This repository was archived by the owner on Feb 9, 2024. It is now read-only.
File tree
5,021 files changed
lines changed- assets
- aws
- certs
- dns-app
- hooks
- resources
- docs
- gravity-app
- looper
- resources
- installer/vagrant
- webhead
- hosting/aws-staging
- team-keys
- kubernetes/resources
- local
- migrations
- migrate
- ntp-app
- docker
- resources
- onprem
- opscenter/resources
- portal/sites
- simple
- vagrant
- terraform-aws/terraform
- vagrant
- vagrant
- rbac-app
- resources
- rhel
- robotest
- site/fixtures
- glob
- subdir
- parsing
- other
- skydns
- sample-app
- images
- bash-app
- sample-app
- others
- pods
- services
- tiny-image
- site-app
- images
- hook
- site
- resources
- config
- images/site
- telekube/resources
- test-app
- resources
- tiller-app
- resources
- web/assets/static/tpl
- site
- build.assets
- docs
- 4.x
- images
- 5.x
- images
- theme
- css
- fonts
- img
- js
- license/highlight.js
- src
- base
- layout
- lib
- app
- api
- client
- docker
- handler
- hooks
- resources
- service
- test
- suite
- archive
- autoscale/aws
- blob
- client
- cluster
- fs
- handler
- suite
- builder
- checks
- autofix
- clients
- cloudprovider
- aws
- service
- validation
- gce
- compare
- constants
- defaults
- devicemapper
- fsm
- httplib
- hub
- install
- phases
- kubernetes
- loc
- localenv
- modules
- network
- ebtables
- validation
- proto
- ops
- monitoring
- opsclient
- opshandler
- opsroute
- opsservice
- resources
- gravity
- suite
- pack
- encryptedpack
- layerpack
- localpack
- suite
- webpack
- process
- processconfig
- report
- rpc
- client
- inprocess
- proto
- proxy
- server
- run
- schema
- defaults
- unversioned
- v1
- sni
- state
- status
- storage
- keyval
- suite
- system
- state
- systeminfo
- systemservice
- testutils
- transfer
- update
- users
- suite
- usersservice
- utils
- kubectl
- vacuum
- internal
- fsm
- phases
- prune
- journal
- pack
- registry
- webapi
- ui
- scripts
- robotest
- terraform-dev
- ssh
- wireguard
- tool
- common
- gravity
- cli
- tele
- cli
- vagrant
- ansible
- vendor
- compute/metadata
- Azure/go-ansiterm
- winterm
- Microsoft/go-winio
- alecthomas
- template
- parse
- units
- aws/aws-sdk-go
- aws
- awserr
- awsutil
- client
- metadata
- corehandlers
- credentials
- ec2rolecreds
- endpointcreds
- stscreds
- csm
- defaults
- ec2metadata
- endpoints
- request
- session
- signer/v4
- internal
- sdkio
- sdkrand
- private/protocol
- ec2query
- eventstream
- eventstreamapi
- json/jsonutil
- jsonrpc
- query
- queryutil
- rest
- restxml
- xml/xmlutil
- service
- dynamodb
- dynamodbattribute
- ec2
- iam
- s3
- s3iface
- s3manager
- sqs
- ssm
- sts
- beevik/etree
- beorn7/perks/quantile
- blang/semver
- boltdb/bolt
- boombuler/barcode
- qr
- utils
- buger/goterm
- cenkalti/backoff
- cloudflare/cfssl
- auth
- certdb
- config
- crypto/pkcs7
- csr
- errors
- helpers
- derhelpers
- info
- initca
- log
- ocsp/config
- signer
- local
- whitelist
- cloudfoundry/gosigar
- codahale/hdrhistogram
- coreos
- etcd
- Documentation
- client
- cmd
- pkg
- pathutil
- srv
- tlsutil
- transport
- types
- version
- go-oidc
- http
- jose
- key
- oauth2
- oidc
- go-semver
- semver
- go-systemd
- dbus
- pkg
- health
- httputil
- timeutil
- davecgh/go-spew
- spew
- docker
- distribution
- configuration
- context
- digest
- health
- checks
- manifest
- manifestlist
- schema1
- schema2
- notifications
- reference
- registry
- api
- errcode
- v2
- auth
- client
- auth
- challenge
- transport
- handlers
- listener
- middleware
- registry
- repository
