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File metadata and controls

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Table with the built-in Query Builder

Besides rendering the head, body, and pagination, the component supports many other features like filtering, searching, sorting, and more. The built-in Query Builder has been tested with MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQLite.

Search Fields

With the searchInput method, you can specify which attributes are searchable. Search queries are passed to the URL query as a filter.

Though it's enough to pass in the column key, you may specify a custom label.

        key: 'framework',
        label: 'Find your framework',

Select Filters

Select Filters are similar to search fields but use a select element instead of an input element. This way, you can present the user a predefined set of options.

The selectFilter method requires two arguments: the key and a key-value array with the options.

$table->selectFilter('language_code', [
    'en' => 'English',
    'nl' => 'Dutch',

The selectFilter will, by default, add a no filter option to the array. You may disable this or specify a custom label for it.

    key: 'language_code',
    options: $languages,
    label: 'Language',
    noFilterOption: true,
    noFilterOptionLabel: 'All languages'


With the column method, you can specify which columns you want to be toggleable, sortable, and searchable. You must pass in at least a key or label for each column.

    ->column('email', 'User Email')
        key: 'name',
        label: 'User Name',
        canBeHidden: true,
        hidden: false,
        sortable: true,
        searchable: true

By default, the canBeHidden value is set to true, making every column toggleable. However, you may change this behavior by using the static defaultColumnCanBeHidden method on the SpladeTable class, for example, in the AppServiceProvider class:


The searchable boolean is a shortcut to the searchInput method. The example above will essentially call $table->searchInput('name', 'User Name').

Transform values

Sometimes, you want to transform the value in the table without using a custom column cell. You may do this by providing a callback to the as argument. The callback takes two arguments: the original value and the item itself (typically the Eloquent Model).

    key: 'email',
    as: fn ($email, $user) => Str::mask($email)

Column alignment

You may change the alignment of the column by setting it the left (default), center, or right.

    key: 'actions',
    alignment: 'right'

Default sort

You may configure the default sorting with the defaultSort() method:


If you want to sort in descending order, you may prefix the key with a - character or use the defaultSortDesc method. Alternatively, you may use the defaultSort method with an additional second argument:



$table->defaultSort('name', 'desc');

Sort by Relationship column

The Table component supports sorting the results by a Relationship column. This requires the installation of the kirschbaum-development/eloquent-power-joins package.

    key: '',
    label: 'Organization',
    sortable: true

Global Search

You may enable Global Search with the withGlobalSearch method, and optionally specify a placeholder.

$table->withGlobalSearch(columns: ['name', 'email']);
$table->withGlobalSearch('Search through the data...', ['name', 'email']);

Example Table


namespace App\Tables;

use App\Models\User;
use ProtoneMedia\Splade\AbstractTable;
use ProtoneMedia\Splade\SpladeTable;

class Users extends AbstractTable
    public function for()
        return User::query();

    public function configure(SpladeTable $table)
            ->withGlobalSearch(columns: ['name', 'email'])
            ->column(key: 'name', searchable: true, sortable: true, canBeHidden: false)
            ->column(key: 'email', searchable: true, sortable: true)
            ->column(key: 'language_code', label: 'Language')
            ->column(label: 'Actions')
            ->selectFilter(key: 'language_code', label: 'Language', options: [
                'en' => 'English',
                'nl' => 'Dutch',

Custom column cells

When using auto-fill, you may want to transform the presented data for a specific column while leaving the other columns untouched. For this, you may use a cell component. This example is taken from the Example Table above.

<x-splade-table :for="$users">
    <x-splade-cell actions>
        <Link href="/users/{{ $item->id }}/edit"> Edit </Link>

If you want to change the $item variable, you may use use the as attribute on the component:

<x-splade-cell actions as="$user">
    <Link href="/users/{{ $user->id }}/edit"> Edit </Link>

This is a scoped component, so variables outside the slot won't be available by default. If you still want to use a variable, you may use the use attribute:

@php $message = 'Hello, world!'; @endphp

<x-splade-cell actions as="$user" use="$message">
    <p> {{ $message }} </p>
    <Link href="/users/{{ $user->id }}/edit"> Edit </Link>

When your template uses multiple custom cells, you may set these variables as defaults on the parent table:

<x-splade-table :for="$users" as="$user">
    <x-splade-cell name>
        <p class="text-red-500"> {{ $user->name }}</p>

    <x-splade-cell actions>
        <Link modal href="/users/{{ $user->id }}/edit"> Edit </Link>

Note the modal attribute on the Link element in the example above. Instead of navigating to another page, you may open a Modal or Slideover from a Table.

Row Link

You may use the rowLink method to make one entire row clickable.

$table->rowLink(fn (User $user) => route('users.edit', ['id' => $user->id]))

If you want to open the URL in a Modal or Slideover, you may use the rowModal or rowSlideover method.


The filter and select elements have a default debounce time of 350ms. You may customize this:

<x-splade-table :for="$users" search-debounce="500" />

You may also set it globally using the static defaultSearchDebounce method, for example, in the AppServiceProvider class:


Striped table

You may use the striped attribute to add a striped layout to the table.

<x-splade-table :for="$users" striped />

Reset button

By default, a Reset-button is rendered when the table is filtered, sorted, or searched. You may disable this button by setting the reset-button attribute to false:

<x-splade-table :for="$users" :reset-button="false" />

You may also disable it globally using the static defaultResetButton method, for example, in the AppServiceProvider class:
