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Aritra Saharay Ari-S-123
CS @ Northeastern University

Khoury College of Computer Sciences San Francisco Bay Area

Kaito Kitaya Kate941-su
Mobile Application Developer


P Shreyas shreyas2020e
A budding developer exploring the beautiful world of Computer Science
Will SymplesSSP
🎯 E-commerce Manager passionate about development. I use AI (🤖 ChatGPT, Claude, etc.) to create and optimize projects.

IPLN france

Arti Villa artivilla
🚢🚢 /outpaint, premium onchain apparel

Outpaint Vancouver, BC

Hamdy Mohamed Y00RG
Backend Developer | Python, Django


Wojciech Tyziniec wtznc
move fast and break things
DoneSpeak DoneSpeak
Let the work I've done speak for me.

Shenzhen University

God of meme stocks manhhungdt06
Financial Data Analyst

Financial Data Analyst Hanoi

Emmanuel Sekyi Esekyi
Software Engineer | Web Developer

Student Accra, Ghana

Alex Rigler alexrigler
Building ChooChoo 🚂 - The Business Engine

@choochoohq San Francisco

Adarsh Shetty ObliviousParadigm
Just trying to make a difference
Tran Ong Kaia15
busy at nexora. & building java apps from scratch

Oracle Seattle, WA

Ian Mobbs ianmobbs
🌴 | formerly @openai, @cloudflare

🌴 San Francisco Bay Area

Christos Margadji cemag1
PhD @ University of Cambridge
Ray Gan Boon Kit Ganthology
Build to solve problems. Learn to solve bigger problems. Share to solve epic problems together.

Ryt Bank Malaysia

Manjit Kumar manjitkumar
Software Engineer with a decade-long experience in building and scaling web applications for high-growth startups and enterprise companies.

@rayatheapp Toronto

Tsubasa Kato stingraze
Search Engineer since 2003. My company is a community member of NVIDIA Inception Program. Current Ubuntu machine: RTX 3090 with 10th generation i5.

Inspire Search Corporation Japan

House of Cybersecurity houseofcybersecurity
Never let anyone tell you that your story isn't worth sharing.

Reverse Engineer - Vulnerability Researcher Eastern South America, bordering the Atlantic Ocean

Chris Settles neverSettles
Illinois Computer Science 2020'. ML @ Uber. Git Commit history plot excludes work commits.

@uber San Francisco

Malcolm Jones (bossjones/Tony Dark) bossjones
TONY DARK. Black Tony Stark. DevOps Engineer @behance (acq'd by @adobe). NUPE, WAHOO. call me #HERON, SON OF BABYLON, Le #Hyena. I build shit.

Behance Inc. New York, NY

Anilcan KARA anilcan-kara

Ministry of Justice Sydney

Nermeen Tomoum NrmeenTomoum
🧙‍♀️🙋‍♀️👩🏻‍💻👀 iOS Mobile Application Software Engineer.

Floward Dubai, UAE

Marin Heđeš SincerelyFaust
Graphic/motion designer and a developer. Front-end & Lead Mobile Developer @ Beyondi, Founder @gith-app, Co-Founder @dahliaOS Croatia

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Gustaf Rosenblad rosecoder
Opinions are my own.

Tradera/PayPal Stockholm, Sweden

Aziz aziz-boudi4
In love with learning on a daily basis, and my main motivation is continuous growth. ReactJS, React native, Javascript... and more :)

@Iteration-X Berkeley