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File metadata and controls

166 lines (123 loc) · 11.2 KB


Below are the steps to perform a production deployment of BioAPI.


  • BioAPI deployment was configured to be simple using the Docker Compose tool. So you need to install:


  1. Create MongoDB Docker volumes:

    docker volume create --name=bio_api_mongo_data
    docker volume create --name=bio_api_mongo_config
    docker volume create --name=bio_api_logs
  2. Make a copy of docker-compose_dist.yml with the name docker-compose.yml and set the environment variables that are empty with data. They are listed below by category:

    • MongoDB Server:
      • MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME and MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD: These variables are the username and password that will be created in MongoDB for the "admin" database.
      • deploy.resources.limits.memory: By default, 6GB of memory is allocated for MongoDB. Modify this value if you need it.
    • BioAPI Server:
      • MONGO_USER and MONGO_PASSWORD: These variables are the username and password for BioAPI to access MongoDB. These credentials must be the same ones that were set for the MongoDB server.
      • DEBUG: If you change this value to true, then BioAPI will be use the configuration for database connection and ports for the API that you set in the config.txt file. Default false.
  3. (Optional) Optimize Mongo by changing the configuration in the config/mongo/mongod.conf file and uncommenting the reference in the docker-compose.yml and/or

  4. Start up all the services with Docker Compose running docker compose up -d to check that It's all working, and read the instructions in the following section to import the genomics databases.

Importing genomic data

BioAPI uses three genomic databases for its operation. These databases must be loaded in MongoDB. You can import all the databases in two ways:

Import using public DB backup (recommended)

To import all databases in MongoDB:

  1. Download the "bioapi_db-1.2.1.gz" from here

  2. Shutdown all the services running docker compose down

  3. Edit the file to include the downloaded file inside the container:

    # ...
            image: mongo:6.0.12
            # ...
                # ...
                - /path/to/bioapi_db-1.2.1.gz:/bioapi_db-1.2.1.gz
    # ...

Where "/path/to/" is the absolute path of the "bioapi_db-1.2.1.gz" file downloaded on step 1.

  1. Start up the services again by running docker compose -f up -d

  2. Go inside the container docker container exec -it bio_api_mongo_db bash

  3. Use mongorestore to import it into MongoDB:

        mongorestore --username <user> --password <pass> --authenticationDatabase admin --gzip --archive=/bioapi_db-1.2.1.gz

    Where <user>, <pass> are the preconfigured credentials to MongoDB in the docker-compose.yml file. bioapi_db-1.2.1.gz is the file downloaded in the previous step. Remember that this loading process will import approximately 47 GB of information into MongoDB, which may take a while.

  4. Stop services with the command docker compose -f down

  5. Roll up the changes in the file to remove the backup file from the volumes section. Restart all the services again.

Manually import the different databases

Alternatively (but not recommended due to high computational demands) you can run a separate ETL process to download from source, process and import the databases into MongoDB.

  1. Install the requirements:
    • R language. Version 4.3.2 (Only necessary if you want to update the Gene information database from Ensembl and CiVIC)
    • Some python packages. They can be installed using:
      pip install -r config/genomic_db_conf/requirements.txt
  2. The ETL process is programmed in a single bash script for each database. Edit in the bash file of the database that you want to update the user and password parameters, using the same values that you set in the docker-compose.yml file. Bash files can be found in the 'databases' folder, within the corresponding directories for each database:
    • For Metabolic pathways (ConsensusPathDB) use "databases/cpdb" directory and the file.
    • For Gene nomenclature (HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee) use "databases/hgnc" directory and the file.
    • For Gene expression (Genotype-Tissue Expression (GTEx)) use "databases/gtex" directory and the file.
    • For Gene information (Ensembl genomic data, RefSeq gene summaries, and CiVIC gene descriptions) use "databases/gene_info" directory and the file.
    • For Oncokb cancer genes and drug information, it is necessary to download 3 datasets from their official site (registration required) and place it within the directory "databases/oncokb":
      • Therapeutic, Diagnostic, and Prognostic dataset: Download this dataset from Actionable Genes page by clicking the Association button. Save it with the name "oncokb_biomarker_drug_associations.tsv".
      • Cancer Genes dataset: Download the dataset from the Cancer Genes by clicking the Cancer Gene List button. Save it with the name "cancer_gene_list.tsv".
      • Precision Oncology Therapies dataset: Download this dataset from Precision Oncology Therapies page by clicking the Download Table button. Save it with the name "oncokb_precision_oncology_therapies.tsv". To import all this dataset to MongoDB, execute the script.
    • For cancer related drugs (Pharmacogenomics Knowledge Base (PharmGKB)) use "databases\pharmGKB" directory and the file.
    • For Gene ontology (Gene Ontology (GO)) use "databases\gene_ontology" directory and the file. NOTE: This import needs the "Gene nomenclature" databases (2) already imported to properly process the gene ontology databases
    • For predicted functional associations network (String) it is necessary to download some datasets from their official site, make sure that the selected organism is Homo Sapiens (the file sizes should be in Mb), from "INTERACTION DATA" download "protein network data (full network, incl. distinction: direct vs. interologs)" and rename it to "protein.links.full.txt.gz" then from "ACCESSORY DATA" download "list of STRING proteins incl. their display names and descriptions" and rename it to "", place the 2 files in the "databases\string".
  3. Run bash files.
    where can be,,,,,, or, as appropriate.

