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Fardad Hasanzadeh sauronthemailman
Greatest Dev of all time (not fake)


Andrew Allen Bruce andrewallenbruce
Healthcare Data Analyst


Andrew England aeng-bas

British Antarctic Survey

Declan Valters dvalters
Geomagnetism Software Engineer at @BritishGeologicalSurvey

@BritishGeologicalSurvey Edinburgh, Scotland

Per Halvorsen pmhalvor
MLE @schibsted with interests in natural language processing, audio analysis, and computer vision.

Schibsted Oslo, Norway

James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

Chen_Lv Carolina-Lyu
PhD Candidate, Tongji University.

Tongji University Shanghai, China

Sonia Beslika sonia-beslika
maths 🫶 meteorology


Avesta Afshari-Mehr Avesta03
Durham University Physics Student | Former Computational Ecologist @antarctica | Engineer @palantir

Palantir London/Durham

Matt Harris MRPHarris
Paleoclimate and ice core scientist, GNS Science, Te Pῡ Ao. I research environmental change preserved in ice cores and other archives.

GNS Science Te Pῡ Ao Wellington, NZ

Issam LAGHA issamlagha
Hi, I'm a Meteorologist, but I'm more interested in Numerical Weather Prediction modelling and Data Assimilation.

ONM Algeria Algeria

Peter Yatsyshin pyatsysh

The Alan Turing Institute London

Sk Muzahid muzahid120
I'm a self-taught data science enthusiast driven by a story of resilience and relentless pursuit of knowledge.


Emma Boland emmomp

British Antarctic Survey Cambridge, UK

Fred Motta fredm23579
ĤΨ = iħ∂Ψ∕∂t

Riverside, California

Carolina Lyu Carolina-98
Ph.D candidate in radio echo sounding SAR processing in Antarctica.

Tongji University Shanghai, China

Giacomo Roversi giacom0rovers1
Loves physics, cycling and mountains. Meteorology and climate researcher

Rome, Italy

Kenza Tazi kenzaxtazi
PhD Student at the University of Cambridge | Machine Learning for Environmental Sciences

University of Cambridge Cambridge

Samuel Hall SamuelHall700

British Antarctic Survey

Surbhi Goel surbhigoel77
Working at the intersection of AI and sustainability, I decode the complexities of our environment through the lens of technology.
Thomas Zwagerman thomaszwagerman
Research Software Engineer

@antarctica Cambridge

André Fernando Araújo de Carvalho andre-carvalho
Computer Scientist | Distributed Software Architecture | Full Stack Web Developer | Spatial Data Infrastructure | Open Source Software Enthusiast | IoT

PUC-Rio São José dos Campos, SP - Brazil

Eleanor Maedhbh Honan (Ellie) E-Honan
PhD student with Durham University and the British Antarctic Survey studying snow petrel diet and movement. R.

Durham, UK

James Grecian jamesgrecian
Marine Ecology, Data Science and R

Fife, Scotland

Data Scientist


Alejandro © acocac
Open Science, Geospatial & AI learner | Space, Geography & Earth Systems | Big passion for disruptive technologies with social impact

The Alan Turing Institute London

Matt Tankersley mdtanker
Geology / Geophysics Ph.D studying Antarctica with potential fields data.

Antarctic Research Centre, Victoria University of Wellington Wellington, New Zealand

Jim Circadian JimCircadian
Software developer, sysop and tinkerer. Research Software Engineer for the British Antarctic Survey.

@antarctica Cambridge, UK

Rahul rahulsivankutty

British Antarctic Survey Cambridge