newline at end of file +这篇文档详细讲述了 Dubbo OPS的结构,部署方式和功能介绍 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/zh-cn/admin/SUMMARY.md b/docs/zh-cn/admin/SUMMARY.md index eb654c9ac849..98fe0fa920d0 100644 --- a/docs/zh-cn/admin/SUMMARY.md +++ b/docs/zh-cn/admin/SUMMARY.md @@ -1,10 +1,4 @@ -* [1 安装手册](install/introduction.md) - * [1.1 示例提供者安装](install/provider-demo.md) - * [1.2 示例消费者安装](install/consumer-demo.md) - * [1.3 Zookeeper 注册中心安装](install/zookeeper.md) - * [1.4 Redis 注册中心安装](install/redis.md) - * [1.5 Simple 注册中心安装](install/simple-registry-center.md) - * [1.6 Simple 监控中心安装](install/simple-monitor-center.md) - * [1.7 管理控制台安装](install/admin-console.md) -* [2 运维手册](ops/introduction.md) - * [2.1 管理控制台运维](ops/dubbo-ops.md) +* [1 Dubbo OPS介绍](introduction.md) + * [1.1 服务搜索和详情](serviceSearch.md) + * [1.2 服务治理](serviceGovernance.md) + * [1.3 服务测试](serviceTest.md) diff --git a/docs/zh-cn/admin/introduction.md b/docs/zh-cn/admin/introduction.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..62eb7c3d25c3 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/zh-cn/admin/introduction.md @@ -0,0 +1,65 @@ +# Dubbo管理控制台介绍 +目前的管理控制台已经发布0.1版本,结构上采取了前后端分离的方式,前端使用Vue和Vuetify分别作为Javascript框架和UI框架,后端采用Spring Boot框架。既可以按照标准的Maven方式进行打包,部署,也可以采用前后端分离的部署方式,方便开发,功能上,目前具备了服务查询,服务治理(包括Dubbo2.7中新增的治理规则)以及服务测试三部分内容。 + +### Maven方式部署 + +* 安装 +```sh +git clone https://github.com/apache/incubator-dubbo-ops.git +cd incubator-dubbo-ops +mvn clean package +cd dubbo-distribution/target +java -jar dubbo-admin-0.1.jar +``` +* 访问 +http://localhost:8080 + + +### 前后端分离部署 + +* 前端 +```sh +cd dubbo-admin-ui +npm run install +npm run dev +``` +* 后端 +```sh +cd dubbo-admin-server +mvn clean package +cd target +java -jar dubbo-admin-server-0.1.jar +``` +* 访问 +http://localhost:8081 +* 前后端分离模式下,前端的修改可以实时生效 + + +### 配置: [^1] + +配置文件为: +```sh +dubbo-admin-server/src/main/resources/application.properties +``` +主要的配置有: +```properties +admin.config-center=zookeeper:// +admin.registry.address=zookeeper:// +admin.metadata-report.address=zookeeper:// +``` +三个配置项分别指定了配置中心,注册中心和元数据中心的地址,关于这三个中心的详细说明,可以参考[这里](../user/configuration/config-center.md)。 +也可以和Dubbo2.7一样,在配置中心指定元数据和注册中心的地址,以zookeeper为例,配置的路径和内容如下: +```properties +# /dubbo/config/dubbo/dubbo.properties +dubbo.registry.address=zookeeper:// +dubbo.metadata-report.address=zookeeper:// +``` +配置中心里的地址会覆盖掉本地`application.properties`的配置 + +其他配置请访问github中的文档: + +```sh +https://github.com/apache/incubator-dubbo-ops +``` + +[^1]: 当前版本中未实现登录功能,会在后续版本加上 diff --git a/docs/zh-cn/admin/serviceGovernance.md b/docs/zh-cn/admin/serviceGovernance.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..6f3db55a4faa --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/zh-cn/admin/serviceGovernance.md @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +# 服务治理和配置管理 +## 服务治理 +服务治理主要作用是改变运行时服务的行为和选址逻辑,达到限流,权重配置等目的,主要有以下几个功能: + +### 应用级别的服务治理 +在Dubbo2.6及更早版本中,所有的服务治理规则都只针对服务粒度,如果要把某条规则作用到应用粒度上,需要为应用下的所有服务配合相同的规则,变更,删除的时候也需要对应的操作,这样的操作很不友好,因此Dubbo2.7版本中增加了应用粒度的服务治理操作,对于条件路由(包括黑白名单),动态配置(包括权重,负载均衡)都可以做应用级别的配置: +![condition](../../../img/blog/admin/conditionRoute.jpg) +上图是条件路由的配置,可以按照应用名,服务名两个维度来填写,也可以按照这两个维度来查询。 + +### 标签路由 +标签路由是Dubbo2.7引入的新功能,配置以应用作为维度,给不同的服务器打上不同名字的标签,配置如下图所示: +![tag](../../../img/blog/admin/route.jpg) +调用的时候,客户端可以通过`setAttachment`的方式,来设置不同的标签名称,比如本例中,`setAttachment(tag1)`,客户端的选址范围就在如图所示的三台机器中,可以通过这种方式来实现流量隔离,灰度发布等功能。 + +### 条件路由 +条件路由是Dubbo一直以来就有的功能,目前可以配置服务和应用两个维度,条件路由为`yaml`格式,具体的规则体以及各种适用场景,请参考[这里](../user/demos/routing-rule.md) + +### 黑白名单 +黑白名单是条件路由的一部分,规则存储和条件路由放在一起,为了方便配置所以单独拿出来,同样可以通过服务和应用两个维度,指定黑名单和白名单: +![blackList](sources/images/blackList.jpg) + +### 动态配置 +动态配置是和路由规则平行的另一类服务治理治理功能,主要作用是在不重启服务的情况下,动态改变调用行为,从Dubbo2.7版本开始,支持服务和应用两个维度的配置,采用`yaml`格式,界面如下: +![config](sources/images/config.jpg) +具体的规则体说明请参考[这里](../user/demos/config-rule.md) + +### 权重调节 +权重调节是动态配置的子功能,主要作用是改变服务端的权重,更大的权重会有更大的几率被客户端选中作为服务提供者,从而达到流量分配的目的: +![weight](sources/images/weight.jpg) + +### 负载均衡 +负载均衡也是动态配置的子功能,主要作用是调整客户端的选址逻辑,目前可选的负载均衡策略有随机,轮训和最小活跃,关于各个策略的解释请参考[这里](../user/demos/loadbalance.md) + +## 配置管理 +配置管理也是配合Dubbo2.7新增的功能,在Dubbo2.7中,增加了全局和应用维度的配置,分别在全局和应用范围内生效,其中应用配置也可以指定该应用中的服务级别的配置,可以在控制台中查看,修改配置规则,默认展示全局维度的配置。 +* 全局配置: +![config](../../../img/blog/admin/config.jpg) +全局配置里可以指定注册中心,元数据中心的地址,服务端和客户端的超时时间等,这些配置在全局内生效。除了配置写入,也可以用来查看。如果使用zookeeper作为注册中心和元数据中心,还可以看到配置文件所在位置的目录结构。 +* 应用, 服务配置 +![appConfig](../../../img/blog/admin/appConfig.jpg) +应用级别的配置可以为应用或者应用内的服务指定配置,在服务维度上,需要区分提供者和消费者。`dubbo.reference.{serviceName}`表示作为该服务消费者的配置,`dubbo.provider.{servcieName}`表示作为该服务提供者的配置。其中注册中心和元数据中心的地址,只能在全局配置中指定,这也是Dubbo2.7中推荐的使用方式。 +* 优先级: 服务配置 > 应用配置 > 全局配置 diff --git a/docs/zh-cn/admin/serviceSearch.md b/docs/zh-cn/admin/serviceSearch.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..355975b7461e --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/zh-cn/admin/serviceSearch.md @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +# 服务查询和详情展示 +服务查询是Dubbo OPS最基本的功能,目前支持服务,应用和IP三个维度的查询,并且服务和应用支持模糊查询和自动提示: +![searchResult](sources/images/searchResult.png) +其中详情页展示了服务提供者,消费者等信息,元数据信息需要在Dubbo2.7及之后的版本才会展示: +![detail](sources/images/detail.jpg) + + diff --git a/docs/zh-cn/admin/serviceTest.md b/docs/zh-cn/admin/serviceTest.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..852d1bffd937 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/zh-cn/admin/serviceTest.md @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +请参考这篇[博客](../../../blog/zh-cn/service-test.md) diff --git a/docs/zh-cn/admin/sources/images/blackList.jpg b/docs/zh-cn/admin/sources/images/blackList.jpg new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..9f59e9f7dd73 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/zh-cn/admin/sources/images/blackList.jpg differ diff --git a/docs/zh-cn/admin/sources/images/config.jpg b/docs/zh-cn/admin/sources/images/config.jpg new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..e11dd9a0b812 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/zh-cn/admin/sources/images/config.jpg differ diff --git a/docs/zh-cn/admin/sources/images/detail.jpg b/docs/zh-cn/admin/sources/images/detail.jpg new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..68daa3912ebd Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/zh-cn/admin/sources/images/detail.jpg differ diff --git a/docs/zh-cn/admin/sources/images/searchResult.png b/docs/zh-cn/admin/sources/images/searchResult.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..7f5bd639d55f Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/zh-cn/admin/sources/images/searchResult.png differ diff --git a/docs/zh-cn/admin/sources/images/weight.jpg b/docs/zh-cn/admin/sources/images/weight.jpg new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..ec4eb2e00137 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/zh-cn/admin/sources/images/weight.jpg differ diff --git a/docs/zh-cn/user/configuration/configuration-load-process.md b/docs/zh-cn/user/configuration/configuration-load-process.md index 359ed21b323e..70645e69ef57 100644 --- a/docs/zh-cn/user/configuration/configuration-load-process.md +++ b/docs/zh-cn/user/configuration/configuration-load-process.md @@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ dubbo.reference.org.apache.dubbo.samples.api.DemoService.parameters.item4=value4 - + @@ -178,4 +178,4 @@ public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { } ``` -参考[示例](https://github.com/apache/incubator-dubbo-samples/tree/master/dubbo-samples-api) \ No newline at end of file +参考[示例](https://github.com/apache/incubator-dubbo-samples/tree/master/dubbo-samples-api) diff --git a/docs/zh-cn/user/versions/version-270.md b/docs/zh-cn/user/versions/version-270.md index f19a794559af..2adbd88bf7e7 100644 --- a/docs/zh-cn/user/versions/version-270.md +++ b/docs/zh-cn/user/versions/version-270.md @@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ dubbo.metadataReport.address=redis:// ```xml - + @@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ dubbo.protocol.port=20880 ```xml - + diff --git a/site_config/docs.js b/site_config/docs.js index fd70a2f4a789..349a3660c028 100644 --- a/site_config/docs.js +++ b/site_config/docs.js @@ -566,55 +566,20 @@ export default { title: 'Admin guide', children: [ { - title: 'Installation', - children: [ - { - title: 'Install provider demo', - link: '/en-us/docs/admin/install/provider-demo.html' - }, - { - title: 'Install consumer demo', - link: '/en-us/docs/admin/install/consumer-demo.html' - }, - { - title: 'Install Zookeeper configuration center', - link: '/en-us/docs/admin/install/zookeeper.html' - }, - { - title: 'Install Redis configuration center', - link: '/en-us/docs/admin/install/redis.html' - }, - { - title: 'Install Simple configuration center', - link: '/en-us/docs/admin/install/simple-registry-center.html' - }, - { - title: 'Install Simple monitor center', - link: '/en-us/docs/admin/install/simple-monitor-center.html' - }, - { - title: 'Install admin console', - link: '/en-us/docs/admin/install/admin-console.html' - } - ], + title: 'introduction of dubbo ops', + link: '/en-us/docs/admin/introduction.html', }, { - title: 'Operation manual', - children: [ - { - title: 'Admin console operation guide', - link: '/en-us/docs/admin/ops/dubbo-ops.html' - }, - { - title: 'Tracking with Pinpoint', - link: '/en-us/docs/admin/ops/pinpoint.html' - }, - { - title: 'Tracking with Skywalking', - link: '/en-us/docs/admin/ops/skywalking.html' - } - - ] + title: 'service search', + link: '/en-us/docs/admin/serviceSearch.html', + }, + { + title: 'service governance', + link: '/en-us/docs/admin/serviceGovernance.html', + }, + { + title: 'service test', + link: '/en-us/docs/admin/serviceTest.html', } ] @@ -1289,54 +1254,20 @@ export default { title: '运维管理', children: [ { - title: '安装手册', - children: [ - { - title: '示例提供者安装', - link: '/zh-cn/docs/admin/install/provider-demo.html' - }, - { - title: '示例消费者安装', - link: '/zh-cn/docs/admin/install/consumer-demo.html' - }, - { - title: 'Zookeeper 注册中心安装', - link: '/zh-cn/docs/admin/install/zookeeper.html' - }, - { - title: 'Redis 注册中心安装', - link: '/zh-cn/docs/admin/install/redis.html' - }, - { - title: 'Simple 注册中心安装', - link: '/zh-cn/docs/admin/install/simple-registry-center.html' - }, - { - title: 'Simple 监控中心安装', - link: '/zh-cn/docs/admin/install/simple-monitor-center.html' - }, - { - title: '管理控制台安装', - link: '/zh-cn/docs/admin/install/admin-console.html' - } - ], + title: '控制台介绍', + link: '/zh-cn/docs/admin/introduction.html', }, { - title: '运维手册', - children: [ - { - title: '管理控制台运维', - link: '/zh-cn/docs/admin/ops/dubbo-ops.html' - }, - { - title: '使用Pinpoint做分布式跟踪', - link: '/zh-cn/docs/admin/ops/pinpoint.html' - }, - { - title: '使用Skywalking做分布式跟踪', - link: '/zh-cn/docs/admin/ops/skywalking.html' - } - ] + title: '服务搜索', + link: '/zh-cn/docs/admin/serviceSearch.html', + }, + { + title: '服务治理', + link: '/zh-cn/docs/admin/serviceGovernance.html', + }, + { + title: '服务测试', + link: '/zh-cn/docs/admin/serviceTest.html', } ]