The most up-to-date documentation now lives here.
- When chimeric searching is enabled, multiple peptide identifications can be reported for each MS2 scan
- Retention times are globally aligned across runs
- Boosts PSM identifications using prediction of retention times with a linear regression model
- Hand-rolled, 100% pure Rust implementations of Linear Discriminant Analysis and KDE-mixture models for refinement of false discovery rates
- Models demonstrate 1:1 results with scikit-learn, but have increased performance
- No need for a second post-search pipeline step
Sage is distributed as source code, and as a standalone executable file.
Sage can be installed from bioconda:
$ conda install -c bioconda -c conda-forge sage-proteomics
$ sage --help
- Install the Rust programming language compiler
- Download Sage source code via git:
git clone
or by zip file - Compile:
cargo build --release
- Run:
./target/release/sage config.json
Once you have Rust installed, you can copy and paste the following lines into your terminal to complete the above instructions, and run Sage on the example mzML provided in the repository (a single scan from PXD016766)
git clone
cd sage
cargo run --release tests/config.json
- Visit the Releases website.
- Download the correct pre-compiled binary for your operating system.
- Run:
sage <path/to/config.json>
Sage is capable of natively reading & writing files to AWS S3:
- S3 paths should be specified as
for output folder - See AWS docs for configuring your credentials
- Using S3 may incur data transfer charges as well as multi-part upload request charges.
Usage: sage [OPTIONS] <parameters> [mzml_paths]...
🔮 Sage 🧙 - Proteomics searching so fast it feels like magic!
<parameters> Path to configuration parameters (JSON file)
[mzml_paths]... Paths to mzML files to process. Overrides mzML files listed in the configuration file.
-f, --fasta <fasta>
Path to FASTA database. Overrides the FASTA file specified in the configuration file.
-o, --output_directory <output_directory>
Path where search and quant results will be written. Overrides the directory specified in the configuration file.
--batch-size <batch-size>
Number of files to search in parallel (default = number of CPUs/2)
Write parquet files instead of tab-separated files
Write percolator-compatible `.pin` output files
-h, --help
Print help information
-V, --version
Print version information
Sage is called from the command line using and requires a path to a JSON-encoded parameter file as an argument (see below).
Example usage: sage config.json
Some options in the parameters file can be over-written using the command line interface. These are:
- The paths to the mzML data
- The path to the database (fasta file)
- The output directory
For example:
# Specify fasta and output dir:
sage -f proteins.fasta -o output_directory config.json
# Specify mzML files:
sage -f proteins.fasta config.json *.mzML
# Specify mzML file located in an S3 bucket
sage config.json s3://my-bucket/YYYY-MM-DD_expt_A_fraction_1.mzML.gz
Running Sage will produce several output files (located in either the current directory, or output_directory
if that option is specified):
- Record of search parameters (
) will be created that details input/output paths and all search parameters used for the search - MS2 search results will be stored as a tab-separated file (
) file - this is a tab-separated file, which can be opened in Excel/Pandas/etc - MS2 and MS3 quantitation results will be stored as a tab-separated file (
) ifquant.tmt
options are used in the parameter file
If --parquet
is passed as a command line argument, results.sage.parquet
(and optionally, lfq.parquet
) will be written. These have a similar set of columns, but TMT values are stored as a nested array alongside PSM features
- The majority of parameters are optional - only "database.fasta", "precursor_tol", and "fragment_tol" are required. Sage will try and use reasonable defaults for any parameters not supplied
- Tolerances are specified on the experimental m/z values. To perform a -100 to +500 Da open search (mass window applied to theoretical), you would use
"da": [-500, 100]
Using decoy sequences is critical to controlling the false discovery rate in proteomics experiments. Sage can use decoy sequences in the supplied FASTA file, or it can generate internal sequences. Sage reverses tryptic peptides (not proteins), so that the picked-peptide approach to FDR can be used.
If database.generate_decoys
is set to true (or unspecified), then decoy sequences in the FASTA database matching database.decoy_tag
will be ignored, and Sage will internally generate decoys. It is critical that you ensure you use the proper decoy_tag
if you are using a FASTA database containing decoys and have internal decoy generation turned on - otherwise Sage will treat the supplied decoys as hits!
