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Cedar DRT

This folder contains code for fuzzing, property-based testing, and differential testing of Cedar. See the README in the toplevel directory .. for instructions on how to run.

Available fuzz targets

The table below lists all available fuzz targets, including which component of the code they test and whether they perform differential testing of the Rust code against the Lean spec (DRT) or property-based testing of the Rust code (PBT). The latter properties are subdivided in the table as round trip properties and general properties.

Name Component(s) tested Type Description
abac-type-directed Authorizer DRT Diff test authorizer on ABAC policies using (mostly) well-typed inputs
abac Authorizer DRT Diff test authorizer on ABAC policies
eval-type-directed Evaluator DRT Diff test evaluator on (mostly) well-typed expressions
rbac-authorizer Authorizer DRT Test for correct authorization responses over a set of simple policies
rbac Authorizer DRT Diff test authorizer on sets of RBAC policies, including template instantiations
validation-drt-type-directed Validator DRT Diff test validation using (mostly) well-typed inputs
validation-drt Validator DRT Diff test validation
entity-validation Entity Validator DRT Diff test entity validation
request-validation Request Validator DRT Diff test request validation
formatter Policy formatter, Pretty printer, Parser PBT Test round trip property: parse ∘ format ∘ pretty-print == id for ASTs
formatter-bytes Policy formatter, Parser PBT The same as formatter, but we start with an arbitrary string instead of pretty-printing a policy AST
json-schema-roundtrip Schema parser PBT Test round trip property: parse ∘ pretty-print ∘ parse-json ∘ print-json == id for schemas
roundtrip Pretty printer, Parser, Conversion to JSON PBT Test round trip property: parse ∘ pretty-print == deserialize ∘ serialize == id for policy ASTs
policy-set-roundtrip Pretty printer, Parser, Conversion to JSON PBT Test round trip property: parse ∘ pretty-print == deserialize ∘ serialize == id for a policy set ASTs
schema-roundtrip Schema parser PBT Test round trip property: parse ∘ pretty-print == id for schemas
convert-schema-json-to-human Schema parser PBT Test we can convert all human schemas to equivalent JSON. parse == parse-json ∘ print-json ∘ parse
convert-schema-human-to-json Schema parser PBT Test we can convert all JSON schemas to an equivalent human format schema. parse-json == parse ∘ pretty-print ∘ parse-json
convert-policy-cedar-to-json Parser, Conversion to JSON PBT Test we can convert all policies to an equivalent EST. parse-ast ∘ parse-cst == deserialize ∘ serialize ∘ parse-cst
convert-policy-json-to-cedar Parser, JSON Parser PBT Test we can convert all EST to an equivalent policy in the human-readable cedar syntax. deserialize == parse-ast ∘ pretty-print ∘ deserialize
roundtrip-entities Entity parser PBT Test round trip property for entity data. parse-entity-json ∘ serialize-entity == id for entities
roundtrip-entities-bytes Entity parser PBT Test the same round trip property for entity data, starting from an arbitrary string instead of generating the entities data structure
simple-parser Parser PBT Test that parsing doesn't crash with random input strings
validation-pbt Validator PBT Test that validated policies do not result in type errors
validation-pbt-type-directed Validator PBT Test that validated policies do not result in type errors using (mostly) well-typed inputs
entity-manifest-drt-type-directed Entity Slicing DRT Test that entity slicing produces the same authorization response as without it.
wildcard-matching String matching algorithm used for the like operator PBT Test algorithm against a regex-based implementation

Generating corpus tests

When using the abac or abac-type-directed targets, you can set DUMP_TEST_DIR and DUMP_TEST_NAME to have the fuzzer write out inputs in the format used by our integration tests. The script will run the fuzzer for a set amount of time and then write the (minimized) corpus inputs into a folder using the integration test format. You can adjust the script's behavior using the following environment variables:

  • FUZZ_TARGET: abac or abac-type-directed (default = abac)
  • TIMEOUT: how long to run (default = 15m)
  • JOBS: number of jobs (default = 4)
  • DUMP_DIR: where to write the results (default = ./corpus_tests)

Debugging build failures

If you run into weird build issues,

  1. Make sure you have run source, which sets all the environment variables needed to run the Lean definitional code.
  2. Make sure you have built the Lean library with ( cd ../cedar-lean && ../cedar-drt/ ). See the cedar-lean README if this command doesn't work.
  3. Try a cargo clean and rebuild.
  4. If the steps above don't help, then file an issue.

If everything builds, but the integration tests are failing, then it may be helpful to set RUST_BACKTRACE=1 and run cargo test -- --nocapture to print additional test information.

Running integration tests

The integration tests are run by default in CI (e.g., as a part of each pull request), but you can also run them locally. In order to do this, you need to have the cedar and cedar-integration-tests repositories cloned locally. cedar should be in the toplevel directory (so ../cedar) and cedar-integration-tests should be in the cedar directory (so ../cedar/cedar-integration-tests). Then, run cargo test --features "integration-testing".

# starting in the top-level directory (..)
git clone --depth 1
cd cedar
rm -rf cedar-integration-tests
git clone --depth 1
cd cedar-integration-tests
tar xzf corpus-tests.tar.gz
cd ../../cedar-drt
cargo test --features "integration-testing"