- proxy
- scheduler
- storage
- cache
- memory
- redis
- driver
- base
- factory
- filesystem
- middleware
- uuid
- version
- docker
- contrib
- selinux/docker-engine-selinux
- selinux-fedora-24/docker-engine-selinux
- selinux-oraclelinux-7/docker-engine-selinux
- syntax/vim
- docs/static_files
- hack
- make/.build-deb
- pkg
- archive
- fileutils
- idtools
- ioutils
- longpath
- namesgenerator
- pools
- promise
- random
- symlink
- system
- term/windows
- project
- go-units
- libtrust
- dustin/go-humanize
- fatih/color
- fsnotify/fsnotify
- fsouza/go-dockerclient
- external
- Sirupsen/logrus
- docker
- docker
- opts
- pkg
- archive
- fileutils
- homedir
- idtools
- ioutils
- longpath
- pools
- promise
- stdcopy
- system
- go-units
- gorilla
- context
- mux
- hashicorp/go-cleanhttp
- opencontainers/runc/libcontainer/user
- net/context
- sys/unix
- testing
- garyburd/redigo
- internal
- redis
- ghodss/yaml
- go-ini/ini
- godbus/dbus
- gogo/protobuf
- proto
- sortkeys
- types
- gokyle/hotp
- hotpgen
- golang
- glog
- protobuf
- proto
- protoc-gen-go/descriptor
- ptypes
- any
- duration
- empty
- timestamp
- google
- btree
- certificate-transparency-go
- asn1
- client
- x509
- pkix
- gofuzz
- googleapis/gnostic
- OpenAPIv2
- compiler
- extensions
- gorilla
- context
- handlers
- mux
- gravitational
- configure
- cstrings
- jsonschema
- schema
- coordinate
- config
- leader
- form
- go-vhost
- kingpin
- license
- authority
- constants
- rigging
- roundtrip
- satellite
- agent
- health
- proto/agentpb
- lib/kubernetes
- monitoring
- utils
- tail
- ratelimiter
- util
- watch
- winfile
- teleport
- docs/theme/license/highlight.js
- lib
- auth
- native
- testauthority
- backend
- boltbk
- dir
- dynamo
- etcdbk
- client
- config
- defaults
- events
- fixtures
- httplib
- csrf
- limiter
- modules
- reversetunnel
- service
- services
- local
- suite
- session
- shell
- srv
- forward
- regular
- sshutils
- scp
- state
- teleagent
- utils
- parse
- proxy
- web
- ui
- trace
- ttlmap
- version
- gregjones/httpcache
- diskcache
- grpc-ecosystem/grpc-gateway
- third_party/googleapis
- google/api
- imdario/mergo
- testdata
- jmespath/go-jmespath
- jonboulle/clockwork
- json-iterator/go
- julienschmidt/httprouter
- kardianos/osext
- kr/pty
- kylelemons/godebug
- diff
- mailgun
- lemma
- random
- secret
- metrics
- minheap
- oxy
- forward
- utils
- timetools
- ttlmap
- mattn/go-runewidth
- matttproud/golang_protobuf_extensions
- pbutil
- mdp/rsc
- gf256
- qr
- coding
- miekg/dns
- mitchellh/go-ps
- moby/moby
- contrib
- selinux/docker-engine-selinux
- selinux-fedora-24/docker-engine-selinux
- selinux-oraclelinux-7/docker-engine-selinux
- syntax/vim
- docs/static_files
- hack
- make/.build-deb
- pkg
- symlink
- term
- project
- modern-go
- concurrent
- reflect2
- mreiferson/go-httpclient
- olekukonko/tablewriter
- opencontainers
- go-digest
- runc
- Godeps/_workspace/src/
- Sirupsen/logrus
- codegangsta/cli
- coreos/go-systemd
- docker
- docker
- contrib/syntax/vim
- docs/project/images
- pkg
- mflag
- symlink
- go-units
- godbus/dbus
- golang/protobuf
- opencontainers/runtime-spec
- pquerna/ffjson
- seccomp/libseccomp-golang
- syndtr/gocapability
- vishvananda/netlink
- libcontainer
- system
- user
- pborman/uuid
- peterbourgon/diskv
- pquerna/otp
- hotp
- totp
- prometheus/client_golang
- prometheus
Some content is hidden
Large Commits have some content hidden by default. Use the searchbox below for content that may be hidden.
5,021 files changed
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