End-to-end example of gRPC Load Balancing with gRPC:
- Deploy gRPC application on GKE
- Enable Gateways to handle both internet facing and internal-only traffic.
- Verify gRPC LoadBalancing through Gateway
First deploy a GKE cluster with NEG enabled:
gcloud container clusters create cluster-1 --machine-type "n1-standard-2" \
--zone us-central1-a --num-nodes 2 --enable-ip-alias \
--cluster-version "1.20" -q
Install Gateway CRDs
kubectl kustomize "github.com/kubernetes-sigs/gateway-api/config/crd?ref=v0.3.0" \
| kubectl apply -f -
optionally create SSL Certificate for use with statically defined certificates (networking.gke.io/pre-shared-certs
gcloud compute ssl-certificates create gcp-cert-grpc-global \
--global --certificate server.crt --private-key server.key
gcloud compute ssl-certificates create gcp-cert-grpc-us-central \
--region=us-central1 --certificate server.crt --private-key server.key
or use the default spec.listeners.tls.certificateRef
. For reference see GatewayClass capabilities
Wait maybe 10 mins for the Gateway controllers to get initialized.
Deploy application
kubectl apply -f .
Please note the deployments here use the health_check proxy and sample gRPC applications hosted on
. You can build and deploy these images into your own repository as well.
Wait another 8mins for the IP address for the loadbalancers to get initialized
Check gateway status
$ kubectl get gatewayclass,gateway
gatewayclass.networking.x-k8s.io/gke-l7-gxlb networking.gke.io/gateway
gatewayclass.networking.x-k8s.io/gke-l7-rilb networking.gke.io/gateway
gateway.networking.x-k8s.io/gke-l7-gxlb-gw gke-l7-gxlb
gateway.networking.x-k8s.io/gke-l7-rilb-gw gke-l7-rilb
Get Gateway IPs
export GW_XLB_VIP=$(kubectl get gateway gke-l7-gxlb-gw -o json | jq '.status.addresses[].value' -r)
echo $GW_XLB_VIP
export GW_ILB_VIP=$(kubectl get gateway gke-l7-rilb-gw -o json | jq '.status.addresses[].value' -r)
echo $GW_ILB_VIP
Verify external loadbalancing by transmitting 10 RPCs over one channel. The responses will show different pods that handled each request
$ docker run --add-host grpc.domain.com:$GW_XLB_VIP \
-t docker.io/salrashid123/grpc_app /grpc_client \
--host=grpc.domain.com:443 --tlsCert /certs/CA_crt.pem \
--servername grpc.domain.com --repeat 10
I0605 12:43:17.257595 1 grpc_client.go:104] RPC HealthChekStatus: SERVING
I0605 12:43:17.290574 1 grpc_client.go:112] RPC Response: message:"Hello unary RPC msg from hostname fe-deployment-69787f4986-ql77m"
I0605 12:43:17.329472 1 grpc_client.go:112] RPC Response: message:"Hello unary RPC msg from hostname fe-deployment-69787f4986-ql77m"
I0605 12:43:17.373584 1 grpc_client.go:112] RPC Response: message:"Hello unary RPC msg from hostname fe-deployment-69787f4986-ql77m"
I0605 12:43:17.405143 1 grpc_client.go:112] RPC Response: message:"Hello unary RPC msg from hostname fe-deployment-69787f4986-ql77m"
I0605 12:43:17.443893 1 grpc_client.go:112] RPC Response: message:"Hello unary RPC msg from hostname fe-deployment-69787f4986-dfbk7"
I0605 12:43:17.481249 1 grpc_client.go:112] RPC Response: message:"Hello unary RPC msg from hostname fe-deployment-69787f4986-ql77m"
I0605 12:43:17.527853 1 grpc_client.go:112] RPC Response: message:"Hello unary RPC msg from hostname fe-deployment-69787f4986-dfbk7"
I0605 12:43:17.565236 1 grpc_client.go:112] RPC Response: message:"Hello unary RPC msg from hostname fe-deployment-69787f4986-dfbk7"
I0605 12:43:17.648080 1 grpc_client.go:112] RPC Response: message:"Hello unary RPC msg from hostname fe-deployment-69787f4986-ql77m"
I0605 12:43:17.687119 1 grpc_client.go:112] RPC Response: message:"Hello unary RPC msg from hostname fe-deployment-69787f4986-ql77m
Now scale the number of pods
$ kubectl scale --replicas=10 deployment.apps/fe-deployment
$ kubectl get po
fe-deployment-69787f4986-29tl7 2/2 Running 0 10s
fe-deployment-69787f4986-2v9sn 2/2 Running 0 10s
fe-deployment-69787f4986-8g67x 2/2 Running 0 10s
