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Florian Kromer fkromer
System architect, software architect/DevSecOp/developer, startup accelerator... swiss army knife.

ABUS Security Center GmbH & Co. KG Augsburg

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Jamil RAICHOUNI jamilraichouni
Expert digitisation railway operation, IT focussed, Full Stack Development and Data Engineering (mainly Python & PyData stack for the backend)

Deutsche Bahn AG Berlin

Sylvain MARIE sylvainmarie

@eurostepAB Nantes, France

Guido Majewski gcueppers
inquiring, visionary, arguing, inspiring, strategic - trying to be innovative, creative, hard-working and humorous in IT industry and live.

ReQonsult GmbH Übach-Palenberg / Aachen, Germany

Xufeng Huang hxf1228
The harder I work, the luckier I get.

Huazhong University of Sci. and Tech. Luoyu Road 1037, Wuhan, China

Cung Lian Sang cliansang

Bielefeld University Bielefeld

Tobias Messner zusorio

@DSD-DBS @BPLprod Germany

Anton Müller TheRojam
Linux/macOS Nerd and Shell Lover @deutschebahn @dbsystel @ansible User

@dbsystel Leipzig, Train, Berlin, Germany

Dheeraj Singh Unnon97
Robotics | Industrial Automation | Computer Vision | Reinforcement Learning

Fraunhofer IPA Stuttgart, Germany

Paul Daum Duam
Sustainable Transport Enthusiast 🚄 Software for a Better World 🌞

@factisresearch Freiburg im Breisgau

Marc K - Lohr MarcKLohr

Lohr Industrie Alsace, France

Ekaterina Burakova eburakova
Data scientist with a background in physical chemistry and molecular biology

Bremen, DE

Jaime González-Arintero chronoclast
nihil verum nisi mors

@dbsystel Berlin

Patrik Tesarik depate

@9elements Bochum, Europe

Leopold Kuttner ktnr
Co-Founder @cloveropt – Interested in exact and heuristic algorithms for decision support.

TU Dresden Germany

Jonas Frede jonasfrede
I am a mathematician from Germany. Interested in Mathematics, Optimization, Models, Operations Research, Data, Programming, Patterns and more.



Stadt München Munich

Carl Fredlund carlfredl
Strategy for open transport data specifications. MobilityData is the steward of GTFS / GBFS ecosystem.

@MobilityData NYC

Jan Götze JANatDeutscheBahn
🚅 IT@DB 🚅 Folge meinem IT Experts Podcast, wenn du über unsere IT Projekte auf dem Laufenden gehalten werden möchtest:

Deutsche Bahn AG Berlin

Danny Koppenhagen d-koppenhagen
👨🏻‍💻 Frontend developer and -architect ⚙️ at @dbsystel 🚅, Author 📖, Open source enthusiast ❤️ 🅰️ #Angular, 🔰 #Vue, 💡TypeScript, 🚀#DevOps

DB Systel GmbH Berlin, Germany

alexcoder04 alexcoder04
I use Arch btw


Captain Nemo of VerneMQ // Conqueror of RoburDB

VerneMQ Basel, Switzerland