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Changelog started with version v0.10.0.

v0.18.0 (2025-03-10)

Breaking changes

  • Adopt MSB-first instead of LSB-first for LempelZiv78 and LempelZivWelch classes.
  • Hide inv_enc_mapping from FixedToVariableCode, and inv_dec_mapping from VariableToFixedCode classes.

v0.17.0 (2025-02-26)


v0.16.2 (2025-02-18)


  • Fixed regression in block decoders when processing input with errors beyond their error correction capability.

v0.16.1 (2025-01-04)


  • Added size property to lossless source coding codes.

v0.16.0 (2025-01-03)


v0.15.1 (2024-12-31)


  • Fixed parse_prefix_free when allow_incomplete=True.

v0.15.0 (2024-12-30)


v0.14.0 (2024-12-19)

Breaking changes

  • Removed primitive_element method from FiniteField class, since the implementation was incorrect. The method was assuming that the modulus was always primitive (which may not be true).


  • Added polynomial irreducibility and primitivity tests for binary polynomials.

  • Restored sequence support in block code and decoders methods.

    • Block code methods encode, inverse_encode, check, and block decoders __call__ now accept sequences spanning multiple blocks (as before v0.13.0) as well as multidimensional arrays.
  • Added support for multidimensional input in modulation, demodulation, and channel methods.

v0.13.0 (2024-12-12)

Breaking changes

  • Removed BlockEncoder and BlockDecoder classes in favor of direct methods and specialized decoder classes.

    • Block code methods are now called directly: code.encode(u), code.inverse_encode(v), and code.check(r) (previously enc_mapping, inv_enc_mapping, and chk_mapping). These methods are now vetorized (i.e., support input arrays of any shape). For example, for a code with dimension $k = 2$, instead of encoder = BlockEncoder(code); encoder([0, 1, 0, 1]), use code.encode([[0, 1], [0, 1]]).
    • Decoder methods are now individual classes: BCJRDecoder, BerlekampDecoder, ExhaustiveSearchDecoder, ReedDecoder, SyndromeTableDecoder, ViterbiDecoder, and WagnerDecoder. For example, instead of decoder = komm.BlockDecoder(code, method="exhaustive-search-hard"), use decoder = komm.ExhaustiveSearchDecoder(code, input_type="hard"). The decoder __call__ are now vectorized (i.e., support input arrays of any shape). For example, for a code with length $n = 3$, instead of decoder([0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0]), use decoder([[0, 1, 0], [1, 1, 0]]).
    • The decoders majority-logic-repetition-code and meggitt were removed for now.
  • Renamed ConvolutionalStreamDecoder to ViterbiStreamDecoder.

  • Merged lossless source coding encoders/decoders into code classes.

    • Removed FixedToVariableEncoder, FixedToVariableDecoder, VariableToFixedEncoder, VariableToFixedDecoder. For example, instead of encoder = FixedToVariableEncoder(code); output = encoder(input), use output = code.encode(input).

v0.12.0 (2024-12-05)


Breaking changes

  • Renamed int2binlist to int_to_bits, binlist2int to bits_to_int, qfunc to gaussian_q, qfuncinv to gaussian_q_inv, acorr to autocorrelation, and cyclic_acorr to cyclic_autocorrelation, for consistency with other functions.
  • Removed pack and unpack functions from komm module. Instead of komm.pack(arr, width), use komm.bits_to_int(arr.reshape(-1, width)); and instead of komm.unpack(arr, width), use komm.int_to_bits(arr, width).ravel().

v0.11.0 (2024-12-01)

Breaking changes

  • Converted property finite_state_machine of ConvolutionalCode to a method.
  • Removed properties state_matrix, control_matrix, observation_matrix, transition_matrix from ConvolutionalCode, and replaced them with the method state_space_representation(). The new usage is state_matrix, control_matrix, observation_matrix, transition_matrix = convolutional_code.state_space_representation().

v0.10.0 (2024-11-29)


Breaking changes

  • Converted cached properties to cached methods.
    • In BlockCode: codewords, codeword_weight_distribution, minimum_distance, coset_leaders, coset_leader_weight_distribution, packing_radius, and covering_radius.
    • In ReedMullerCode: reed_partitions.
  • In UniformQuantizer:
    • Replaced input_peak with input_range.
    • Removed "unquant" choice (use input_range=(0.0, input_peak) and choice="mid-tread" instead).
  • Converted the classes BinaryErasureChannel, BinarySymmetricChannel, DiscreteMemorylessChannel, AWGNChannel, FixedToVariableEncoder, FixedToVariableDecoder, VariableToFixedEncoder, VariableToFixedDecoder, and DiscreteMemorylessSource from mutable to immutable.
  • Removed RationalPolynomial and RationalPolynomialFraction classes.
  • Refactored algebra and pulse modules. See documentation for new usage.
  • Adjusted string literals in BlockDecoder to kebab-case. For example, method="exhaustive_search_hard" should become method="exhaustive-search-hard"