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227 lines (187 loc) · 3.75 KB

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227 lines (187 loc) · 3.75 KB

#include using namespace std;


class complex; complex& __doapl (complex* ths, const complex& r); complex& __doami (complex* ths, const complex& r); complex& __doaml (complex* ths, const complex& r);

class complex { public: complex (double r = 0, double i = 0): re (r), im (i) { } complex& operator += (const complex&); complex& operator -= (const complex&); complex& operator *= (const complex&); complex& operator /= (const complex&); double real () const { return re; } double imag () const { return im; } private: double re, im;

friend complex& __doapl (complex *, const complex&); friend complex& __doami (complex *, const complex&); friend complex& __doaml (complex *, const complex&); };

inline complex& __doapl (complex* ths, const complex& r) { ths->re +=; ths->im +=; return *ths; }

inline complex& complex::operator += (const complex& r) { return __doapl (this, r); }

inline complex& __doami(complex* ths,const complex&r) { ths->; ths->; return *ths; }

inline complex& complex::operator -=(const complex&r) { return __doami(this,r); }

inline complex& __doaml (complex* ths, const complex& r) { double f = ths->re * - ths->im *; ths->im = ths->re * + ths->im *; ths->re = f; return *ths; }

inline complex& complex::operator *=(const complex&r) { return __doaml(this,r); }

inline double real(const complex&x) { return x.real(); }

inline double imag(const complex&x) { return x.imag(); }

inline complex operator +(const complex& x,const complex& y) { return complex(real(x)+real(y),imag(x)+imag(y)); }

inline complex operator +(const complex& x,double y) { return complex(real(x)+y,imag(x)); }

inline complex operator +(double x,const complex& y) { return complex(real(y)+x,imag(y)); }

inline complex operator -(const complex& x,const complex& y) { return complex(real(x)-real(y),imag(x)-imag(y)); }

inline complex operator -(const complex& x,double y) { return complex(real(x)-y,imag(x)); }

inline complex operator -(double x,const complex& y) { return complex(x-real(y),imag(y)); }

inline complex operator *(const complex& x,const complex& y) { return complex (real (x) * real (y) - imag (x) * imag (y), real (x) * imag (y) + imag (x) * real (y)); }

inline complex operator * (const complex& x, double y) { return complex (real (x) * y, imag (x) * y); }

inline complex operator * (double x, const complex& y) { return complex (x * real (y), x * imag (y)); }

complex operator / (const complex& x, double y) { return complex (real (x) / y, imag (x) / y); }

inline complex operator + (const complex& x) { return x; }

inline complex operator - (const complex& x) { return complex (-real (x), -imag (x)); }

inline bool operator ==(const complex& x,const complex& y) { return real(x)==real(y)&&imag(x)==imag(y); }

inline bool operator == (const complex& x, double y) { return real (x) == y && imag (x) == 0; }

inline bool operator == (double x, const complex& y) { return x == real (y) && imag (y) == 0; }

inline bool operator != (const complex& x, const complex& y) { return real (x) != real (y) || imag (x) != imag (y); }

inline bool operator != (const complex& x, double y) { return real (x) != y || imag (x) != 0; }

inline bool operator != (double x, const complex& y) { return x != real (y) || imag (y) != 0; }


inline complex polar (double r, double t) { return complex (r * cos (t), r * sin (t)); }

inline complex conj (const complex& x) { return complex (real (x), -imag (x)); }

inline double norm (const complex& x) { return real (x) * real (x) + imag (x) * imag (x); }

ostream& operator <<(ostream& os,const complex& x) { return os<<'('<<real(x)<<','<<imag(x)<<')'; }
