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Daniel Tamkin DanielTamkin
Your friendly neighborhood Canadian eager to contribute in making the web a more accessible space.

Hypergiant Winnipeg, Canada

David Alexander Pfeiffer davidmc971
Software Engineer, Instructor and CS Geek. Never stop learning.

Langfuse Berlin, Germany

Michal Radomski Michal-Radomski
Full Stack JS/TS Developer

@goEuropa Gdansk (GMT+1), PL, EU, Earth, Solar System, Milky Way (Orion Arm), expanding finite? flat? (Ω = 1.00±0.02) Universe, (opposite my neighbors), ~13.8 billion years after the Big Bang

oneofthezombies oneofthezombies
Hello! I'm a Software Engineer.

Toronto, Ontario

Lisa Gorewit-Decker lisagorewitdecker
Certificated Full Stack Web Developer with a BFA in Graphic Design

Novato, California

Socheat Sok socheatsok78
🇰🇭👨🏻‍💻 Software Engineer ❤️ web technologies & systems languages.


Rafael rafaelfess
Elixir, Vue.js, Solid.js | Focusing on server-side (but not limited to) building majestic monoliths.

Rio Grande do Sul - Brazil

Francesco Franchef
.NET Developer


Andrii Trybynenko tamer1an
📗, FP & Reactive, 3D Printing, Pi, BigData, ML, AI, Docker, Python, *nix, Cloud, JS, MySQL, PS, AI, AE, Blender, HTML5, CSS3, UI, Java, Android, API, TDD, 📘
Yuan 0xYuan90
人生是不断的攀登, biu❤️~


Lucas northwolf521

Game Company Shenzhen China


Alipay Hangzhou, China

Alexander Salas Bastidas ajsb85
Global citizen, coder with good taste, workaholic and ubergeek 👨🏻‍💻

@firechip Barcelona, Spain

cumsoft cumsoft
CLT, XR & Hybrid Kernel Dev

cumsoft New York, NY

Felix Kubenew
Sustaining and integrating simplicity, usability, security, and minimalism. Cloud Native Enthusiast.


Ricardo Marimón rmarimon

Nimbox Technologies LTD

leaning.. (none are mine.. it’s research)

None Brisbane

Matheus Cardoso cardoso
I'm passionate about the web platform and the open-source nature of it. I believe in conflating developer productivity with performance, security, and standards


zhubin ntyfx
web front-end engineer.

CTW 上海-长宁

Bryden Wayne brydenwaynedoned
💽 Software Engineer, 🧭 Adventurer, 🍷Wine & 📜 Wine History, Enthusiast 🐕 Dachshund Lover

DirectOneDesign Cleveland, OH

Moteesh moteesh-reddy
I love coding and designing tools that make people productive
Andretti Jet$on🪐 HiddenLeafVill
Passionate app developer building user-friendly mobile experiences. I enjoy turning ideas into reality with clean, efficient code and a focus on the latest tech

@WRECKz Minnesota

sunguangdong SunGuangdong

Game Development Laboratory Bei jing

Justin Yan justinyanme
Just a  developer.

Guangzhou, China

Matt Price appletsauce

United States of America

Tom Huang pftom
Programming is fundamentally about humans.

Shang Hai, China