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Xuewen Yu yu-xw
PhD of Engineering
Kocaeli University - Electronics and Communication Engineering

Kocaeli University

M Basit Ali Basitali2
Data Science | Cyber Security Enthusiast, | Diploma in Cloud Cyber Security | Machine Learning Engineer

Atlanta, GA


Calgary, Canada

feb Feb487
hello world ;) I am an Italian student I'm in my third year of computer science.
M. Alexander Díaz AlexVonEinzbern
Software Engineer | Java | Spring boot | TypeScript | AWS

Cali, Colombia

Savva Popov bismarx-v1
SPS na Proseku student, love to make funny stuff with my friends, specializing in PCB designing and electrical side of our projects.

SPŠ Na Proseku, INSET s.r.o. Prague

Lux Luxru
Wanna learn robotics, rockets, graphics, and more


Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Cristiano Goncalves cristianoag
Retro hardware maker and multi-cloud certified architect. 30+ years of experience in technology consulting delivery and sales.

Microsoft Brazil

Baozhe Zhang zhangbaozhe
research assistant @FAST-FIRE; robotics & coding; C++; photographer

Zhejiang, China

Ben benleb
science lover, hacker, (bio)tech enthusiast, security/network/infrastructure, ... ‽

Stuttgart, Germany

Sandesh Thapa sandeshthapa
Controls | Autonomy | Robotics
Buganini Chiu buganini
Anyware developer

Taipei/Hsinchu, Taiwan

Khairul Islam khairul-me
Building Bots & Breaking Boundaries :):

Hobart and William Smith Colleges Geneva, New York, United States

Youness Elbostahi YIA990
Science computing
Mariselvam Mscode24
"Crafting digital worlds one commit at a time 🚀 | Passionate coder 🖥️ | Explorer of new technologies 🌟 | Open-source enthusiast 💻 | Coffee aficionado ☕ | Al
Renato Cézar RenatoNato
Sou consultor e desenvolvedor lutando para me tornar um engenheiro de software capaz. Brasil.