Internally generated decoys will have protein accessions matching "{decoy_tag}{accession}", e.g. if decoy_tag
is "rev_" then a protein accession like "rev_sp|P01234|HUMAN" will be listed in the output file.
Sage will process a protein into peptides via several routes listed below. Currently, one and only one is supported.
- Enzymatic:
database.enzyme.cleave_at = "KR"
- configuration option set to a sequence of amino acids (e.g. "KR" for trypsin, "FWYL" for chymotrypsin) - Non-enzymatic:
database.enzyme.cleave_at = ""
- All potential peptides betweenmin_len
will be generated from the sequence - No digestion:
database.enzyme.cleave_at = "$"
- FASTA entries will be used as-is, subject tomin_len
For additional information about configuration options and output file formats, please see the new documentation
Sage can be used from a docker image!
$ docker pull
$ docker run -it --rm -v ${PWD}:/data sage -o /data /data/config.json
# The sage executable is located in /app/sage in the image
-v ${PWD}:/data
means it will mount your current directory as/data
in the docker image. Make sure all the paths in your command and configuration use the location in the image and not your local directory
This documentation covers the parameters in the JSON configuration file for the proteomics search engine. The configuration file contains information about the search engine's settings, including database, enzyme, modifications, and other settings. For a complete example of a configuration file, please see the online docs
- bucket_size: Integer. The number of fragments in each internal mass bucket (default: 8192). Tweaking this parameter can increase search performance for wide precursor or fragment searches.
The enzyme section contains parameters related to the enzyme used for digestion. The default enzyme is trypsin, with the parameters specified below.
- missed_cleavages: Integer. The number of missed cleavages for tryptic digest (default: 1).
- min_len: Integer. The minimum amino acid (AA) length of peptides to search (default: 5).
- max_len: Integer. The maximum AA length of peptides to search (default: 50).
- cleave_at: String. Amino acids to cleave at (default: 'KR').
- restrict: Single character string. Do not cleave if this amino acid follows the cleavage site (default: 'P').
- c_terminal: Boolean. Cleave at the C-terminus of matching amino acids (default:true).
"database": {
"enzyme": {
"missed_cleavages": 1,
"min_len": 5,
"max_len": 50,
"cleave_at": "KR",
"restrict": "P",
"c_terminal": true
- fragment_min_mz: Float. The minimum mass of fragments to search (default: 150.0).
- fragment_max_mz: Float. The maximum mass of fragments to search (default: 2000.0).
- peptide_min_mass: Float. The minimum monoisotopic mass of peptides to fragment in silico (default: 500.0).
- peptide_max_mass: Float. The maximum monoisotopic mass of peptides to fragment in silico (default: 5000.0).
- ion_kinds: List of strings. Which fragment ions to produce? Allowed values: "a", "b", "c", "x", "y", "z". (default: ["b", "y"])
- min_ion_index: Integer. Do not generate b1/bN/y1/yN ions for preliminary searching if
min_ion_index = N
. Does not affect full scoring of PSMs (default: 2).
"database": {
"fragment_min_mz": 150.0,
"fragment_max_mz": 2000.0,
"peptide_min_mass": 500.0,
"peptide_max_mass": 5000.0,
"ion_kinds": ["b", "y"],
"min_ion_index": 2
- static_mods: Dictionary with characters as keys and floats as values. Represents static modifications applied to amino acids or termini (default: {}). Static modifications are applied after variable modifications
- Example: Apply a static modification of 304.207 to the N-terminus of the peptide and lysine, and 57.0215 to cysteine.
"database": { "static_mods": { "^": 304.207, "K": 304.207, "C": 57.0215 } }
- Example: Apply a static modification of 304.207 to the N-terminus of the peptide and lysine, and 57.0215 to cysteine.
- max_variable_mods: Integer. Limit k-combinations of variable modifications (default: 2).
- variable_mods: Dictionary with characters as keys and list of floats (or single floats) as values. Represents variable modifications applied to amino acids or termini (default: {}).
