Simple bash script which downloads, installs and sets up GaaS: Gophish as a Service. Current version (Gophish Linux 64-bit v0.12.1) has been tested on Debian and Ubuntu. If Gophish has been configured successfully as a service, it will also start on boot.
Thanks @jordan-wright and all other contributors for creating Gophish, the tool has been really helpful along the way :)
First download the repo with git, navigate into directory and make the bash files executable.
Open your terminal and enter the following commands:
git clone
cd buildphish
chmod +x *.sh
Now you can run the script to build Gophish as a Service:

You can run the cleanphish script to clean Gophish as service:
sudo ./
________ ____ __ _ __
/ ____/ /__ ____ _____ / __ \/ /_ (_)____/ /_
/ / / / _ \/ __ `/ __ \/ /_/ / __ \/ / ___/ __ \
/ /___/ / __/ /_/ / / / / ____/ / / / (__ ) / / /
\____/_/\___/\__,_/_/ /_/_/ /_/ /_/_/____/_/ /_/
Made by bl13pbl03p v.0.1
[-] Removing service
[-] Removing Gophish
[-] Removing logs
[-] Removing Gophish user
[+] Bye bye Gophish
- Build initial script
- Check if Gophish already exists as service
- Add uninstall script
- Add ASCII banner
- Check if Apache2 service exists
- Add nice colors Possible helpful docs
- Hash check of zip file
- Make cross-platform
- Show initial password
- Add loading bar when downloading and unzipping gophish
- Add preview to README
- More functions and fun stuff
- Upgrade to Evilgophish
- Create user evilgophish
The following error might occur while installing:
Failed to enable unit: File /etc/systemd/system/gophish.service already exists.
The error can be ignored, for more info see: