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Goosecheese sha0001

Carrum downs, Victoria, Australia

XoaquinF XoaquinF
Technical Support Engineer at Beckhoff Automation
Daniel Moreira Mariniello Daniel-M-M
I am a physiotherapist and junior programmer, I want to contribute to scientific research in health
Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Abdullah Omar AbdullahOmarr
Application Engineer at Beckhoff Automation

Beckhoff Automation

HuyJim huyjim1996
Automation Engineer
Victor Daniel Lander VictorLander22
Control and Automation Engineer


Mebus Mebus
Hacken is niet toegestaan in Nederland!

Aachen, Germany

Jakov Šimunić jsimunic
A mechatronical humanoid 🇭🇷

Zagreb, Croatia

Leonardo Morassi Capitanio Leonardo-Capitanio
Industrial automation specialist @continental

Continental Trebbin GmbH Bavaria - Germany