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Meysam Varasteh meysamvarasteh92

University of Tehran Tehran

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Charles Rothbaum charles-rothbaum
4th year computer science student in the University of Colorado Boulder - Western Colorado University partnership program.

Gunnison, Colorado

Alfonso G Bastias abastias
Assistant Teaching Professor. Department of Computer Science. The University of Colorado at Boulder

Boulder, Colorado

Michael konfuzed
Web & App Mgr

Georgia Tech Atlanta, GA

Mihai Avram mihaivavram
"Find something more important than you are and dedicate your life to it." - Dan Dennett (TED Talk)
Keegan von Riesen keeganvr
Electrical & Biomedical Engineering Student @ University of Colorado, Boulder. Excited to become proficient in programming and computer science!

University of Colorado Boulder

Charlotte Chance charlie-chance
TL;DR: I'm the personality hire that gets it done. Chief of Staff | Cybersecurity | Board Member | Business Operations Expert
Kelvin Aladum kevtenly
Just a graduate student studying at CU Boulder
Bryan Durham bryand4140
PhD Candidate at CU Boulder. Focus areas include the development of CFD code for non-equilibrium hypersonic flows and ML applications.
Felix Schröter felschr
Turning 🍵 into scalable systems.

up² | upsquared Germany

Nirmal Khedkar nirmalhk7
Fortress code lightning fast | @CuBoulder MSCS | Ex-Visa | Find me at @CassandraTech


Diyora Daminova Medoriku
Hey there! I’m an Aerospace Engineering student at the University of Colorado Boulder, minoring in Computer Science. I primarily code in C++ and MATLAB.

@UCBoulder Boulder, CO, USA

Nasir Naqvi nasirnaqvi
Hi I'm Nasir! 👋

Boulder, CO

Phillip Rhodes mindcrime

Fogbeam Labs Chapel Hill, NC