Generate a host-specific SSH key when burning the disk and retrieve it for use elsewhere.
Use the sshkey
plugin to create an SSH key for a specific user/disk. Use the postburn
plugin to run a script that extracts certs from the burned disk to a host-based directory.
--plugin sshkey:"sshuser=myuser|keyname=mykeyname|passphrase=mypassphrase"
--burn-plugin postburn:"runscript=/path/to/postburn-get-certs|runphase=phase0|where=host"
with the script post-burn-get-certs:
echo "> Copy certs to save location on the host"
# This will require your customization. Use $SDMPT to reference files and directories on the burned disk
#cp $SDMPT/path/cert-file /path/on/host/dir
# For example
cp $SDMPT/home/myuser/.ssh/mykeyname /path/on/host/dir
plugin documentation
plugin documentation