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UMI-linked consensus sequencing tool.
Scripts accompanying "UMI-linked consensus sequencing enables phylogenetic analysis of directed evolution" (Zurek PJ, Knyphausen P, Neufeld K, Pushpanath A, Hollfelder F (2020) Nat Commun 11:6023)

Setup and installation

This python script is meant to be used as a stand-alone. Just download and copy it into your working directory or add it to your environment path.

System requirements

You'll need Linux or MacOS for some of the dependencies (scikit-bio). It also runs perfectly well on the Windows Subsystem for Linux though, so that is an option for Windows users.
An easy way to organise your python packages is with conda.

Python dependencies

Set up a new environment conda create -n UMIC-seq python=3, activate it conda activate UMIC-seq and add conda-forge to the channel list conda config --add channels conda-forge. Install the following packages with conda installpackagename:
This will automatically install all further dependencies.
Versions numbers are the ones the scripts were tested with, newer versions should work too.

  • python (version 3.7.4)
  • biopython (version 1.74)
  • scikit-bio (version 0.5.5)
  • scikit-allel (version 1.2.1)

Alternatively, the conda environment specifically used in testing this script is provided here. Download UMIC-seq.yml and install with conda env create -f UMIC-seq.yml.

Analysis workflow example

An example dataset in form of 100,000 basecalled reads in fastq format (example_randomreads.fastq.gz) is provided externally. Additionally, 5000 basecalled reads pre-enriched for 36 clusters are provided within this repository (example_clusterreads.fastq.gz). All functions will be illustrated on the basis of these exemplary datasets.
Also, provided are:

  • barcodes.fasta: The three barcodes used to demultiplex the sample datasets.
  • probe.fasta: The short sequence next to the UMI is provided for extraction on the sample datasets.

Extraction of UMIs

The first step is to extract the UMI from the reads.

python UMIextract --input example_reads.fastq --probe probe.fasta --umi_loc down --umi_len 65 --output ExtractedUMIs.fasta


  • reads: Provide basecalled reads in fastq format.
  • probe: A short sequence (eg 50 bp) adjacent to the UMI.
  • umi_loc: Location of UMI in reference to the probe. Upstream (up) or downstream (down).
  • umi_len: Length of the UMI to be extracted.
  • output: Specify the name of the UMI output fasta file.


  • min_probe_score: Defaults to length of probe sequence. Minimal alignment score of probe for processing.

Example output:
(Input: Barcode 1 (BC01) of demultiplexed example_randomreads.fastq)

23193 sequences analysed.
UMIs extracted: 21698
Discarded: 6.45%:
Bad alignment: 490
Incomplete UMI: 1005

Clustering approximation

Next, you might want to know what a suitable alignment score threshold for clustering the UMIs would be.

python clustertest --input ExtractedUMIs.fasta --steps 20 70 10  --output UMIclustertest


  • input: Fasta file of extracted UMIs.
  • steps: Left border, right border and step width for sampled thresholds. Defaults to 20 70 10 (samples thresholds 20 30 40 .. 70).
  • output: Prefix for output files.


  • samplesize: Defaults to 25. Number of clusters to be sampled for threshold approximation.
  • threads: Number of threads to use for alignment processing. Defaults to CPU count.

Example output:
(Input: Extracted UMIs from BC01 of example_randomreads.fastq)

Figure 1: Histogram of similarity scores
Figure 2: Exemplary threshold approximation

1: 2:

1: A randomly chosen UMI is aligned to all other UMI sequences and the resulting alignment scores are plotted as a histogram. Here, a lot of low alignment scores as well as few sequences with high alignment scores (a potential cluster) are expected. A suitable clustering threshold separates the two.
2: Clustering information (cluster size and similarity of sequences in a cluster) is shown for sampled clusters with different thresholds. A suitable threshold is found when both metrics begin to saturate.

