A wrapper for the Microsoft DirectXShaderCompiler and SPIRV-Cross
See the reference documentation for libniceshade
at https://wiki.gpfault.net/docs/niceshade/
- Introduction
- Obtaining the Source Code and Building
- Running
- Defining Techniques
- Generated Header File
- Pipeline Metadata
- Using Vulkan Features From HLSL
- Pipeline Metadata File Format
niceshade is a library and a command-line tool that transforms HLSL code into shaders for various graphics APIs. Presently, the following APIs can be targeted:
- OpenGL 4.3+
- OpenGL ES 3.1+
- Metal 1.0+
- Vulkan 1.0+
The input HLSL files may contain definitions of several entry points for different shader stages. The entry points can be configured into a single rendering pipeline (with additional options, if desired) using a special directive. For each of these configurations (called techniques), the tool will generate platform-specific shaders.
As an example, here is a shader that calculates the relative luminance of each pixel in an image. For demonstration purposes, it allows to optionally apply gamma correction to input and/or output.
// The comments below are recognized by niceshade as technique definitions.
//T: relative-luminance vs:VSMain ps:PSMain define:OUTPUT_NEEDS_GAMMA_CORRECTION=1 define:INPUT_NEEDS_GAMMA_CORRECTION=1
//T: relative-luminance-srgb-texture vs:VSMain ps:PSMain define:OUTPUT_NEEDS_GAMMA_CORRECTION=1
//T: relative-luminance-srgb-framebuffer vs:VSMain ps:PSMain define:INPUT_NEEDS_GAMMA_CORRECTION=1
//T: relative-luminance-srgb-texture-and-framebuffer vs:VSMain ps:PSMain
float4 VSMain(uint vid : SV_VertexID) : SV_POSITION { // vertex shader
const float2 fullscreen_triangle_verts[] = {
float2(-1.0, -1.0), float2(3.0, -1.0), float2(-1.0, 3.0)
return float4(fullscreen_triangle_verts[vid % 3], 0.0, 1.0);
uniform Texture2D img;
float4 PSMain(float4 frag_coord : SV_POSITION) : SV_TARGET { // pixel shader
const float gamma = 2.2;
uint img_width, img_height;
img.GetDimensions(img_width, img_height);
float3 color = img.Load(int3(int2(frag_coord.xy) % int2(img_width, img_height), 0)).rgb;
color = pow(color, gamma);
float relative_luminance = dot(float3(0.2126, 0.7152, 0.0722), color);
relative_luminance = pow(relative_luminance, 1.0 / gamma);
return float4(float3(relative_luminance, relative_luminance, relative_luminance), 1.0);
In addition to generating shaders, the tool captures and writes out the information about resources (textures, buffers, etc.) used by each technique defined in the input file. This information can be used by the application for various purposes, such as streamlining Vulkan pipeline layout creation.
This tool is powered by Microsoft DirectXShaderCompiler and SPIRV-Cross.
You will need to have git
and cmake
installed on your system. On Windows, building with compilers other than MSVC may not work.
Execute the following command to clone the project's repository:
git clone https://github.com/nicebyte/niceshade.git
Once the cloning process is complete, execute the following commands from the root of the repository:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -Ax64
This will generate project files specific to your system in the build
folder. After building the generated project, the niceshade
binary can be found in the repository's root folder.
To transform an input HLSL file to platform-specific shaders, execute:
niceshade <input file name> <options>
Valid command line options are:
-O <path>
- specifies the folder to store the output files in. By default, the output files are written to the current working directory.-t <target>
- specifies a target to generate shaders for. Accepted values are:gl430
for OpenGL;gles310
for OpenGL ES;msl10
for Metal on macOS;msl10ios
for Metal on iOS;spv
for SPIR-V.
-o <level>
- Set SPIR-V optimization level.1
will apply the same optimizations asspirv-opt -O
will turn off all optimizations. The default value is0
. SPIR-V optimizations have an effect on the output for non-SPIR-V targets. Enabling them will result in less readable output that doesn't match the input HLSL as closely. Using code generated from optimized SPIR-V may result in performance wins on some platforms, but, as always, measure.-m <version>
- HLSL shader model version to use. Valid values are: 6_0, 6_1, 6_2, 6_3, 6_4, 6_5, 6_6. Default is 6_0.-h <path>
- Path (relative to the output folder) for the generated header file with descriptor binding and set numbers. If not specified, no header file will be generated.-n <identifier>
- Namespace for the generated shader file. If not specified, the global namespace is used.-D <name>=<value>
- Add a preprocessor definitionname
with the valuevalue
to techniques.
