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Issues: quantumlib/Cirq

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Quantum Engine Stream Client area/google/engine kind/task A task that's part of a larger effort triage/accepted A consensus emerged that this bug report, feature request, or other action should be worked on
#5996 opened Feb 3, 2023 by verult
6 of 8 tasks
Update QasmUGate to support symbols in parameters. area/gates area/interop area/parameters parameter resolution, parameterized gates, operations area/qasm good first issue This issue can be resolved by someone who is not familiar with the codebase. A good starting issue. good for learning For beginners in QC, this will help picking up some knowledge. Bit harder than "good first issues" kind/bug-report Something doesn't seem to work. no QC knowledge needed Want to contribute to Cirq, but don't know quantum computing? This issue is for you. triage/accepted A consensus emerged that this bug report, feature request, or other action should be worked on
Support for Symbols in QasmUGate? area/decompose area/parameters parameter resolution, parameterized gates, operations kind/bug-report Something doesn't seem to work. triage/accepted A consensus emerged that this bug report, feature request, or other action should be worked on
#5983 opened Jan 18, 2023 by ArfatSalman
Incorrect unitary of controlled QasmUGate? area/gates area/qasm kind/bug-report Something doesn't seem to work. triage/accepted A consensus emerged that this bug report, feature request, or other action should be worked on
#5959 opened Dec 11, 2022 by ArfatSalman
Histogram function doesn't fail for non-bool values. area/simulation kind/bug-report Something doesn't seem to work. triage/accepted A consensus emerged that this bug report, feature request, or other action should be worked on
#5926 opened Oct 18, 2022 by dubey-sukhsagar
Derive _kraus_ from _apply_channel_ area/channels kind/feature-request Describes new functionality priority/p3 Should be done in the next 6 months triage/accepted A consensus emerged that this bug report, feature request, or other action should be worked on
#5921 opened Oct 13, 2022 by daxfohl
Density matrix traces not remaining at 1 after certain operations area/density-matrix-simulator area/simulation kind/bug-report Something doesn't seem to work. triage/accepted A consensus emerged that this bug report, feature request, or other action should be worked on
#5916 opened Oct 11, 2022 by mvchalupnik
Make cirq.final_density_matrix work on classical controls area/density-matrix-simulator area/simulation good for learning For beginners in QC, this will help picking up some knowledge. Bit harder than "good first issues" kind/feature-request Describes new functionality triage/accepted A consensus emerged that this bug report, feature request, or other action should be worked on
#5915 opened Oct 11, 2022 by daxfohl
Use _apply_channel_ when appropriate area/channels good for learning For beginners in QC, this will help picking up some knowledge. Bit harder than "good first issues" good part time project A meaty non-urgent issue with a substantial amount of work to be done. kind/design-issue A conversation around design triage/accepted A consensus emerged that this bug report, feature request, or other action should be worked on
#5901 opened Oct 1, 2022 by viathor
Add integration with QPIC for drawing circuit diagrams area/circuits area/interop area/visualization kind/feature-request Describes new functionality triage/accepted A consensus emerged that this bug report, feature request, or other action should be worked on
Benchmark transformers.routing.RouteCQC takes a lot of time to setup area/performance kind/bug-report Something doesn't seem to work. triage/accepted A consensus emerged that this bug report, feature request, or other action should be worked on
[Routing] Add support for directed device graphs. area/devices area/routing area/transformers complexity/low introduces/modifies 1-2 concepts, should take 1-2 days max for an advanced contributor good for learning For beginners in QC, this will help picking up some knowledge. Bit harder than "good first issues" kind/task A task that's part of a larger effort triage/accepted A consensus emerged that this bug report, feature request, or other action should be worked on
[Routing] Adding use of ancillas. area/devices area/routing complexity/high introduces/modifies 6+ concepts or touches Cirq core concepts or > 1 month for an expert good for learning For beginners in QC, this will help picking up some knowledge. Bit harder than "good first issues" good part time project A meaty non-urgent issue with a substantial amount of work to be done. kind/task A task that's part of a larger effort triage/accepted A consensus emerged that this bug report, feature request, or other action should be worked on
