A client-side library for building paginated, filterable and searchable lists.
- [jQuery] (http://jquery.com)
- [mustache.js] (http://github.com/janl/mustache.js)
- [underscore.js] (http://documentcloud.github.com/underscore)
livelist.js works well with Rails 3.1, see the [livelist-rails] (http://github.com/pklingem/livelist-rails) gem
include mustache.js, underscore.js and livelist.js on your page
in your application's javascript/coffeescript file, create a livelist:
list = new LiveList({
global: {
resourceName: 'users',
resourceNameSingular: 'user'
list: {
renderTo: 'ul#users',
listItemTemplate: '<li>{{first_name}} {{last_name}} ({{status}})</li>'
filters: {
renderTo: 'div#filters'
pagination: {
renderTo: 'div#pagination'
$(document).ready ->
list = new LiveList(
resourceName: 'users'
resourceNameSingular: 'user'
renderTo: 'ul#users'
listItemTemplate: '<li>{{first_name}} {{last_name}} ({{status}})</li>'
renderTo: 'div#filters'
renderTo: 'div#pagination'
when the page loads, livelist will make an initial AJAX request to your server to retrieve the first page of the list, the pagination details and the filter details. The response from the server should be formatted as follows:
'pagination': {
'total_pages': 4,
'current_page': 1,
'next_page': 2,
'previous_page': null
'filters': {
'filter_slug': 'state',
'filter_name': 'State',
'options': [
'slug': 'Virginia',
'name': 'Virginia',
'value': 'Virginia',
'count': 2,
'selected': true
'users': [
'user': {
'name': 'Tim Timson'
livelist.js is completely configurable; each of the properties and functions defined in the List, Filters, Pagination and Search classes can be overridden when instantiating a LiveList object. For example to override the HTTP method used when updating a list, add the httpMethod property to the list configuration as follows:
list = new LiveList(
resourceName: 'users'
resourceNameSingular: 'user'
httpMethod: 'get'
renderTo: 'ul#users'
listItemTemplate: '<li>{{first_name}} {{last_name}} ({{status}})</li>'
renderTo: 'div#filters'
renderTo: 'div#pagination'
- Calculate next and previous pages based on total_pages and current_page in the JSON response.
- Calculate slug and value for filter options from the option name if either aren't provided.
- Make template engine plugable (hogan.js, etc. rather than mustache)
- Let the server tell us which filters are available (i.e. don't hardcode the filters in javascript)
- Default to post to filters action to eliminate issues with URI string limits