We welcome contributions to our CodeQL docs. Want to improve existing docs or add new information you think would be helpful? Then please go ahead and open a pull request!
To make changes to the documentation on codeql.github.com, you can make changes to the documentation files using the GitHub UI, a codespace, or a local text editor, and then open a pull request for review. For more information about the format and structure of the CodeQL documentation on codeql.github.com, please see the README.
We have moved documentation about the CodeQL CLI from github/codeql to the public github/docs repository so that this documentation is published on the GitHub Docs site. This includes all articles that were under the "Using the CodeQL CLI" and "CodeQL CLI reference" categories on the CodeQL microsite. This will make it easier for code scanning users to find information about using CodeQL to query their codebases.
To contribute to these docs, which are located in the codeql-cli
directory, please refer to the CONTRIBUTING.md file in the docs