Releases: arrow-kt/arrow
Release 0.4.0
- Update to Kotlin 1.2 and Gradle 4.3
- Lots of documentation added to the official site!
- New integration module: kategory-kotlinx-coroutines
- Add bindInM to monad comprehensions
- Add integration with KindedJ
- Add new wrapper for SortedMap #451
- Add new annotation @autofold to generate Fold lenses for sealed classes #448
- Typealias for multiple datatypes, i.e. Either.Left becomes Left #442
- MonadFilter can now provide comprehension guards #441
- Refactor IO, Kleisli, Reader, ReaderT
- Redo the StateT API
- Removed all @JvmStatic occurrences as they caused issues with proguard
- Fix Yoneda and Coyoneda to have invoke operators instead of the old apply functions
Release 0.3.11
- Instances for Eval
- Iso instances
- Improved kategory processor (Iso, higherkind & instance)
- Eq instances
- Validated fixes
- Corrected Semigroup & Monoid API
Release 0.3.10
- Fixed a problem on Typeclass instance retrieval system causing Android apps to crash. (It was using a method just present on JDK 8).
Release 0.3.9
Release 0.3.8
Kategory 0.3.8
- New RxJava2 compatibility module
- New Optics module
- Effects: TraverseFilter, Bifoldable, Alternative, MonadCombine
- Merged the annotation processor into the main repo
- New typeclass lookup algorithm that works for any arity
- No more dependency on JVM library kotlinx.coroutines for effects
- Artifact upload generated with incorrect naming
Full list of merged PRs
- #250 Remove dependency on kotlinx.coroutines for effects [by @pakoito]
- #104 Add all Composed instances
- #160 Add test-global registry of law tests that removes duplicates
- #191
module and proposed layout includingFunctor
[by @raulraja] - #207 Wrapper and instances for
- #226 Add MonadFilter [by @JorgeCastilloPrz]
- #233 Add kategory-effects-rx2 [by @pakoito]
- #234 Improve Jobs [by @pakoito]
- #236 Add ApplicativeError laws [by @pakoito]
- #237 Recursion schemes [by @pakoito]
- #238 MonadError instance for Option
- #241 Add wrapper and instances for Sequence [by @pt2121, @pakoito]
- #242 Add MonadFilter [by @JorgeCastilloPrz]
- #247 Add wrapper class for Set [by @victorg1991, @pakoito]
- #248 Add MonadCombine [by @JorgeCastilloPrz]
- #249 Add Alternative [by @JorgeCastilloPrz]
- #110 Add katz-rx module
- #251 Optics module with initial lens impl [by @nomisRev]
- #253 Add TraverseFilter [by @tonilopezmr]
- #255 Add TraverseFilter [by @tonilopezmr, @pakoito]
- #256 Add Alternative [by @JorgeCastilloPrz]
- #257 Add Bifoldable [by @JorgeCastilloPrz]
- #258 Initial prism impl [by @nomisRev, @raulraja]
- #259 Bring
to thekategory
repo [by @raulraja] - #260 Add all possible implicit objects to manual instances
- #261 Add Alternative, Bifoldable, and MonadCombine [by @JorgeCastilloPrz, @raulraja]
- #262 Move SetKW files to the correct folder [by @victorg1991, @pakoito]
- #263 Update kotlin-metadata library from 1.1.0 to 1.2.0 [by @Takhion, @raulraja]
- #264 Typeclasses implicit objects [by @raulraja]
- #266 Alias for applicative builders for Try and other evaluation-based datatypes [by @anstaendig, @pakoito]
- #267 Prism processor [by @nomisRev]
- #270 Iso and iso generation [by @nomisRev]
- #273 Add lacking laws test for monadCombine ListKW instance [by @JorgeCastilloPrz, @raulraja]
- #278 #266: Alias constructors for applicative builders for Try, Eval, IO [by @anstaendig, @pakoito]
Release 0.3.5
- Global Syntax
- Partial Functions
- New data types: ListKW, Const, FreeApplicative
- New typeclasses: MonadError, MonadReader, MonadState, MonadWriter, SemigroupK, MonoidK, FunctorFilter, Reducible
- Laws for most typeclasses
- Binding now allows CoroutineContext
- New package: kategory-effects. UNSTABLE/EXPERIMENTAL
- Data types: IO, JobKW
- Typeclass:AsyncContext
- New package: kategory-test
- All laws have moved here
- New Generators and helpers
- Code generation: support for @higherkind and @deriving
- Documentation: add ank to compile documentation
Release 0.3.4
- StateT type
- Discipline
- IO Monad
- Kleisli instances
- Test laws
- Remove remaining katz references
- Fix usage in Android API below 19
Full list of closed PRs:
#122 MonadError Laws [by @raulraja]
#65 Create discipline [by @JMPergar]
#112 Typeclasses laws [by @raulraja]
#116 Rename test folder from katz to kategory [by @Guardiola31337, @ffgiraldez]
#117 Remove katz directory [by @raulraja, @pakoito]
#119 fix usage on android API <19 [by @ffgiraldez, @pakoito]
#120 Add fixes to Monads found by new Law checks [by @pakoito, @raulraja]
#121 Address PR changes in Eq [by @pakoito]
#109 Add IO Monad [by @pakoito, @ffgiraldez]
#123 Add instances to Kleisli [by @pakoito]
#124 Add tests for StateT
#125 Extract common implementations of Eq [by @pakoito]
#126 Fix first Reader implicit instantiation [by @pakoito, @ffgiraldez]
#127 Kleisli and EitherT extra instances and tests + some fixes [by @raulraja]
#128 Add laws for Foldable instances [by @pakoito]
#129 Add instance lookup for Foldable and Traverse methods [by @pakoito]
Release 0.3.3
First release using new Organization 🎉
New stuff
- WriterT
- Yoneda
- CoYoneda
- Cokleisli
- Support co-monadic comprehension
- Cofree
- Bimonad
- Foldable
- Traversable
Probably this should be enough to promote to 0.4 but not this time 😄
Added EitherT
Fix implicit monad in Keisli #81
Kotlin version 1.1.3
Upgraded Kotlin to v1.1.3 to fix inference errors during builds.