- Run only the tests that cover lines that have been changed.
- View the report for only files that have been changed.
- Generate code coverage report in markdown.
- ✅ Speed up TDD by only running the tests that cover the code you're working on.
- ✅ GitHub Actions workflow to print the code coverage report for the changed files in a pull request.
Via Phive:
phive install brianhenryie/php-diff-test
Or via Composer:
composer require --dev brianhenryie/php-diff-test
Requires XDEBUG_MODE=coverage
Prints a filter to use with PHPUnit or Codeception, so you only run tests relevant to changes in the branch you're working on.
- Run:
phpunit --filter="$(php-diff-test filter)"
orcodecept run suitename "$(php-diff-test filter)"
. - Try just
php-diff-test filter
to see the filter that will be applied, which is effectivelyphp-diff-test filter --input-files <glob *.cov> --diff-from main --diff-to HEAD~0 --granularity line
- Try
php-diff-test filter --diff-from HEAD~3
to print a shallower filter - Try
php-diff-test filter --granularity file
to print a filter which includes all tests that cover any line in changed files (this makes the HTML report make more sense)
Outputs a new .cov
file containing only the files whose lines have been changed in the diff. Intended to then print a HTML coverage report
- Run:
php-diff-test coverage --input-files "php-coverage1.cov,php-coverage2.cov" --diff-from main --diff-to HEAD~0 --output-file diff-coverage/diff-from-to.cov
- Then to generate the new HTML report:
phpcov merge ./diff-coverage --html ./diff-coverage/report
. NBphpcov
will merge all.cov
files in the directory and subdirectories so you should setphp-diff-test coverage
's new.cov
to be in its own directory.
Runs git diff
, parses which lines have been changed, parses *.cov
codecoverage files to match which tests cover those lines.
The script looks in the current working directory, its tests
subfolder, and each of the tests
immediate subfolders for *.cov
It also checks tests
for Codeception *.suite.y*ml
files, and assumes a file named unit.cov
corresponds with unit.suite.yml
to determine should the output be formatted for codecept run...
syntax rather than PHPUnit --filter="..."
Obviously, it's assumed you're working inside a Git repo and have previously generated code coverage (in PHP .cov
⚠️ This has been tested to just over 500 test cases. It will inevitably have its limits, when you should probably use groups to first generate the coverage to be filtered.
Rough notes
"scripts": {
"post-install-cmd": [
"post-update-cmd": [
"install-phive-dependencies": [
"if [ -z \"$(command -v phive)\" ]; then echo \"Phive is not installed. Run 'brew install gpg phive' or see https://phar.io/.\"; exit 1; fi;",
"phive install"
"test-changes": [
"if [ -z \"$(command -v ./tools/php-diff-test)\" ]; then echo \"Please install 'php-diff-test' with 'phive install'.\"; exit 1; fi;",
"if [ \"$XDEBUG_MODE\" != \"coverage\" ]; then echo 'Run with XDEBUG_MODE=coverage composer test-changes'; exit 1; fi;",
"phpunit --filter=\"$(./tools/php-diff-test filter --input-files tests/_reports/php.cov --granularity=line)\" --coverage-text;"
"test-changes-report": [
"if [ -z \"$(command -v ./tools/php-diff-test)\" ]; then echo \"Please install 'php-diff-test' with 'phive install'.\"; exit 1; fi;",
"if [ -z \"$(command -v ./tools/phpcov)\" ]; then echo \"Please install 'phpcov' with 'phive install'.\"; exit 1; fi;",
"if [ \"$XDEBUG_MODE\" != \"coverage\" ]; then echo 'Run with XDEBUG_MODE=coverage composer test-changes-report'; exit 1; fi;",
"if [ -d \"tests/_reports/diff\" ]; then rm -rf tests/_reports/diff; fi;",
"phpunit --filter=\"$(./tools/php-diff-test filter --input-files tests/_reports/php.cov --granularity file)\" --coverage-text --coverage-php tests/_reports/diff/php.cov -d memory_limit=-1;",
"./tools/php-diff-test coverage --input-files tests/_reports/diff/php.cov --output-file tests/_reports/diff/php.cov;",
"./tools/phpcov merge tests/_reports/diff --html tests/_reports/diff/html;",
"open tests/_reports/diff/html/index.html"
"test-coverage": [
"if [ \"$XDEBUG_MODE\" != \"coverage\" ]; then echo \"Run with 'XDEBUG_MODE=coverage composer test-coverage'\"; exit 1; fi;",
"phpunit --coverage-text --coverage-html tests/_reports/html --coverage-clover tests/_reports/clover.xml --coverage-php tests/_reports/php.cov -d memory_limit=-1 --order-by=random",
"php-coverage-badger tests/_reports/clover.xml .github/coverage.svg",
"if [ $(command -v ./tools/phpcov) ]; then git diff main...head > /tmp/main.diff; ./tools/phpcov patch-coverage --path-prefix $(pwd) ./tests/_reports/php.cov /tmp/main.diff || true; fi;",
"# Run 'open ./tests/_reports/html/index.html' to view report."
