Releases: dotnet/MQTTnet
Releases · dotnet/MQTTnet
- [MqttServer] Added support for publishing application messages
- [Core] Fixed QoS level 2 handling
- [Core] Performance optimizations
- [MqttClient/MqttServer] Errors while handline application messages are now catched and traced
- [MqttClient/MqttServer] Added interfaces
- [Core] Any exception while accessing the underlying data source is now rethrown as "MqttCommunicationException".
- [Core] Extended exception information when an invalid packet type is received.
- [Server] Added TLS 1.2 support (but not for UWP) (thanks to Zazzmatazz)
- [Client] Added TLS 1.2 support (thanks to Zazzmatazz)
- [Core] Optimized async task management
- [Nuget] Fixed x64 files
- [Server] Added support for complex client IDs.
- [Server] Fixed an issue with not correctly removed old client sessions.
- [Server] Several minor performance improvements.
- [Server] An existing client session is no longer closed if a new client connection is invalid.
- [Client] Added support for sending "CleanSession" flag.