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Ying-Jia Lin mcps5601
Scientist in natural language processing and computational biology. Assistant Professor at @CGUAI.

Taoyuan, Taiwan

Ng. Nhật Quang ngnquanq
toi yeu dng su, lap trinh

UEH VietNam

Paulus Titto PaulTitto
Pauls, 21 years. what I really love is being a bridge builder between people and ideas. Translating concepts or requirements between customers and developers.

MosaLab, University Sebelas Maret Indonesia

Yudianto Sujana yest

Universitas Sebelas Maret

Emile Su LunaticGhoulPiano
Piano, code, animation, vtuber, and sleep.


Dillenhub github-world192
我是dillen 我寫軟體


ykhorizon ykhorzon
Work with machines and human. Hobby-driven engineer for some interesting field and application


賴祺清 markl-a
Mark Light / Lai Chiching

七年級尾巴的一般人 / 工程師 / 貧民 ROC ,Taiwan Taipei

Daniel Du danghoangnhan
Attention is all I've got

Fu Jen Catholic University Taipei,Taiwan

夏永紳 shiayongshen
Hello, I'm Yong Shen, Hsia. I am a master student major in Management Information System at National Chengchi University

National Chengchi University Taipei, Taiwan

Deep Learning & RL & Angular

Taiwan Taichung

Larry Chen larrychen20011120
Hello, I'm a graduate student from NYCU in Taiwan majoring in computer science. Curious about RL, LLM, and their applications.

National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University Hsinchu, Taiwan

Yu-Xiang Hong yxhong-tw
AI/LM Researcher

CSIE, National Cheng Kung University Taiwan

Dan 4hfly
AI Engineer

TSMC Taiwan

Ophelia Chiu PeiPeiC
Backend Software Developer@ SpareRoom| MSc in Software Development at the University of Glasgow

@SpareRoom Manchester