"scripts-descriptions": {
"test-changes": "Run PHPUnit only on lines that have changed in main...HEAD",
"test-changes-report": "Run PHPUnit only on files that have changed in main...HEAD and display the HTML report.",
"test-coverage": "Run PHPUnit tests with coverage. Use 'XDEBUG_MODE=coverage composer test-coverage' to run, 'open ./tests/_reports/html/index.html' to view."
Rough notes:
name: Code Coverage
# Runs PHPUnit with code coverage enabled, commits the html report to
# GitHub Pages, generates a README badge with the coverage percentage.
# Requires a gh-pages branch already created.
# git checkout --orphan gh-pages
# touch index.html
# git add index.html
# git commit -m 'Set up gh-pages branch' index.html
# git push origin gh-pages
# @author BrianHenryIE
- master
- '**.php'
types: [ opened, reopened, ready_for_review, synchronize ]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
pull-requests: write # For mshick/add-pr-comment
php-version: ['8.2']
- name: Checkout repository
uses: actions/checkout@v4
fetch-depth: 0 # Fetch all history for git diff.
- name: Install PHP
uses: shivammathur/setup-php@v2
php-version: ${{ matrix.php-version }}
tools: composer:v2, phive
coverage: xdebug
- name: Install Phive tools
uses: ngmy/phive-install-action@master # Running Phive install requires console input, this takes care of that.
- name: Checkout GitHub Pages branch for code coverage report
uses: actions/checkout@v4
ref: gh-pages
path: tests/_reports/html
- name: Install dependencies
run: composer update
- name: Clear previous code coverage
working-directory: tests/_reports/html
run: |
rm -rf *
- name: Execute tests with full code coverage report
run: XDEBUG_MODE=coverage composer run-script test-coverage
# run: XDEBUG_MODE=coverage vendor/bin/phpunit --filter="unit|integration" --coverage-html tests/_reports/html --coverage-clover tests/_reports/clover.xml --coverage-php tests/_reports/php.cov -d memory_limit=-1 --order-by=random
- name: Generate diff coverage report
if: ${{ matrix.php-version == '8.2' && github.event_name == 'pull_request' }}
run: |
# Determine the commit that the branch was created from.
BRANCHED_COMMIT=$(git rev-list $(git rev-parse HEAD) ^origin/master | tail -n 1)
# Filter the code coverage report to only include the files that have changed.
./tools/php-diff-test coverage --input-files "tests/_reports/php.cov" --diff-from $BRANCHED_COMMIT --diff-to ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha }} --output-file tests/_reports/branch/branch.cov
# Generate the HTML report for the filtered code coverage report.
./tools/phpcov merge tests/_reports/branch/ --html tests/_reports/diff/html
- name: Generate code coverage markdown report
if: ${{ matrix.php-version == '8.2' && github.event_name == 'pull_request' }}
run: |
./tools/php-diff-test markdown-report --input-file "./tests/_reports/branch/branch.cov" --output-file code-coverage.md
- name: Add code coverage comment/reply to PR
uses: mshick/add-pr-comment@v2
if: ${{ matrix.php-version == '8.2' && github.event_name == 'pull_request' }}
message-path: |
- name: Add code coverage output to gh-pages
working-directory: tests/_reports/html
run: |
touch .nojekyll
git add -- .nojekyll *
- name: Commit code coverage to gh-pages
if: ${{ github.ref == 'refs/heads/master' && matrix.php-version == '8.2' }} # only commit on master, once
uses: stefanzweifel/git-auto-commit-action@v5
repository: tests/_reports/html
branch: gh-pages
commit_message: "🤖 Update code coverage to gh-pages"
commit_options: ""
GITHUB_TOKEN: "${{ github.token }}"
- name: Update README badge
run: vendor/bin/php-coverage-badger tests/_reports/clover.xml .github/coverage.svg
- name: Commit code coverage badge
if: ${{ github.ref == 'refs/heads/master' && matrix.php-version == '8.2' }} # only commit on master, once
uses: stefanzweifel/git-auto-commit-action@v5
commit_message: "🤖 Update code coverage badge" # TODO: Add percentage to commit message
GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.DEPLOY_KEY }} # Required when master branch is protected.
I think the diff doesn't track unstaged/uncommitted files which could have code coverage- Also run tests changed in the diff / run all tests changed since the code coverage was generated (i.e. Tests written after the code coverage report are not included in the filter)
- Figure how best merge/increment coverage reports – i.e. once
php-diff-test coverage
has been run on the full coverage report, add to it when new tests are written Allow specifying a hash to diff with – i.e. make pull requests run faster- sebastianbergmann/php-code-coverage#571 – code coverage annotations make this tool less thorough
Tidy up the code – I'm not sure is the diff report's lines the current lines or the before lines... use both for best effect- Tests!
- Should this be implemented as a PHPUnit extension?