Full clustering

A full clustering of UMIs can be performed. Similar UMIs will be identified and their corresponding reads will be pooled in a fasta file. With the current nanopore error rates the alignment threshold for clustering should be a value around the length of the UMI, in this case values around 50 to 60 would work well.

python clusterfull --input ExtractedUMIs.fasta --reads example_reads.fastq --aln_thresh 50 --size_thresh 50 --output UMIclusterfull --stop_thresh 0


  • input: Fasta file of extracted UMIs.
  • reads: Fastq file of basecalled reads.
  • aln_thresh: Alignment threshold for clustering. UMIs with alignment scores higher than aln_thresh will be clustered.
  • size_thresh: Minimal size a cluster can have to be written to file.
  • output: Folder name for output files.


  • threads: Number of threads to use for alignment processing. Defaults to CPU count.
  • stop_thresh: Defaults to 5. Stops clustering if the average cluster size is smaller than this threshold. Essentially speeds up the clustering by dropping outliers. Set the threshold to 0 if you do not want the program to quit early!
  • stop_window: Defaults to 20. Sets the number of clusters to be used to calculate average cluster size.

Example output:
(Input: Extracted UMIs and reads from BC01 of example_randomreads.fastq. The size threshold was set to 5, as the example dataset is just a random subset of the full dataset (100,000 sequences, approx 9% of the full dataset). Clustersizes are thus expected to be smaller in the random example dataset.)

Number of clusters: 3723
Clusters with >= 5 members: 1910
Total number of sequences in clusters with >= 5 members: 17949 (77.39%)
Median number of sequences per cluster: 9.0
Histogram of sequences per cluster:


A helper script is provided for some additional functionality.


This is a very simple read demultiplexing script.

python demultiplex --barcodes barcodes.fasta --input filteredreads.fastq --threshs 22 29 --output demultiplexedreads


  • barcodes: Fasta file with barcodes to be used for demultiplexing.
  • input: Reads (fastq) to be demultiplexed.
  • threshs: Two integer values, lower and upper bound, for alignment score. The script will also output some diagnostics to determine suitable thresholds. Alignment must have a greater score to the target barcode than the upper bound and a lower score to all other barcodes than lower bound.


  • threads: Number of threads to use for alignment processing. Defaults to CPU count.
  • output: Name prefix for demultiplexed reads.

Example output:
(Input: example_randomreads.fastq)

Distribution of all alignment scores:
Bin 10.0-13.8:   147049
Bin 13.8-17.6:   334310
Bin 17.6-21.4:   21249
Bin 21.4-25.2:   3582
Bin 25.2-29.0:   3860
Bin 29.0-32.8:   7397
Bin 32.8-36.6:   10764
Bin 36.6-40.4:   14719
Bin 40.4-44.2:   32753
Bin 44.2-48.0:   24317

Thresholds for assignment were set to:
Upper threshold: 28 (highest score must be greater)
Lower threshold: 24 (second highest score must be lower)

Number of sequences assigned to barcodes:
Barcodes: ['BC01', 'BC02', 'BC03', 'none']
Sequence count: [23572, 29402, 36790, 10236]
Relative (%): [23.57, 29.4, 36.79, 10.24]

Generate nanopolish shell script

To automate nanopolish on all generated clusters, the generateSH function can be used.

python generateSH --input clustefiles.txt --output --arguments nanopolish_argumentlist.txt --keyword filename


  • input: List of cluster file names. Can be generated by ls *.fasta > clusterfiles.txt.
  • arguments: Text files with arguments to run. Example provided.
  • keyword: Keyword in argumentlist to be replaced with entries from the cluster file names.


  • output: Name of output file.

Filter mutations

Nanopolish outputs mutation calls in .vcf format. To filter mutations and generate the final sequences in fasta format, vcf2fasta can be used.

python vcf2fasta --input vcffiles_list.txt --min_suppfrac 0.6 --reference reference.fasta --output consensus_sequences.fasta 


  • input: List of vcf file names. Can be generated by ls -d "$PWD"*.vcf > vcffiles_list.txt.
  • min_suppfrac: Filtering mutations based on support fraction. Only calls with support fraction greater than min_suppfrac will be accepted.
  • reference: Reference gene sequence.
  • output: Name of output file.