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Nomikos Nikolaos Nomik21
Geomatics Engineer |Rural and Surveying Engineer | National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) | Army Officer in Hellenic Military Geographical Service

HMGS Athens,Greece

Kostas Vlachos konstantinos2018
I'm Kostas and I work with Remote Sensing data Thessaloniki, Greece

Petros Petrostr
Agronomist, Phd Candidate

National Technical Univeristy of Athens

Constantinos Primetis kprimetis
Data Science & Machine Learning Postgraduate Student (NTUA) | Mining Engineer, MEng (NTUA)
Athena Psalta psaltaath
Phd Student, National Technical University of Athens
Bill Psomas billpsomas
Deep Learning | Computer Vision | Research

National Technical University of Athens Athens, Greece

PavlosDem PavlosDem99
BSc: Surveyor and Geoinformatics Engineer (NTUA) MSc: Geoinformatics and Earth Observation (CUT)


Κώστας Μποτωνάκης kostasmpo
Studying surveying engineering at National Technical University of Athens
DemAnasta demanasta
Rural & Surveying Engineer | Geodesist | GNSS Specialist | Dr. Eng.

Assistant Professor at NTUA Athens | Ioannina | Greece

Pavlos Kalfantis pavkalfantis
Data Scientist @ IT Consulting company


Thanos Paravantis thanosparavantis
Backend Engineer @ Plum Fintech

University of Piraeus Athens, Greece

Ioannis Zouros ioanniszouros
Project Manager at TNO


Konstantinos Papadakis k-papadakis
Work: Data Science/Engineering, DevOps. Studies: BSc Mathematics, MSc Data Science.

Athens, Greece

Fragkiskos Dimos fdimos
Undergraduate Student at the School of Rural, Surveying and Geoinformatics Engineering, NTUA

Athens, Greece

Valsamis Ntouskos mdouskos

National Technical University of Athens Greece