Run BioAPI

Use docker compose to get the BioAPI up:

docker-compose up -d

By default, BioAPI runs on localhost:8000.
Test BioAPI with Swagger on localhost:8000/apidocs

If you want to stop all services, you can execute:

docker-compose down

See container status

To check the different services' status you can run:

docker-compose logs <service>

Where <service> could be nginx_bioapi, web_bioapi or mongo_bioapi.

Update genomic databases

If new versions are released for the genomic databases included in BioAPI, you can update them by following the instructions below:

  • For the "Metabolic pathways (ConsensusPathDB)", "Gene nomenclature (HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee)", "Gene ontology (GO)", "Cancer-related drugs (PharmGKB)", "Gene information (from Ensembl and CiVIC)" and "Cancer and Actionable genes (OncoKB)" databases, it is not necessary to make any modifications to any script. This is because the datasets are automatically downloaded in their most up-to-date versions when the bash file for each database is executed as described in the Manually import the different databases section of this file.
    Important notes:
    • For OncoKB the download is not automatic since it requires registration, but the steps to download them manually are explained in the same section mentioned above.
    • For RefSeq gene summaries, the R package GeneSummary is used. The update of the database will depend on the version that the package includes.
    • For String the download is not automatic, but the steps to download them manually are explained in the same section mentioned above.
  • If you need to update the "Gene expression (Genotype-Tissue Expression)" database, you should also follow the procedures in the section named above, but first you should edit the bash file as follows:
    1. Modify the file. Edit the variables "expression_url" and "annotation_url".
    2. In the expression_url variable, set the URL corresponding to the GTEx "RNA-Seq Data" compressed file (gzip compression). This file should contain the Gene TPMs values (Remember that Gene expressions on the GTEx Portal are shown in Transcripts Per Million or TPMs).
    3. In the "annotation_url" variable, set the URL corresponding to the file that contains the annotated samples, and allow finding the corresponding tissue type for each sample in the database. By default, GTEx is being used in its version GTEx Analysis V8 (dbGaP Accession phs000424.v8.p2)

NOTE: It is NOT needed to drop the MongoDB database before upgrading (this applies to all databases).

Export image file from database

Finally, if you want to create a new image of MongoDB data, you can follow the following steps:

  1. Shutdown all the services running docker compose down

  2. Edit the file to link a container folder to a folder on your computer:

    # ...
            image: mongo:6.0.2
            # ...
                # ...
                - /path/in/your/computer:/export_data
    # ...

    Where "/path/in/your/computer" is the absolute path to the directory on your computer where the mongodb image will be created

  3. Start up the services of BioAPI running docker compose up -d

  4. Go inside the container docker container exec -it bio_api_mongo_db bash

  5. Use mongodump to export the data to a file:

    mongodump --username <user> --password <pass> --authenticationDatabase admin --host localhost --port 27017 --gzip --db bio_api --archive=/export_data/bioapi_db-1.2.1.gz

NOTE: The process can take a few hours

The new image can be found in "/path/in/your/computer/bioapi_db-1.2.1.gz"