fe-deployment-69787f4986-bqd9s 2/2 Running 0 10s
fe-deployment-69787f4986-dfbk7 2/2 Running 0 6m19s
fe-deployment-69787f4986-dmszq 2/2 Running 0 9s
fe-deployment-69787f4986-mm27x 2/2 Running 0 9s
fe-deployment-69787f4986-nkzqm 2/2 Running 0 10s
fe-deployment-69787f4986-ql77m 2/2 Running 0 6m19s
fe-deployment-69787f4986-wdhbm 2/2 Running 0 10s
Rerun the test. Notice the new pods in the response
$ docker run --add-host grpc.domain.com:$GW_XLB_VIP \
-t docker.io/salrashid123/grpc_app /grpc_client \
--host=grpc.domain.com:443 --tlsCert /certs/CA_crt.pem \
--servername grpc.domain.com --repeat 10
I0605 12:44:57.352989 1 grpc_client.go:104] RPC HealthChekStatus: SERVING
I0605 12:44:57.396556 1 grpc_client.go:112] RPC Response: message:"Hello unary RPC msg from hostname fe-deployment-69787f4986-nkzqm"
I0605 12:44:57.438540 1 grpc_client.go:112] RPC Response: message:"Hello unary RPC msg from hostname fe-deployment-69787f4986-8g67x"
I0605 12:44:57.480235 1 grpc_client.go:112] RPC Response: message:"Hello unary RPC msg from hostname fe-deployment-69787f4986-29tl7"
I0605 12:44:57.522557 1 grpc_client.go:112] RPC Response: message:"Hello unary RPC msg from hostname fe-deployment-69787f4986-ql77m"
I0605 12:44:57.556786 1 grpc_client.go:112] RPC Response: message:"Hello unary RPC msg from hostname fe-deployment-69787f4986-8g67x"
I0605 12:44:57.599521 1 grpc_client.go:112] RPC Response: message:"Hello unary RPC msg from hostname fe-deployment-69787f4986-dfbk7"
I0605 12:44:57.640972 1 grpc_client.go:112] RPC Response: message:"Hello unary RPC msg from hostname fe-deployment-69787f4986-bqd9s"
I0605 12:44:57.682497 1 grpc_client.go:112] RPC Response: message:"Hello unary RPC msg from hostname fe-deployment-69787f4986-bqd9s"
I0605 12:44:57.715570 1 grpc_client.go:112] RPC Response: message:"Hello unary RPC msg from hostname fe-deployment-69787f4986-ql77m"
I0605 12:44:57.757088 1 grpc_client.go:112] RPC Response: message:"Hello unary RPC msg from hostname fe-deployment-69787f4986-wdh
To test the internal loadbalancer, you must configure a VM from within an allocated network and export the environment variable $GW_ILB_VIP
locally. You can either install docker on that VM or Go. Once that is done, invoke the Gateway using the ILB address:
$ docker run --add-host grpc.domain.com:$GW_ILB_VIP \
-v `pwd`:/certs/ \
-t docker.io/salrashid123/grpc_app /grpc_client \
--host=grpc.domain.com:443 --tlsCert /certs/CA_crt.pem \
--servername grpc.domain.com --repeat 10
I0605 12:49:51.440915 1 grpc_client.go:104] RPC HealthChekStatus: SERVING
I0605 12:49:51.449780 1 grpc_client.go:112] RPC Response: message:"Hello unary RPC msg from hostname fe-deployment-69787f4986-ql77m"
I0605 12:49:51.458804 1 grpc_client.go:112] RPC Response: message:"Hello unary RPC msg from hostname fe-deployment-69787f4986-bqd9s"
I0605 12:49:51.468086 1 grpc_client.go:112] RPC Response: message:"Hello unary RPC msg from hostname fe-deployment-69787f4986-wdhbm"
I0605 12:49:51.477872 1 grpc_client.go:112] RPC Response: message:"Hello unary RPC msg from hostname fe-deployment-69787f4986-2v9sn"
I0605 12:49:51.486794 1 grpc_client.go:112] RPC Response: message:"Hello unary RPC msg from hostname fe-deployment-69787f4986-mm27x"
I0605 12:49:51.495266 1 grpc_client.go:112] RPC Response: message:"Hello unary RPC msg from hostname fe-deployment-69787f4986-dfbk7"
I0605 12:49:51.503582 1 grpc_client.go:112] RPC Response: message:"Hello unary RPC msg from hostname fe-deployment-69787f4986-29tl7"
I0605 12:49:51.511708 1 grpc_client.go:112] RPC Response: message:"Hello unary RPC msg from hostname fe-deployment-69787f4986-8g67x"
I0605 12:49:51.520583 1 grpc_client.go:112] RPC Response: message:"Hello unary RPC msg from hostname fe-deployment-69787f4986-nkzqm"
I0605 12:49:51.522513 1 grpc_client.go:112] RPC Response: message:"Hello unary RPC msg from hostname fe-deployment-69787f4986-dmszq"
Source images used in this example can be found here: