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EitherySky eitherysky

Integrity Software Israel

Abdullah Amjad 13bscsaamjad
Software Engineer @ Dynatrace

Dynatrace Barcelona, Spain

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


andy.d intruder1912
Technology Enthusiast, Proud Dad, Junior Aviator, Mediocre Climber, Unorthodox Nerd, and, of course, an Occasional Scientist

Dynatrace Austria

Marti Raudsepp intgr

Dynatrace Estonia

Fernando Luiz Avanzo FernandoAvanzo
Desenvolvedor Fullstack, Clojure, Kotlin, Python, Java, JS

Open To Work Curitiba

Lucas Thomaz lucasmrthomaz
Full Software Engineer

Financial Markets Nova Iguaçu RJ

DurgaSaran dsrnk
Observability Consultant

Dynatrace india

Avinash Chowdary Avinash-4
🚀 Innovator | Full-Stack Developer with a love for all things tech. ✨ "In code we trust, in bugs we learn." ✨

Dallas, TX


Dynatrace @Dynatrace

David Watt wattdave

Autodesk, Inc. Oakland, California, USA

Tobias Pilz BioGustav
No, my name is not Gustav.

JKU Linz Linz, Austria

Alexander Voglsperger MrMinemeet
Software Engineering student @ JKU Linz. Interested in Kotlin and other awesome things

@Dynatrace Austria

Fernando Espina feespina2

Tata Consultancy Services Santiago, Chile

Rene Abdon reneabdon

@accenture Portugal

Brian Chew bchewy
IS @ SMU - Cloud/AI/DevSecOps Nerd


Jörg Nouvertné joerg-nouvertne

McKinsey & Company Krefeld, Germany

Gabriel Amaro gaamaro
Learning a little more every day... I talk about AIOps, observability, automation, Cloud, SRE, platform engineering. But nothing deep enough.

@Bradesco Brasil

Rodrigo Chagas rodcts
DevOps Specialist

International Business Machine Brazil/RJ

James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing



Angel Castro Basurto Ngel-Castro
IT enthusiastic, Cat lover, Dog lover, Code lover. My career is mainly focus on System Ops and network administrator, automation.


Hadir Garcia hadirgax
I'm thinking about data science, web engineering, and supply chain optimization.


Kyle Jacobson KJ-Dynatrace

@Dynatrace Detroit, MI