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Sai Tharun saitharunsai
I am a software engineer at @LiveHealth and a coding Nerd 💻

@LiveHealth Pune

Peanut truongnat
Today is always different from yesterday <3

Blameo Hanoi

Eder Soares edersoares
CTO e Engenheiro de Software na @portabilis, mudando a educação do Brasil através de open source.

Portabilis Brazil

nwhitmont nwhitmont
Experienced Full Stack Developer
龍共每文 yssource

YS Source /home/yssource@shanghai

DR JDD Pharoah ChanceMichaelBAKARiWindsorChristGrahamCurryJordan-Hunt MichaelbjordansHusband ifFbEitherBlockscanBlogspotENSWebadotSquareAzureOutLooRainbowKitSquareMetaShopifyZapierWeb3Modal

OuTLier@michaelBjo4dansHUSBANDiGFbLLp.CEX 30039

John Owen Nixon johnowennixon
Avocados, Boxes, Colours, Dilbert, Escher, Fusion, Genomics, Hedgehogs, Illumination, Jesus, Knots, Linux, Mackintosh, Nutrition, Oxford, Pencils, Quotes, ...

DevOps Engineer @candide-com Bristol, UK

Kevin Heaps kheaps-stytch

@stytchauth New York

Dev Mukherjee devraj

@anomaly Canberra, ACT Australia

Rajiv Mounguengue Rajivhost
let success = pain |> hardWork

FunctionalStack, Inc. Brazzaville, Congo republic of

Jose Hidalgo JoseAngel1196
🇩🇴 | 🇺🇸 Senior Platform Engineer at Capital One

Capital One New York

Eric Musselman, PhD ericmusselman
Seeking opportunities! Previously: BS, MEng, and PhD in BME (all at Duke)

@Duke University Durham, NC

Ahmed Tadde ahmedtadde
Software Engineer

Washington, D.C

Ryan Carson snarktank
CEO Founder for 20 years 👉 Built and sold 3 companies 🧑‍💻 @intel 💬 Opinions my own


Web Dev Focus webdevfocus
Learn, Grow and Develop


Benjamin Eppinger bxe5056
Graduated with a MS from Penn State College of IST in 2019. Now a software developer for "LiMu the Emu and Doug" in Boston, MA.

Penn State Boston, MA

Khang Ha (Kelvin) yudgnahk

@dnanexus Ho Chi Minh City

Lam Tran tranngoclam
Software Engineer 🔥

Grab Vietnam

CryptoCrash cristianizzo
Chief Technology Officer / Full stack developer

@agreewe @amontech @AvvocatoFlash London

Online with WhatWeWant is very easy as you get to shop from the comfort of your home and get products delivered at your doorstep. You can effortlessly browse ou

WhatWeWant OriginProtocol 11°31'37.7"N 104°56'13.5"E

Bisiriyu musbau Adekunle white10146
Cool, calm , loyal and God 🙏 fearing ...

Awesome crypto company LLC Nigeria

Taj English itajenglish
Avid tech enthusiast, and software engineer. CTO @ListedB building technology that will transform the beauty & wellness services industry forever.

@ListedB New York

Marcus S. Abildskov marcus-sa
Each step of our journey is made by following the heart instead of following the crowds and by choosing knowledge over the veils of ignorance.
M Haidar Hanif mhaidarhanif
✨ Helping people in software, web, design, career, life. 🐻@bearmentor 🐱@catamyst 🐶@dogokit 🏯@bandungdevcom

@bearmentor @bearmentor-community Jakarta-Bandung-Bali, Indonesia

Ridgeway ridgelawrence
Founder @WRLDInc Unrelenting passion for all-things technology Never settles for mediocrity Kicking off new projects regularly YMWTK more than a profile

@WRLDInc Dallas, Texas

Cal Rueb cal-stytch

Stytch San Francisco, CA