Shaders will be generated for each of the techniques specified in the input file and each of the targets specified in the command line options.
For example, the following line will produce OpenGL 4.3 and Metal 1.2 shaders for each technique defined in input.hlsl
, in the generated_shaders/
niceshade input.hlsl -O generated_shaders/ -t gl430 -t msl12
Techniques are defined using a special comment:
//T: <technique name> <tags>
The technique name may include alphanumeric characters, underscores (_
) and dashes (-
A tag is a name-value pair separated by a colon. For example, vs:VSMain
is a tag, vs
is the tag name and VSMain
is the value.
The following tag names are valid:
- the tag value specifies the entry point for the vertex shader stage;ps
- the tag value specifies the entry point for the pixel shader stage;cs
- the tag value specifies the entry point for a compute shader;define
- the tag value specifies an additional preprocessor definition;meta
- the tag value specifies an additional metadata entry. It should be a name-value pair separated by a=
sign, i.e.:meta:enable_depth_testing=1
. These values get stored as part of the pipeline metadata file (see below) and users are free to interpret them as they wish.
Using the -h
command line option, you may specify a special C++ header file to be generated as part of the shader compilation process. The said file shall contain named constants for all descriptor bindings and sets used by different techniques defined in the input. The constants for each technique are put into their own namespace, named after the technique (hyphens in tenchnique names are replaced by underscores to get valid C++ identifiers). Additionally, you may put the entire contents of the generated header into another namespace,
specified by the -n
command line option.
Below is an example of an input file and the generated header it produces.
Input file:
//T: imgui ps:PSMain vs:VSMain
struct ImGuiVSInput {
float2 position : ATTR0;
float2 uv : TEXCOORD0;
float4 color : COLOR0;
struct ImGuiPSInput {
float4 position : SV_POSITION;
float2 uv : TEXCOORD0;
float4 color : COLOR0;
cbuffer MatUniformBuffer : register(b0){
float4x4 u_Projection;
[[vk::binding(1, 0)]] uniform Texture2D u_Texture;
[[vk::binding(2, 0)]] uniform sampler u_Sampler;
ImGuiPSInput VSMain(ImGuiVSInput input) {
ImGuiPSInput output = {
mul(u_Projection, float4(input.position, 0.0, 1.0)),
return output;
float4 PSMain(ImGuiPSInput input) : SV_TARGET {
return input.color * u_Texture.Sample(u_Sampler, input.uv);
Generated header:
/*auto-generated, do not edit*/
#pragma once
namespace shader_consts {
namespace imgui {
static constexpr int u_Sampler_Binding = 2;
static constexpr int u_Sampler_Set = 0;
static constexpr int u_Texture_Binding = 1;
static constexpr int u_Texture_Set = 0;
static constexpr int MatUniformBuffer_Binding = 0;
static constexpr int MatUniformBuffer_Set = 0;
For each technique defined in the input file, niceshade will produce a corresponding .pipeline
file, which contains the following information:
- List of all resources consumed by the technique, including their types, bindings and which pipeline stages they are used by;
- A mapping from separate image and sampler bindings to auto-generated combined image/sampler bindings (relevant for targets which don't have full separation between textures and samplers at the shader level, i.e. OpenGL);
- Any additional metadata provided by the user in the technique specification using the
files are binary. Code for parsing the binary format is provided in the metadata_parser
subfolder of the source code repository. Alternatively, .pipeline
files can be converted to human-readable JSON using the display_metadata
utility, the source code for which is provided in the samples
subfolder of the repository. A detailed description of the metadata file format is provided below.
You may choose to use the Vulkan binding model explicitly and assign descriptor sets and bindings like this:
[[vk::binding(1, 0)]] uniform Texture2D tex; // assign tex to set 0 binding 1
[[vk::binding(2, 0)]] uniform sampler samp; // assign tex to set 0 binding 2
You may use specialization constants as well:
[[vk::constant_id(1)]] const float specConstFloat = 1.5;
See here for more details.
For each technique described in the input file, niceshade
emits a file containing information that can be leveraged to simplify pipeline creation. This data includes:
- Description of the pipeline layout;
- Mapping from separate image and sampler bindings to their corresponding auto-generated combined image/sampler bindings (for platforms that don't have full separation between textures and samplers, i.e. OpenGL);
- Any additional metadata specified by the user using the
tag in the technique description.