- Example: Apply a variable modification of 15.9949 to methionine, 49.2022 to the C-terminus of the peptide, 42.0 to the N-terminus of the protein, and 111.0 to the C-terminus of the protein.
"database": { "variable_mods": { "M": [15.9949], "^Q": [-17.026549], "^E": [-18.010565], // Applied to N-terminal glutamic acid "$": [49.2022], // Applied to peptide C-terminus "[": 42.0, // Applied to protein N-terminus "]": 111.0 // Applied to protein C-terminus } }
- Syntax: "^X": Modification to be applied to amino acid X if it appears at the N-terminus of a peptide "$X": Modification to be applied to amino acid X if it appears at the C-terminus of a peptide "[X": Modification to be applied to amino acid X if it appears at the N-terminus of a protein "]X": Modification to be applied to amino acid X if it appears at the C-terminus of a protein
- Example: Apply a variable modification of 15.9949 to methionine, 49.2022 to the C-terminus of the peptide, 42.0 to the N-terminus of the protein, and 111.0 to the C-terminus of the protein.
- decoy_tag: String. The tag used to identify decoy entries in the FASTA database (default: "rev_").
- generate_decoys: Boolean. If true, ignore decoys in the FASTA database matching
, and generate internally reversed peptides (default: false).
- fasta: String. The path to the FASTA file, either a local path or s3 object URI.
The quant section is optional and should be specified only if TMT or LFQ is used.
- tmt: String. One of "Tmt6", "Tmt10", "Tmt11", "Tmt16", or "Tmt18" (default: null).
- tmt_settings: Object containing TMT-specific settings.
- level: Integer. The MS-level to perform TMT quantification on (default: 3).
- sn: Boolean. Use Signal/Noise instead of intensity for TMT quantification. Requires noise values in mzML (default: false).
- lfq: Boolean. Perform label-free quantification (default: null).
- lfq_settings: Object containing LFQ-specific settings.
- peak_scoring: String. The method used for scoring peaks in LFQ, one of: "Hybrid", "RetentionTime", "SpectralAngle" (default: "Hybrid").
- integration: String. The method used for integrating peak intensities, either "Sum" or "Max" (default: "Sum").
- spectral_angle: Float. Threshold for the spectral angle similarity measure, ranging from 0 to 1 (default: 0.7).
- ppm_tolerance: Float. Tolerance for matching MS1 ions in parts per million (default: 5.0).
"quant": {
"tmt": "Tmt16",
"tmt_settings": {
"level": 3,
"sn": false
"lfq": true,
"lfq_settings": {
"peak_scoring": "Hybrid",
"integration": "Sum",
"spectral_angle": 0.7,
"ppm_tolerance": 5.0
- precursor_tol: Dictionary with either "ppm" or "da" as keys, and lists of two integers as values (default: {}).
- Example: Tolerance of [-500, 100] in daltons.
"precursor_tol": { "da": [-500, 100] }
- Example: Tolerance of [-500, 100] in daltons.
- fragment_tol: Dictionary with either "ppm" or "da" as keys, and lists of two integers as values (default: {}).
- Example: Tolerance of [-10, 10] in parts per million.
"fragment_tol": { "ppm": [-10, 10] }
- Example: Tolerance of [-10, 10] in parts per million.
- isotope_errors: List of two integers. The C13 isotopic envelope to consider for precursor (default: [0, 0]).
- Example: Consider -1 and up to +3 C13 isotopes (-1/0/1/2/3).
"isotope_errors": [-1, 3]
- Example: Consider -1 and up to +3 C13 isotopes (-1/0/1/2/3).
NOTE: Searching with isotope errors is slower than searching with a wider precursor tolerance that encompasses the isotope errors, e.g. "da": [-3.5, 1.25]
. Using the wider precursor tolerance will generally increase the number of confidently identified PSMs as well.
Note on the settings below:
is incompatible with quant.lfq = true
. Setting quant.lfq = true
will automatically turn on global retention time alignment and prediction, which are crucial for accurate direct ion current extraction.
- deisotope: Boolean. Perform deisotoping and charge state deconvolution on MS2 spectra (default: false). Recommended for high-resolution MS2 scans. This setting may interfere with TMT-MS2 quantification, use at your own risk.
- chimera: Boolean. Search for chimeric/co-fragmenting PSMs (default: false).
- wide_window: Boolean. Ignore
and search spectra in wide-window/dynamic precursor tolerance mode (default: false). - predict_rt: Boolean. Use retention time prediction model as a feature for LDA (default: false).
- min_peaks: Integer. Only process MS2 spectra with at least N peaks (default: 15).
- max_peaks: Integer. Take the top N most intense MS2 peaks to search (default: 150).
- min_matched_peaks: Integer. The minimum number of matched b+y ions to use for reporting PSMs (default: 4).
- max_fragment_charge: Integer. The maximum fragment ion charge states to consider (default: null - use precursor z-1).
- report_psms: Integer. The number of PSMs to report for each spectrum. Higher values might disrupt LDA (default: 1).
- parallel: Boolean. Parse and search files in parallel. For large numbers of files or low RAM, setting this to false can reduce memory usage at the cost of running slower (default: true).
- mzml_paths: List of strings. The paths to mzML (or gzipped-mzML) files for search. Paths are either local, or point to an S3 object. Files ended in ".gz" or ".gzip" are inferred to be compressed.
- Example:
"mzml_paths": [ "local/path.mzML", "s3://my-mass-spec-data/PXD0000001/foo.mzML.gz" ]
- Example:
- output_directory: Local directory, or S3 location where output files will be written. If the local directory does not already exist, it will be created. Write permissions are required for the directory or S3 path.
- Possible output files are: "results.json", "results.sage.tsv", "lfq.tsv", and "tmt.tsv"
- Example:
"output_directory": "s3://my-mass-spec-results/PXD003881/"
The "results.sage.tsv" file contains the following columns (headers):
: Peptide sequence, including modifications (e.g., NC[+57.021]HKGSFK).proteins
: Proteins containing the peptide sequence.num_proteins
: Number of proteins assigned to the peptide sequence.filename
: File containing this PSMscannr
: Spectrum identifier from mzML file.rank
: Rank of the PSM. Ifreport_psms > 1
, then the best match will have rank = 1, the second best match will have rank = 2, etc.label
: Target/Decoy label (-1: decoy, 1: target).expmass
: Experimental mass of the peptide.calcmass
: Calculated mass of the peptide.charge
: Reported precursor charge.pepide_len
: Length of the peptide sequence.missed_cleavages
: Number of missed cleavages.isotope_error
: C13 isotope error.precursor_ppm
: Difference between experimental mass and calculated mass, reported in parts-per-million.fragment_ppm
: Average parts-per-million (delta mass) for matched fragment ions compared to theoretical ions.hyperscore
: X!Tandem hyperscore for the PSM.delta_next
: Difference between the hyperscore of this candidate and the next best candidate.delta_bext
: Difference between the hyperscore of the best candidate (rank=1) and this candidate.rt
: Retention time.aligned_rt
: Globally aligned retention time.predicted_rt
: Predicted retention time, if enabled.delta_rt_model
: Difference between predicted and observed retention time.matched_peaks
: Number of matched theoretical fragment ions.longest_b
: Longest b-ion series.longest_y
: Longest y-ion series.longest_y_pct
: Longest y-ion series, divided by peptide length (as a percentage).matched_intensity_pct
: Fraction of MS2 intensity explained by matched b- and y-ions (as a percentage of total MS2 intensity for this spectrum).scored_candidates
: Number of scored candidates for this spectrum.poisson
: Probability of matching exactly N peaks across all candidates (Pr(x=k)).sage_discriminant_score
: Combined score from linear discriminant analysis, used for FDR (False Discovery Rate) calculation.posterior_error
: Posterior error probability for this PSM / local FDR.spectrum_q
: Assigned spectrum-level q-value.peptide_q
: Assigned peptide-level q-value.protein_q
: Assigned protein-level q-value.ms1_intensity
: Intensity of the selected MS1 precursor ion (not label-free quant)ms2_intensity
: Total intensity of MS2 spectrum
These columns provide comprehensive information about each candidate peptide spectrum match (PSM) identified by the Sage search engine.