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deadflowers deadflowers
Founder, entrepreneur, serial prototyper and experiment-ooor. Absolutely not Ray Kooyenga.

@rkooyenga California

Hillary Hartley quepol
Civic tech nerd

Toronto, ON

CUI Hao cuihaoleo
Software Engineer at Google Cloud

@googlers Sunnyvale, CA, US

Taylor Jaymes twjaymes
Growth Hacker; Gov't/Ad Tech

tjhk San Francisco, CA

Dieunity dieunity
Passionate about poverty alleviation, full stack development

Bay Area, CA

Joe Wicentowski joewiz

Arlington, Virginia

Joseph Luker JoeLuker
Data Engineer, Happily Forever GM, and Semi-Professional Choral Singer

Clicklease LLC Salt Lake City, UT

H. Kamran hkamran80

California, U.S.

Matthew Wilson w1150n

Lab Zero Innovations San Francisco, CA

Troels Just Christoffersen tjoels
Studying Softwaretechnology at the Technical University of Denmark,

Technical University of Denmark Copenhagen, Denmark

Roman rkj

Google Sunnyvale, CA

Colby Fisher ckfisher
Co-Founder and Director of R&D @HydronosLabs, Hydrology & Remote Sensing PhD @PrincetonUniversity (Former)

@HydronosLabs, @PrincetonUniversity Princeton, NJ

Houfu Ang houfu
I write code at night. Other law stuff in the day.


DigiComms digicomms

DigiComms Oxford, MS

Tantomile Tantomile
sometimes i write good code, but most times i write bad code :/
Anh (Henry) Nguyen fool1280

@netflix College Station, TX, USA

vishal hirawat hirawatt
Writing software and building gizmos!

planet earth

Celeste Wallace celestewallace-cdc
Computer Scientist with the Division of HIV Prevention (in NCHHSTP). CDC work + personal projects.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Chicago, IL

Joey Foo joeyfoo
Software dev (VR/serious games), transport enthusiast, etc.


Anna Peterson annaelizabeth2019
Web Developer at dattch.

@dattch Philadelphia, PA

Damiano Plebani dmnplb

Design Engineer @pagopa Milan, Italy

Zachary Luettgen zlunchbox
technologist / humanist / chucklehead

General Dynamics Mission Systems Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Eric Putnam eputnam77
Technical writer, AI enthusiast, Musician

United States

Natalie nanometrenat

Wellington, New Zealand

Peter Mahon pdmahon1

Cariboo region, British Columbia

Tony Fast tonyfast

scientist Atlanta