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Emmanuel Salomon ManUtopiK
+15 years self-taught webdev with php, Node and front... Currently working with:, serverless, nuxt.js, fastify... Happydev 😄  I accept remote jobs!


Như Phú vnphu
Code day code night

Viet Nam

Gabriel vinhais
Software Go/PHP/JS | Network | Hardware | Infra Linux | Datacenter

Osasco, Sao Paulo, Brazil

Chukwudi Ugorji cp-ugorji
I love programming and I don't just do it for the money, i do it for fun because it unlocks so many new levels of the programming world to me.
Kevin Flynn k-flynn-webdev
A problem solver. Skills collected so far: Nuxt, Vue, Django, Express, Javascript, SASS, CSS, C#, Python, Maya, 3d Animation

London, UK.

Marcella Andries marcellaandries
A lifetime programmer. Udemy & crash course addict. Love API, JSON, and CI/CD. In passion to code frontend with Laravel PHP.
Tran Phuong Nam namwebdev
I'm Front-end Developer, and have a passion for embracing new technologies.


Yuri Rocha devyrocha
Tester QA SW 💻 Front-end developer 👱

INDT Manaus, AM

DKKs mjkodkks
🐱 :3 Cat Code. Front-End Developer

Thailand, Kalasin

Chinan Yin yinchinan010
a .NET full stack programmer. (Keep Healthy, Dream Big, Work Smart, Deliver Fast, Be Happy)

ZhongShan YD Crystal Group ZhongShan, China

Mathias Oxholm MathiasOxholm
Frontend developer at Novicell

Novicell Aarhus, Denmark

Laravel and Vuejs Developer . Software Engineer

Egypt, Mahllah Elkobrah

zach edwardz8
vue | nuxt | react native


Paolo Manaloto pawmanaloto
Web Developer

Clark, Philippines

Jakub Zomerfeld devzom
Full-stack engineer with a T-shaped skill set. Love frontend, ex. Nuxt & Astro, like different backends. Constantly learning new things. Enthusiast of trekking.

@Bayer-Group Poznan, Poland

Digi-Angler digiangler
🚀 Full-Stack Developer | 個人開発者|10年以上の開発経験|Web・アプリ開発|UI/UX・セールスライティングの知見を活かしたプロダクト設計|趣味 × 仕事の融合を探求中|☕ 無類のコーヒー愛好家|🎣 アウトドア好き

Freelance Japan

Ankur Nigam ankur198
C#, JS, IoT

Nagarro India

Kayla Smart KaylaSmart
Full Stack Engineer


Shana Straycat shanastraycat
Web dev and LSL Scripter
