This document explains how to develop on this repository.
A Bourne-Again-Shell compatible prompt (bash)
3.80+ -
Docker with BuildX capability
Docker 20.10+ is recommended as it is usually packaged with Buildx
Docker 19.03+ is required
BuildX v0.5.1+ is needed (manual installation of the plugin can be done if you don’t have it:
git 1.6+ (git 2+ is recommended)
jq 1.6+
curl 7+
We recommend GNU Parallel for parallel test execution, but it is not required.
Tests currently do not work on Mac M1 due to a known issue in 'Docker Desktop 3.4.0'.
Tests for Linux images are written using bats under the tests/
Tests pre-requisites are automatically managed by the make prepare-test
target (dependency of any make test*
target) which:
Ensures that the
command is installed in thebats/bin/
directory (along with all the bats project in./bats/
) -
Ensures that the additional bats helper are installed as git sub-modules in
For efficiency, the tests are executed in parallel.
Due to the parallel execution, each test should be self-contained and not depend on another test, even inside a given test harness. |
Please note that:
You can disable the parallel execution by setting the environment variable
to the valuetrue
Parallel execution is disabled if the commands
or (GNU)parallel
are not installed.
You can restrict the execution to only a subset of test harness files. By setting the environment variable TEST_SUITES
to the path of the bats test harness file to execute alone.
## Run tests for all linux platforms
make test
## Run tests for a specific linux platform
make test-debian_jdk17 # or test-alpine_jdk17 test-debian_slim_jdk17 test-debian_jdk17 ...
## Run tests for Alpine Linux JDK17 platform in sequential mode
DISABLE_PARALLEL_TESTS=true make test-alpine_jdk17
## Only run the test suite `functions.bats` for the Debian JDK21 platform
TEST_SUITES=./tests/functions.bats make test-debian_jdk21
The buildx tool is used to build our multiarch images, this relies on either QEMU for emulating the architecture being built, or a remote builder configured for the required platform(s).
Planned supported architectures:
In order to debug the controller, use the -e DEBUG=true -p 5005:5005
when starting the container.
Jenkins will be suspended on the startup in such case,
and then it will be possible to attach a debugger from IDE to it.
Create a new dedicated target repository in your Docker Hub account, and use it like follows:
export DOCKERHUB_REPO=test-jenkins
# The log below will help confirm this override was taken in account:
Docker repository in Use:
* JENKINS_REPO: batmat/test-jenkins