A detailed description of the file's format follows.
A pipeline metadata file (referred to simply as "file" henceforth) is broken into records. A record is a sequence of fields and raw byte blocks. A field is a 4-byte unsigned integer in network byte order. A raw byte block consists of a header and a body. The body of a raw byte block is an arbitrary sequence of bytes. The length of the body is always a multiple of 4 bytes. The header of a raw byte block is two 32-bit unsigned integers in network byte order. The first is always equal to 0xffffffff
and signifies the beginning of a raw byte block. The second specifies the length of the block's body divided by 4.
A record's type is defined by its layout. The following types of records are defined:
A detailed description of each record type follows.
The very first record in a file is always of the HEADER
type. There is always only one instance of a HEADER
record in a file.
record contains the following fields, in this exact order:
- valid files must always have this field set to0xdeadbeef
- total size of the header record in bytes (including theheader_size
- major version number of the metadata format in use;version_min
- minor version number of the metadata format in use;entrypoints_offset
- offset, in bytes, from the beginning of the file, at which theENTRYPOINTS
record is stored;pipeline_layout_offset
- offset, in bytes, from the beginning of the file, at which thePIPELINE_LAYOUT
record is stored;image_to_cis_map_offset
- offset, in bytes, from the beginning of the file, at which aSEPARATE_TO_COMBINED_MAP
record is stored, which maps separate image bindings to the corresponding auto-generated combined image/sampler bindings;sampler_to_cis_map_offset
- offset, in bytes, from the beginning of the file, at which aSEPARATE_TO_COMBINED_MAP
record is stored, which maps separate sampler bindings to the corresponding auto-generated combined image/sampler bindings;user_metadata_offset
- offset, in bytes, from the beginning of the file, at which theUSER_METADATA
record is stored;
This record type provides the names of entry points for individual shader stages involved in the technique.
The first field in this record, num_entrypoints
, contains the number of entrypoints, one per shader stage. It is followed by a sequence of num_entrypoints
entrypoint descriptions.
An entrypoint description consists of a field, type
which indicates the type of the shader stage the entrypoint is for (0
for vertex shader, 1
for fragment shader), and a raw byte block containing a null-terminated entrypoint name.
This record type provides information about descriptor sets, descriptor types and bindings used by the pipeline. There is always only one instance of a PIPELINE_LAYOUT
record in a file.
record contains the following fields, in this exact order:
- total number of descriptor sets in the layout;- For each of the
descriptor sets:num_descriptors
- number of descriptors in the set;- For each of the
- bindning number of the descriptor;descriptor_type
- an integer indicating the type of the descriptor. The following values are valid:0x00
- indicates a uniform buffer;0x01
- indicates a storage buffer;0x02
- indicates a load/store image;0x03
- indicates a texture;0x04
- indicates a sampler;0x05
- indicates a combined texture/sampler.0x06
- indicates a uniform texel buffer.
Some platforms do not have full separation between textures and samplers. For example, in OpenGL, in order to sample a texture with a particular sampler, both the texture and the sampler need to be bound to the same texture unit by the CPU-side code. This is in contrast to HLSL, which allows specifying the sampler to use directly from the shader code.
To address this discrepancy, each unique texture-sampler pair used by the source HLSL generates a "synthetic" combined texture/sampler in the output. Each separate texture and sampler is then mapped to a set of auto-generated combined texture/samplers that it is used in.
record contains the following fields, in this exact order:
- number of entries in the record;- For each entry:
- descriptor set id of the separate image or sampler;binding_id
- binding id of the separate image or sampler;num_combineds
- number of combined texture/samplers that the separate image or sampler is being used by;- For each of the
combined texture/samplers:combined_binding_id
- binding id of the auto-generated combined image/sampler;
This record stores any additional user metadata specified by meta:
tags in the technique description.
record has only one field, num_metas
. Following the field are num_metas
pairs of raw byte blocks. The first block in a pair stores the user-provided key, and the second stores the user-provided value (both are null-terminated strings).
This record has meaning only for compute shaders. It stores the threadgroup size declared by the shader. For other shader types, this record is present, but contains zeros. The record has 3 fields, each corresponding to the threadgroup size in X, Y and Z dimensions accordingly.