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Bassam Bassambj


Ahmed Osama ahmedosama07
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@https-github-com-MiaRoboticsTeam || @IEEE-AlexSB-Technical-Committee || @IEEE-AlexSB-SW-team Alexandria, Egypt

KittyNoHello KittyNoHello

WebPage Develop Earth

Hello Github World!!
Felix Schrรถter felschr
Turning ๐Ÿต into scalable systems.

upยฒ | upsquared Germany

Igor K Laymer
Softwre QA Engineer @ nokia. Breaking things is my favorite thing to do. Erlang, TCL and SROS enthusiast. ex. Researcher @uclouvain @LightKone

Nokia Bell NV Belgium

okoroglu okoroglu
Electrical and Electronics Engineer with PhD degree. Currently focusing on problem solving for making human life more manageable. CallSign: TA2VZ

Self-Employed Turkey

Donlon Eamonn McGovern demcgovern

Inter-State Studio United States of America

Ezequiel Escobar argonarch

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Miguel Amador themiguelamador
PhD Candidate at MIT Portugal in Health Innovation

Braga, Portugal

William de Oliveira Ferreira williamoferreira
Apenas um latino amerciano procurando seu espaรงo na sociedade...

Age Tecnology Santos/SP

Akilan G akilan-g
Systems Engineer ๐ŸŽ๏ธ ๐Ÿค–๐Ÿš€๐ŸŒŽ๐Ÿ›ธ Autonomous System and Robotics
Derek Hu derekhu0002

NA ShenZhen China

Yauhen Makei emakei
I am freelancer mostly and I like explore new tech
CodingBot ameaninglessname
moo~๐Ÿฎ neigh!๐Ÿด

Pasture Left-Up-Corner

Emily Grace Seville EmilyGraceSeville7cf
The future is hazy, today's sun is amazing ๐ŸŒž

Canada, Toronto

Tommi xplosionmind
I pretend to understand code

A galaxy far, far away

Martin Thuo hartl3y94
Security Researcher

Hartley94 Kenya

Dariusz Kaminski dkaminski-fp


John Zhang createValue
Chiristian. Dad of three kids. Engineer in automotive controls. Play python, c/c++, and some open source hardwares such as Rasp Pi, Arduino, Microbit, etc.


Danish Javed ambersariya

@codurance United Kingdom

Thomas Peter Berntsen tpberntsen
Tapping the keyboards.

Aarhus C, Denmark

Vincenzo Martemucci raimondoDiSangro
Interested in Java, Python, C/C++, and SQL. Atlanta, USA