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Ale Gómez aleg001
Comprometido con realizar cambios sustanciales en Guatemala con el uso de la tecnología.


Mark Pinero markpinero
Senior Software Engineer

@NativePet Los Angeles, CA

Rahul R rahulr001
Software Engineer
nnn bourbakiN97
Scriptor, 💻& 📄
Garland Key GarlandKey
Software Engineer

Valcom Remote @ United States

Arique Arique1104
Organizer turned Software Engineer. Fullstack developer - BE heavy - eager to learn and invest in a dynamic engineering team.
Ken Beaudin kbventures
Freelance Full Stack Software Developer

Freelance World

Michael Nguyen mjnguyen

Independent Developer San Jose

Cole Fiscus colefiscus
Frontend developer. Studied at Turing School of Software & Design. Colorado born and raised, go Zags.

Boulder, CO

Felipe Albertao felipealbertao

Political Data Co-Op Redlands, CA

Si Jarvis kapziel
Data Engineering @Cervello and creative coding

@Cervello UK

Jason Knoll JasonPKnoll
Software Developer

Forge Global Denver, CO

sema Sema-Hernandez
@ProgressiveCoders Operations | Environmental Justice | Public Polic Advocate

@ProgressiveCoders Earth: TX | MI | D.C. | FL

scap stephenscapelliti
Co-Founder | Co-Director - Progressive Coders Network

@ProgressiveCoders Wonderland, Michigan