#5862 opened Sep 7, 2022 by ammareltigani
[Routing] Add support for handling CircuitOperations recursively. area/circuits area/devices area/routing area/subcircuits complexity/medium introduces/modifies 3-5 concepts, takes max up to a month for an advanced contributor good for learning For beginners in QC, this will help picking up some knowledge. Bit harder than "good first issues" kind/task A task that's part of a larger effort triage/accepted A consensus emerged that this bug report, feature request, or other action should be worked on
#5861 opened Sep 7, 2022 by ammareltigani
[Routing] Add initial mapping strategy for circuit with small # of qubits. area/devices area/routing good for learning For beginners in QC, this will help picking up some knowledge. Bit harder than "good first issues" good part time project A meaty non-urgent issue with a substantial amount of work to be done. kind/task A task that's part of a larger effort triage/accepted A consensus emerged that this bug report, feature request, or other action should be worked on
#5859 opened Sep 7, 2022 by ammareltigani
Add optimal layout synthesis to Cirq area/routing area/transformers good for learning For beginners in QC, this will help picking up some knowledge. Bit harder than "good first issues" good part time project A meaty non-urgent issue with a substantial amount of work to be done. kind/feature-request Describes new functionality priority/p3 Should be done in the next 6 months triage/accepted A consensus emerged that this bug report, feature request, or other action should be worked on
Should cirq.measure allow sets as inputs? area/measurements kind/design-issue A conversation around design status/needs-agreed-design We want to do this, but it needs an agreed upon design before implementation triage/accepted A consensus emerged that this bug report, feature request, or other action should be worked on
#5841 opened Aug 27, 2022 by zchen088
Deprecated gate_set still set by CircuitSerializer area/circuits area/gatesets area/serialization kind/health For CI/testing/release process/refactoring/technical debt items status/needs-agreed-design We want to do this, but it needs an agreed upon design before implementation triage/accepted A consensus emerged that this bug report, feature request, or other action should be worked on
Add analytical decomposition for synthesis of single qubit unitaries generated by Clifford and T gates. area/decomposition area/gate-compilation complexity/high introduces/modifies 6+ concepts or touches Cirq core concepts or > 1 month for an expert complexity/medium introduces/modifies 3-5 concepts, takes max up to a month for an advanced contributor good part time project A meaty non-urgent issue with a substantial amount of work to be done. kind/feature-request Describes new functionality priority/p2 Next release should contain it triage/accepted A consensus emerged that this bug report, feature request, or other action should be worked on
Deprecating classes used by global singletons is challenging area/cleancode kind/health For CI/testing/release process/refactoring/technical debt items triage/accepted A consensus emerged that this bug report, feature request, or other action should be worked on
Consider adding numpy number types to TParamVal area/mypy kind/health For CI/testing/release process/refactoring/technical debt items triage/accepted A consensus emerged that this bug report, feature request, or other action should be worked on
Move cirq-core/contrib out of cirq-core as a separate vendor package. area/contrib kind/design-issue A conversation around design status/needs-agreed-design We want to do this, but it needs an agreed upon design before implementation
#5739 opened Jul 12, 2022 by tanujkhattar
Misaligned two-qubit gate diagrams for deep circuits area/colab good first issue This issue can be resolved by someone who is not familiar with the codebase. A good starting issue. kind/bug-report Something doesn't seem to work. triage/accepted A consensus emerged that this bug report, feature request, or other action should be worked on
Add sparse representation support to cirq.DensePauliString area/paulis kind/feature-request Describes new functionality triage/accepted A consensus emerged that this bug report, feature request, or other action should be worked on
#5718 opened Jul 11, 2022 by tanujkhattar
In SVG diagrams, classical bits look identical to quantum bits area/circuits area/visualization kind/bug-report Something doesn't seem to work. no QC knowledge needed Want to contribute to Cirq, but don't know quantum computing? This issue is for you. triage/accepted A consensus emerged that this bug report, feature request, or other action should be worked on
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