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Megamind megadl
computer vision researcher
Guilherme Soares Silvestre guisoares9
Co-CEO of Brazilian Medical Technologies Robotic Surgery | Image Guided Surgery 🇧🇷

University of São Paulo Brazil, São Carlos - SP

@randomradio randomradio
Michael Paulino mi6paulino
Graphic designer , data analyst , observer scientist, Journalist

20R00mz Productions New York City

jz hh379
Queen's Biomedical Computing

Queen's University Kingston, Canada

Morgan Hough m9h
Computational biophysicist

Center17 San Francisco, CA

Dr. B drbmiranda
Founder Healthtech BR


MD. Non invasive brain stimulation. Clinical Neuroscience. Translational psychiatry. Psychophysiology. Neurofeedback. EEG.
Ma Xihan MXHsj
Robotics Engineering Ph.D. candidate at Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Worcester, US

Thomas Tiennot ThomasTiennot
MRes Neurotechnology student at Imperial College London. 4th-year student at ESPCI Paris | PSL

London - UK

Now using C and C++ Python Qml to develop ultrasound equipment . now work for esonic which related to super-sonic bibaodi
digging in medical area, now is medical Imaging, ultrasound system. peking, haidian.

Tamas Levendovics tlevendovics
PhD candidate, currently working on the automation of surgical subtasks at Antal Beczy Center for Intelligent Robotics, Óbuda University.

@ABC-iRobotics Budapest

Chris Iapetus chris-iapetus

dvcsrv St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada

Juan Verde juanmaverde
Passionately & tirelessly pushing forward 3.0 collaborative Health[care] (R)evolution

IHU Strasbourg Strasbourg, France

Li-Wei Yang liver121888

Pittsburgh, PA

Wenguo Hou wghou
It's a long story..

None Shenzhen, China

JianXingqiang xiaosnowqiang
Newbie of Robot motion control and intelligence.Keeps learning and thinking.

North Minzu University Ningxia of China

Jinge Wang qq849012418

Peking University Beijing, China

cloud architect. patented inventor. practice areas: biomedical engineering, healthcare IT, financial services, and embedded systems.

@Nakamura-Partners Los Angeles, CA

Kristof Phiraxis

PerkLab Kingston, Canada

anthony anthonychou1
taking baby steps.